Chapter 1448 Cutting off the Three Kings

Chapter 1446: Cutting off the Three Kings

After seeing the seventh balancing figure and the ten carrying figures, Qin Hao couldn't help showing a strange look.

I don't know if the land in Youzhou is bad, or the fate of Gongsun Zan and Gongsun Xuanyuan is bad.

When Gongsun Zan was still alive, among the characters given to him by the balance, there were many big traitors like Wu Sangui.

Now it's Gongsun Xuanyuan's turn to take power, and Song Huizong, who was given to him in balance, and the ten characters he brought out are notoriously traitorous officials and wine bags and rice bags.

Let’s talk about Song Huizong Zhao Ji first. He didn’t accomplish anything during his 26 years in power. Apart from being the emperor, he was proficient in everything from piano, chess, calligraphy and painting. The good Northern Song Dynasty was buried in his hands. Typical The faint king who is far away from the virtuous ministers.

Take a look at these things that Zhao Ji brought out:

Zhao Huan, in the 5000th year of China, the only softie who was pushed to the throne after crying faintly because he didn't want to be the emperor.

After the Jinmen attacked Kaifeng, Zhao Huan went out of the city to talk with the Jinren in order to show his sincerity in the peace talks. After being detained, Kaifeng was directly breached.

Gao Qiu, the sage of the ball, the last hope of the national football team, has counterattacked all the way from the player to become the prime minister. After his death, the national football team has not slowed down in 2000, but he is still a treacherous minister.

Cai Jing, Tong Guan, Wang Fu, Liang Shicheng, Zhu Yan, and Li Yan, collectively known as the "Six Thieves of the Northern Song Dynasty", were all important ministers appointed by Emperor Huizong of the Song Dynasty.

These six people formed cliques at the temple for selfishness, corrupted the law, indulged in excesses, excluded dissidents, and privately abused their powers to take pleasure in the common people, making the people a mess and full of mist. culprit.

Of course, without Zhao Ji's acquiescence and laissez-faire, these six people would not have been able to reach this level. Therefore, the main responsibility for the chaos in the Northern Song Dynasty and even being wiped out in the end would still be on Zhao Ji's shoulders.

As for Zhang Bangchang, he was a treacherous official with a soft bone. After the disaster of Jingkang, he was established by Jin Guoqiang as the Great Chu Emperor. In the name of death.

Zhao Kai, is said to be Zhao Ji's favorite son, both civil and military, handsome, and the only number one scholar in the royal family, but after Zhao Huan came to the throne, he didn't have a careful plan, so he rashly raised troops to bring down Zhao Huan became emperor, but was suppressed instead.

Even Zhao Huan, a coward and an idiot, can't beat him, so one can imagine how far Zhao Kai, a champion of both civil and military skills, has to go.

All in all, none of the ten people born with Zhao Ji this time, including Zhao Ji himself, was a good thing, but they were all thrown to Xuanyuan by the system.

Youzhou was originally close to Manqing, but Qin Hao couldn't help but feel sad for Xuanyuan because so many softies were stuffed into his head. This is definitely the rhythm to play him to death!
Of course, people who have been able to be treacherous officials since ancient times have certain talents, and it is impossible for a person without talents to reach such a high position.

In other words, Gongsun Xuanyuan has the skill of 'Holy King', and the Holy Emperor can increase luck, so there's no reason to send him such a bunch of useless firewood?

Perhaps the system feels that Gongsun Xuanyuan's comprehensive ability is so strong, maybe he can really turn waste into treasure, and stimulate the talents of these waste materials.

[Balance summoning ends, settlement begins, the current system is level 46, and 47 people need to be summoned before level 25.

The host used a political summon this time, summoned 1 person, balanced summoned 7 people, and carried 80 people. This time, a total of 88 people were summoned.

The system level has been improved, the current system level has been raised to level 48, and 49 people need to be summoned before level 31. 】

Generally speaking, the balance and even the carry this time are indeed much smaller than the last time.

When Yingzheng came out of balance, 10 people were summoned by balance alone, and a total of 121 people were born.

This time there are only 7 people in the balance, and a total of 80 people are carried, which is much more "gentle" than the last time.

[The system has been upgraded to level 48, and the functions are changed as follows:

1. The mall space is expanded to 144 grids;
2. The success rate of the third character interception is increased to 40%;

3. The characters summoned by the Golden Summoning Card will be born with some characters. 】

After the balance summoning was over, it was naturally the interception link that Qin Hao was most looking forward to.

Although there are only 88 people in this balance call, the quality is not low at all. There are only God of War: Gao Ang, Nangong Changwan, Yuan Hong, and Kong Xuan, and Yuan Hong and Kong Xuan are even more impressive. potential.

In addition, the peak generals are: Yang Dayan, Xue Kui; two people.

Since the data has not been made public, Qin Hao seriously doubts that Xue Kui may not only be a peak general, but may also have reached the level of a god of war;

Fan Lihe Wenzhong who assisted King Goujian in destroying Chu, Zuo Qiuming who wrote "Zuo Zhuan" and Cao GUI who debated Cao GUI are all gold-level figures.

In addition, there are many powerful generals such as the Seven Monsters of Meishan, the Second General of Henha, the Four Strong and Eight Sledgehammers, as well as many high-level commanders such as the Three Heroes of the Northern Qi Dynasty, which shows the high quality of the balanced characters this time.

[The first interception opportunity, the success rate is 1%, congratulations to the host for obtaining: Peacock Daming King, Kong Xuan;

Kong Xuan: Commander 93, Force 109 (Great Master Middle Stage), Intelligence 88, Politics 85, Charm 98;

Implanted identity: Confucian Dharma protector, brother of Kong Qiu and Kong Rong, once helped Kong Rong repel Huang Chao and Yuan Shao in Qingzhou, and left afterward. His whereabouts are unknown, and his whereabouts are mysterious. Only Confucian or Confucius disciples Those who are in trouble will show up.

(Note 1: Kong Xuan is a double cultivator of Confucianism and Buddhism, and he is also the fifth person who successfully merged the dual skills after Xiang Yu, Emperor Ming, Qin Gong, and Li Cunxiao.

Note 2: Kong Xuan is a proud man, he does things as he pleases, because his character level is too high and his autonomy is too strong, even the Kong family cannot restrain him, so he is not bound by the system to be loyal to the host, but he is not easy to seek refuge anyone. )]

[The second interception opportunity, the success rate is 2%, congratulations to the host for obtaining: Northern Qi Pingyuan King, Duan Shao.

Duan Shao: Commander 97, Force 97, Intelligence 92, Politics 96, Charm 85;

Implanted identity: I was born as a disciple of a poor family, and after the heroes challenged Dong, he took refuge in the host, and is currently a captain of the Qin Army;]

[The third interception opportunity, the success rate is 3%, congratulations to the host for obtaining: Northern Qi Xianyang King, Hu Luguang.

Hu Luguang: Commander 98, Force 98, Intelligence 95, Politics 81, Charm 95;

Implanted identity: Hu Luguang, courtesy name Mingyue, the Hu Lu family, like the Yuwen family, are foreign nobles who moved into the Central Plains. They have been transformed from Hu to Han for more than a hundred years, but they still have not been accepted by the Central Plains aristocratic family.

After Qin Wen ruled Hetao, Hu Luguang's family came to seek refuge and was reused, and he is currently a general of the Jin line in the Qin army;]

 As soon as the minimum guarantee is updated, the monthly pass is already 190, and there is only 10 votes left before the second update of the minimum guarantee, everyone, work harder.

(End of this chapter)

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