Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1446 4 emperors 7 kings 6 princes

Chapter 1446 Four Emperors, Seven Kings and Six Kingdoms

Chapter 1444: Four Emperors, Seven Kings and Six Kingdoms

Cao Cao, Liu Che, and Gongsun Xuanyuan, the princes of these three groups were granted the title of Duke one after another, which also made the minds of other princes come alive.

After all, if there is a duke in the body, the imperial court's will will have lower restrictions on sealing the country, and the freedom and autonomy of the princes will also become greater.

In a word, getting the canonization of the Luoyang court is beneficial and harmless.

After Cao Cao and other princes of the three routes, Zhao Hou Yuan Shao was the first to ask the court to be named Zhao Gong.

In order to be named Duke of the State, one must have made great contributions, and Yuan Shao has been fighting civil wars for the past few years, making no contribution to the country or the people.

In addition, Yuan Shao was still in Qingzhou not long ago, and fought with Li Jing, the governor of Qingzhou appointed by the imperial court, and Yuan Shu's rebellion also caused a lot of negative effects on Yuan Shao.

Therefore, the possibility of Yuan Shao wanting the imperial court to make him the Duke of the State is obviously not great.

In desperation, Yuan Shao could only reduce the garrison on the border with Beihai, and paid [-] stones of grain and [-] taels of gold to the imperial court.

Even Yuan Shao even found out his own old books, saying that he, the fourth generation of the Yuan family and the third father, had no credit but hard work, while he, Yuan Benchu, suppressed the Yellow Turban, expelled Xianbei, fought against Ming Dynasty, and participated in the discussion of Dong...

In a word, I, Yuan Shao, have done meritorious service and shed blood for a great man. It is not too much to be named a Duke. The imperial court cannot ignore his merits just because of a little mistake.

After Qin Hao saw Yuan Shao's edict, he was also speechless. Yuan Shao really didn't even want face because he only wanted the position of Duke.

However, considering that Yuan Shao's tribute is quite generous, and Qin Hao will also fight in Jizhou soon, the relationship with Yuan Shao is so rigid that it is not good for him to keep on guard against himself.

In order to make Yuan Shao let go of his vigilance against himself, Qin Hao still decided to confer the title of Lord Zhao to Yuan Shao. After all, with Yuan Shu's rebellion, Yuan Shao inherited all the political blessings of the Yuan family. As well as Yuan Shao's own achievements, it is still barely possible to be a duke in this chaotic period.

Seeing that Yuan Shao was granted the title of Duke Zhao as he wished, the other princes were naturally moved too.

Of course, it was only the big princes who moved their hearts. Small princes like Song Jiang and Huang Zu naturally didn't even dare to think about being a duke.

Han Fu, who followed Yuan Shao, asked the court to make him Duke Han, and then Sun Jian, please also make him Duke Wu;
The Duke of the State is not Chinese cabbage, and the imperial court is not as weak as it was back then. Because of a Yuan Shu attack, a Duke of the State will be sealed off.

Yuan Shao really has meritorious service, Feng Gong can also understand, but what credit does Han Fu have?
Even if there is meritorious service, it is only minor merit, not enough to be named Duke.

Even if Han Fu took the initiative to pay tribute, and the amount was more than Yuan Shao's, the court still refused Han Fu's request to be named Duke.

Of course, if Han Fu is willing to voluntarily hand over the military and political power, Qin Hao can also make him a Duke, but he himself is unwilling.

In addition to rejecting Han Fu, the imperial court also rejected Sun Jian's request to become a Duke. Although Sun Jian supported Qin Hao with some food and grass during the Battle of Hetao, it was not reasonable and legal for him to dominate Jiangdong in the eyes of the imperial court.

Wang Lang did accept Dong Zhuo's canonization, but then he resigned voluntarily and pleaded guilty to the court.

Liu Yao is also a clan member of the Han family, even if he made some small mistakes, he will not be guilty of death.

Sun Jian attacked Wang Lang, and he was barely famous as a teacher, but later he attacked Liu Yao.

The process of Sun Jian’s unification of Jiangdong did not occupy legal principles. To a certain extent, he was already on the verge of rebellion. If it weren’t for the fact that the ruler in power in the DPRK was Qin Hao, who had a good relationship, Sun Jian would definitely be directly labeled as rebellious, and there was no need to discuss it at all. The one without it.

Although the Qin and Sun families have a good personal relationship, Qin Hao will not make Sun Jian a public because of this. In addition, Sun Jian's contribution is not small, but after all, he does not have Yuan Shao's political background, so it is naturally impossible to make Sun Jian a public.

Although Qin Hao rejected Sun Jian's request to be named Duke, he named him the General of Conquering the South, and he was in charge of the military administration of Yang and Jiaozhou.

In order not to make Sun Jian feel bad, Qin Hao also gave Sun Jian a promise that as long as he can kill Hong Xiuquan, or kill Yuan Shu, he will definitely be made a prince.

Whether it is Hong Xiuquan or Yuan Shu, it is a big rebellion to the court, and if he has the credit for killing them, it is naturally reasonable for Sun Jian to be named Duke. At that time, Qin Hao will not be stingy with the title of Duke Wu .

Sun Jian also knew that he would not be able to stand on the title of Duke, so he took the initiative to ask for the title, and it was just a try. Although he failed to get the position of Duke Wu, he also got one of the Four Crusades, General Nan Zheng, who will rule the south of the Yangtze River from now on. Sun Jian was naturally satisfied with the legal principles.

Qin Hao's refusal of Han Fu and Sun Jian's request to become a duke is also to let the princes of the world understand that the imperial title is not a Chinese cabbage, and Zhao Kuangyin is just a special case. If you want to get benefits, you must pay something.

Qin Hao's appointment of Cao Cao, Liu Che, Gongsun Xuanyuan, and Yuan Shao as public servants is justified, and the rejection of Han Fu and Sun Jian is also justified, and people can't fault it.

After this act of pronouncing the Duke, the authority of the Luoyang court represented by Qin Hao became even stronger, but the authority of the court was consolidated, but the imperial power of the Han Dynasty was further impacted.

So far, in addition to the three major camps in the world, it has also entered a new era of four emperors, seven kings and six princes.

Four Emperors: Han Emperor Liu Xie, Ming Emperor Zhang Sheng, Yuan Emperor Tuolei, Qing Emperor Nurhachi

Seven Kings: Li Shimin, King of Tang, Yang Guang, King of Sui, Liu Ji, King of Shu, Zhu Tianpeng, King of Qi, Hong Xiuquan, King of Heaven, Liuyu, King of Chengdu, Chiyou, King of Nanman
Dukes of the Six Kingdoms: Duke Qin Hao, Duke Song Zhao Kuangyin, Duke Wei Cao Cao, Duke Zhao Yuan Shao, Duke Yan Liu Che, Duke Sun Xuanyuan Liao

In addition to the four emperors, seven kings and six princes, there are also six princes and three counties in the world.

Marquis of the Six Kingdoms: Liu Xiu, Marquis of Chu, Sun Jian, Marquis of Wu, Han Fu, Marquis of Han, Song Jiang, Marquis of Liang, Huang Zu, Marquis of E, Yuan Shu, Marquis of Yu

Marquis of the Three Counties: Han Sui, Marquis of Jincheng, Ma Teng, Marquis of Wuwei, Shixie, Marquis of Jiaozhi
From the time when the 36 princes and heroes challenged Dong to the current era of four emperors, seven kings and six princes, in just three or four years, the number of princes in the world has decreased by more than half.

Dong Zhuo, Li Yuan, Yang Jian, Wang Shichong, Zhang Shicheng, Chen Youliang, Temujin, Huang Chao, etc. Countless heroes have fallen, and many new heroes have appeared.

After you sing, I will appear on the stage. It is really exciting.

But this is just the beginning, a more intense merger war is coming, and the person who started it is Qin Hao.

 Guarantee is the second update, the current monthly pass is 140, the next chapter is to make up the debt, or continue to guarantee the minimum, it depends on whether the monthly pass can break 200.

(End of this chapter)

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