Chapter 1449 Beast Dynasty
Chapter 1447: Beast Dynasty
(Note: After discussing with several book friends, I found that Hu Luguang and Duan Shao's five dimensions were not accurate, so I made more precise adjustments. You can refresh the previous chapter and read the new data. .)
Qin Hao never expected that the quality of intercepting three people this time would be so high.

When he saw that No.1 was Kong Xuanzhi, Qin Hao was overjoyed, but before he finished reading the following prompts, he had a premonition that something was wrong. It is the top level, and those who have reached the gold level will have a certain degree of autonomy.

Sure enough, like Taoist Shangqing and Fuxi, Kong Xuan is also not bound by the system, and will not be loyal to Qin Hao just because he is intercepted.

After learning of this result, Qin Hao felt disappointed and helpless, after all, it was Kong Xuan from Jiwu 109.

You must know that so far, only Xiang Yu was born with a 110-point base martial arts, and the breakthrough master was promoted to 111.

Li Cunxiao and Li Yuanba were both born at 109, while Chi You, Yang Jian, and Sun Wukong are mythical figures, but they only have 108 points of Jiwu.

Kong Xuan has a base force of 109 points, which is already a group of people with the highest force in history. Of course, in terms of Kong Xuan's record, 109 points of base force is not high.

In addition, Kong Xuan has reached 109 points in basic martial arts, and has also reached the level of a grand master in martial arts. He can instantly activate all skills, and he has also integrated dual skills, so he can recover even if he burns his internal energy.

The top god of war in the middle stage of the Grand Master burns his internal power, so I ask you if you are afraid?
Once Kong Xuan burns his internal energy, he will be like a human-shaped nuclear bomb. Except for Xiang Yu who also burns his internal energy, no one can compete with it.

Although Li Cunxiao also successfully integrated the double kung fu method, he was still stuck at the level of the half-step grand master after all, and his skills could not reach the level of instant opening.

If Li Cunxiao faced Kong Xuan, who was in the realm of a great master and started with the peak force, unless he could persist until most of his skills were activated, he might not be Kong Xuan's opponent.

Let's put it this way, although Kong Xuan is not yet a super general, but he is only the God of War, and his strength has surpassed most of the super generals. He is another alternative besides Li Yuanba and Luo Shixin.

However, the difference between Kong Xuan and Li Yuanba Luo Shixin is that the two of them are destined not to become super gods, but Kong Xuan still has the possibility of becoming a super god. Kong Xuan will also become stronger in the future.

If it wasn't for Kong Xuan's late birth, he would no longer have a seat among the Twelve Super God Generals. With Kong Xuan's strength, he would definitely be able to occupy a seat, and he would still be the one who would not be knocked down.

Although the system has no binding force on Kong Xuan, the interception of authority is not useless. Although Kong Xuan cannot be directly loyal to Qin Hao, it can also increase Kong Xuan's favor towards Qin Hao, at least he will not take the initiative to oppose Qin Hao , and this effect is already very satisfying in Qin Hao's heart.

Although the character failed to get Kong Xuan this time, Hu Luguang and Duan Shao among the three heroes of the Northern Qi Dynasty were still a surprise to Qin Hao.

The Three Heroes (Three Kings) of the Northern Qi Dynasty, King Huluguang of Xianyang, King Duan Shao of Pingyuan, and King Gao Changgong of Lanling, they are all cadres who are capable enough to support a country.

The Northern Qi Dynasty can be called the most "exotic" dynasty in the history of China. It is not unusual to have a beast. The strange thing is that several emperors in the entire Northern Qi Dynasty can all be named as beasts. This is strange.

Beiqi was built by Gao Huan's second son, Gao Yang, for a total of 28 years of national fortune, but in this short 26 years, it has experienced as many as six emperors.

But even Gao Yang, the founding king of the country, was a murderous tyrant. Once drunk, his biological mother, Queen Mother Lou, was thrown half to death. Another time, an arrow pierced through the cheek of his mother-in-law and whipped 100 times with a horsewhip. more down.

Afterwards, Gao Yin, Emperor Xiaozhao, Gao Yan, Emperor Xiaozhao, Gao Zhan, Emperor Wucheng, Gao Wei, the empress master, and Gao Heng, the young master, were all more exotic than each other, and interspersed with a scene of "brother end brother and brother" and "resignation". big drama.

After Gao Yang's death, his son Gao Yin succeeded to the throne, and Gao Yang's younger brother Gao Yan decisively killed Gao Yin in order to seize the throne, but then he kept hallucinating all day long, and died of illness after only one year as emperor.

Gao Yan had already established Gao Bainian as the crown prince, but before he died, he suddenly decided to give up the throne to his younger brother Gao Zhan. He thought that this might save his son's life, but it was a pity that he underestimated the degree of abnormality of his younger brother Gao Zhan.

Gao Zhan, the "rich and handsome" in "Legend of Lu Zhen", is actually a perverted maniac in reality, and one of his hobbies is to kill his own nephew with his own hands.

According to incomplete statistics, the four nephews, including Gao Bainian, all died at the hands of Gao Zhan, and the methods were very cruel.

In addition, after Gao Zhan became emperor, he didn't go to court until three or four days ago, and he was "slightly speechless, and he stopped entering after a while", and then went to have fun.Later, he simply abdicated the imperial throne to his son Gao Wei, and devoted himself to lewd pleasures. It was really "a happy day against a thousand years", and finally died at the age of 32 due to excessive drinking.

There is no most perverted, only more perverted.

Gao Wei, who inherited the position of Gao Zhan, the Empress of the Northern Qi Dynasty, is really a combination of the cruelty, lewdness, and stupidity of his father and his wonderful uncles, which is simply amazing.

In addition, Gao Wei, the lord of licentiousness, when the country was about to perish at the age of 21, in order to avoid disaster, he entrusted the throne to the 8-year-old prince Gao Heng and became the Supreme Emperor.

Soon, the Supreme Emperor Gao Wei ordered the young master to abdicate to the Prime Minister and Ren Chengwang Gao Huang, and he became the only Supreme Emperor (the Supreme Supreme Emperor) known in Chinese history. Before reaching Gaohuang, the Northern Qi Dynasty perished.

Since the founding of the Northern Qi Dynasty, there has been constant internal fighting. The clans have killed me and killed you, and the national power has also become weaker and weaker due to internal friction.

But it is such a wonderful dynasty that can last for 28 years. In fact, it is all supported by the three heroes of the Northern Qi Dynasty.

Let's put it this way, if there were no three heroes of the Northern Qi Dynasty, the Northern Qi Dynasty would probably perish in less than five years, but these three loyal ministers who cared about the country and the people, except for Duan Shao, the other two would not end well .

The Northern Qi emperor broke his arm and courted his own death. It's no wonder that such a country is not destroyed!

Among the three heroes of the Northern Qi Dynasty, Gao Changgong, the king of Lanling, was the most famous, but in fact, Gao Changgong was inferior to Hu Luguang and Duan Shao in terms of merit, ability, and ability to lead troops.

Both Hu Luguang and Duan Shao are all-round talents who have broken through 90 in four dimensions.

Duan Shao: Commander 97, Force 97, Intelligence 92, Politics 96, Charm 85;

Hu Luguang: Commander 98, Force 98, Intelligence 95, Politics 81, Charm 95;

Duan Shao is the kind of person who gets on the horse to rule the army and gets off the horse to rule the people, and his own force is also not low, so he is an excellent candidate to lead the military administration of a state.

As for why Duan Shao's charm is so low?The main reason is that although he is a high-ranking official, he considers it extremely carefully and treats his relatives and friends with nothing. Therefore, he is regarded as a miser who is especially stingy with money, which lowers his charisma.

Hu Luguang's political attributes are slightly lower, but his command of the army and his martial arts surpass Duan Shao. He is a brave and resourceful general.

Hu Luguang and Duan Shao are undoubtedly top-level silver-level talents, not inferior to gold-level talents at all, and even better than some single-attribute gold-level talents, but they were intercepted by Qin Hao.

It has to be said that Qin Hao made a lot of money this time.

 Guaranteed two changes to the minimum, the current monthly pass is 228, and the next increase will be 300.I went to the gym, except after that, I felt half my life was gone, and that kind of fatigue also greatly affected the efficiency of coding, so I will go to the gym next time after the update.

(End of this chapter)

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