Chapter 1445 Three Camps
Chapter 1443: Three Factions
Filling food with human flesh, looting tombs for gold, holding new imperial examinations, supporting Yuan Shu...

Nothing Cao Cao did was a trivial matter, but Cao Cao's reputation among the people was not overwhelmingly reviled, but polarized.

There are also people who say that Cao Cao is good, and there are also those who call him a devil. In short, each has its own reasons.

What Cao Cao did was very controversial. He used human flesh for food and looted tombs for gold in order to suppress the Ming thief Li Zicheng. Although the means were a little too drastic, the purpose was good.

As for the new imperial examination system, Cao Cao was not the first to propose the imperial examination system. He secretly supported Yuan Shu in order to govern this dilapidated Yanzhou...

All in all, although Cao Cao has done many things to scold him, it is strange that the world's tolerance for him is extremely high.

Even Qin Hao dared not touch any of the things Cao Cao did, and the other princes would definitely be scolded to death if they got a little bit of it.

But as for Cao Cao, not only was everything done, but there was nothing wrong with him. On the contrary, his title was getting higher and higher, and his overall strength was getting stronger and stronger.

It has to be said that this is definitely a great spectacle of this era.

Although the bad things Cao Cao did have attracted a lot of infamy for him, his achievements cannot be erased. After all, he killed Li Zicheng.

Who is Li Zicheng, he is a giant bandit who has been active since the Yellow Turban period, one of the three giants of the Ming court.

It is precisely because of this credit that the people have such a high tolerance for Cao Cao. After all, the flaws do not conceal the virtues.

At the beginning of Yuan Shu's rebellion, Qin Hao's court was not recognized by the princes, and in order to contain Yuan Shu, he even directly named Zhao Kuangyin the Duke of Song.

Now it is not so easy for the major princes to become dukes, they must have enough achievements.

Cao Cao took the merits of beheading Li Zicheng and unifying Yanzhou. If there were no such troubles, his credit for being a duke is actually enough.

But after the human flesh filling food and other things, Cao Cao's controversy is too great, and if the merits and demerits are balanced, it is not difficult to become the Duke.

Although there were endless voices of opposition to Cao Cao's conferment in the court, Qin Hao still rewarded Cao Cao.

After all, Cao Cao stole the tombs of the Liu family kings. As long as he is not sanctioned for a day, it will be a blow to the imperial power of the Han Dynasty. Therefore, instead of suppressing him, Qin Hao even granted him the title of Duke
Soon after Cao Cao unified Yanzhou, Qin Hao named him Wei Gong, General Cheqi, and [-] households in Shiyi.

Since then, in addition to Zhao Kuangyin's Song Dynasty in the Central Plains, there has been another Cao Cao's Wei State.

Cao Cao is the orthodox court represented by Qin Hao, and the third duke canonized, but there are more than two feudal states in the world, and the camps can be divided into two camps: the Han camp, the rebellious camp, and the neutral camp .

Although Liu Ji in the middle of Shu proclaimed himself the king of Shu, he produced the edict of the first emperor, and the imperial court had to agree with his legitimacy;
In order to fight against Liu Ji, Liu Yu called himself the King of Chengdu without the permission of the court, but his title was not recognized by the court, so it is not an exaggeration to say that he was rebellious.

Li Shimin, king of Tang in Guanzhong, and Yang Guang, king of Sui Dynasty in Liangzhou, are the puppet kings left over from the puppet dynasty represented by Dong Zhuo.

Qingzhou Qi King Zhu Tianpeng inherited the position of Huang Chao, and Huang Chao accepted Dong Zhuo's canonization.

Therefore, Li Shimin, Yang Guang, and Zhu Tianpeng are all false kings, not recognized by the orthodox court, and they all belong to the rebellious camp.

Hong Xiuquan of Jiaozhou, who was born as a rebel in the Yellow Turban, made himself the king of heaven, and was a thorn in the side of the imperial court.

Although Jianghuai Yuan Shu became the king, he raised troops to threaten the imperial capital, so he was naturally placed in the rebellious camp.

To sum up, Liu Yu, King of Chengdu, Zhu Tianpeng, King of Qi, Li Shimin, King of Tang, Yang Guang, King of Sui, Hong Xiuquan, King of Heaven, Yuan Shu, Marquis of Yu, and Daming of Jizhou and Xuzhou who had cholera all belonged to the rebel camp.

The princes belonging to the Han camp are: Qin Hao, Duke of Shu, Liu Ji, Duke of Shu, Zhao Kuangyin, Duke of Song, Cao Cao, Duke of Wei, Sun Jian, Marquis of Wu, Song Jiang, Marquis of Liang, and Xuanyuan, Duke of Liao.

Of course, many of these princes agreed with the imperial court on the surface, but in fact they did not listen to the announcement, and the imperial court did not have any binding force on them, but they all dealt with the rebellious camp uniformly.

As for the neutral camp, neither the big man camp nor the rebellious camp is biased, only for oneself.

The princes belonging to the neutral camp are: Yuan Shao, Marquis of Zhao, Han Fu, Marquis of Han, Liu Che, Marquis of Yan, Liu Xiu, Marquis of Chu, Ma Teng and Han Sui of Liangzhou, and Shixie of Jiaozhou.

Liu Xiu, the Marquis of Chu, also belonged to the big Han camp. After all, he was also one of the princes of the 36th Route of Disputing Dong. However, Qin Gong and Qin Hao suppressed him too hard. As for forcing him into the neutral camp abruptly.

Of course, this is also the fundamental purpose of Qin Hao's malicious suppression of Liu Xiu. Qin Hao even wanted to force Liu Xiu into the rebellious camp, but Liu Xiu was not fooled.

The Han camp, the rebel camp, and the neutral camp, these are the three major groups in today's world.

Among the three major groups, the Dahan camp is the strongest, occupying more than [-]% of the land and population in the world, while the neutral and rebel camps are equally powerful, dividing up the other [-]% of the land and population.

In the future, the game between the major princes will also revolve around the three major groups.

Not long after Cao Cao became the Duke, Liu Che, the Marquis of Yan in the neutral camp, wanted to move closer to the Han camp, so he took the merit of repelling the Manchu Qing Dynasty and asked the court to be named the King of Yan.

Youzhou is the target of Qin Hao's next round of expansion, so it is naturally impossible for him to let Liu Che join his camp like this.

The Luoyang court headed by Qin Hao believed that the person who contributed the most to repelling the Manchu invasion was Gongsun Xuanyuan, and Liu Che only played an auxiliary role. He was named Duke Yan, and Gongsun Xuanyuan was named Duke Liao.

The failure of Liu Che's request to become king meant that Qin Hao's camp of big men refused him to join. Of course, what annoyed him even more was that Qin Hao attributed the main credit for defeating the Manchu Qing to Gongsun Xuanyuan.

If he hadn't led the Yan army to support him, Gongsun Xuanyuan would have been beaten to death by Wanyan Agu long ago.

Although Liu Che was extremely annoyed, he had nothing to do with Qin Hao, who had taken up righteousness, so he wanted to take back the orthodox name from Qin Hao's hands, and at worst would destroy the legitimacy of the Luoyang court.

Under the banner of Qin Hao's threat, Liu Che secretly contacted other neutral princes, as well as Han family clansmen from all over the country, in order to break Qin Hao's monopoly on the Han camp and achieve the goal of splitting the Han camp.

Of course, there are many difficulties in this. Qin Hao's threat has not yet emerged, and all the princes only care about themselves, and they don't care about Qin Hao's potential threat for the time being.

It wasn't until Qin Hao used troops against Hebei that the princes of the neutral camps felt threatened, and Liu Che completed his goal of splitting the Han camp.

 One update, the current monthly pass is 129 chapters, and the monthly pass exceeds 100, so at least two changes are guaranteed today.Since the recommendation votes are closed on a weekly basis, and this week has already passed, it is difficult to count them, and they can only be counted in the next week.

(End of this chapter)

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