Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1454 The Birth of Zhanlu Sword

Chapter 1454 The Birth of Zhanlu Sword

Chapter 1452: Birth of Zhanlu Sword

In such a chaotic world, who can be alone?

Or the Grand Master?

But the facts show that even the princes and great masters cannot be alone. After all, there are fewer and fewer princes in the world, and there is more than one great master who has fallen.

The melee between the princes of the Central Plains is already chaotic enough, but the martial arts world is even more chaotic;
In the past, the various sects and gangs of the Han people competed with each other, but since the big Han won the competition with Dongying two years ago, a large number of Dongying ronin and samurai came to Shenzhou and walked on the rivers and lakes very frequently. Participated in the major events in the rivers and lakes.

Among the Dongying warriors who came to Shenzhou, the strongest is named Miyamoto Musashi. According to legend, he is the Dongying Sword Master after Sasaki Kojiro who died at the hands of Gai Nie. He and Sasaki Kojiro are close friends. He came to Shenzhou when he learned of Sasaki Kojiro And challenge Gai Nie.

At that time, Gai Nie was retreating to break through the half-step grand master, so it was naturally impossible to ignore Miyamoto Musashi's challenge, and Miyamoto Musashi saw that Gai Nie had never faced him, so he frantically challenged the various sects in the Central Plains.

Miyamoto Musashi also knew how to measure, so it was just a challenge and did not cause many killings. He was also afraid of being wanted by the government and the six sects.

Miyamoto Musashi not only defeated the heads of the six major sects, but also swept away all the famous young masters, and finally forced the elders of each sect to fight in person, but he defeated seven masters in a row.

With his own strength, Miyamoto Musashi set off a bloody storm in the Jianghu, which plunged the entire Central Plains martial arts into panic and turmoil.

All schools of thought are still high above and unwilling to pay attention to the affairs of the Jianghu, and the various schools can't send out any masters who can defeat him, so in the end the government sent Wei Zhuang to replace Gai Nie to fight against him.

The time of the decisive battle between Miyamoto Musashi and Wei Zhuang was the day when Yelu Abaoji invaded Liangzhou. The two men with equal strength fought Songshan to the death.

In the end, it was Wei Zhuang who made the best move and cut off Miyamoto Musashi's right arm, winning the battle and defending the dignity of the Chinese warriors.

As a swordsman, Miyamoto Musashi lost his right hand to hold the sword. He lost [-]% of his strength. He vowed never to set foot in China again, so Wei Zhuang spared his life.

Not long after the incident, Wei Zhuang gained a lot in the way of kendo because of his insights from this battle, and finally broke through to the realm of half-step master after half a year;

Not long after Miyamoto Musashi's incident, Chi You's sister Zhu Rong also came to the Central Plains, and traveled all over the Central Plains under the title of "Valkyrie".

Zhu Rong's beauty attracted the covetousness of many people in the world, but her temper was wild and aggressive, and she killed many people in anger.

After the first kill, even if Zhu Rong was unwilling, she couldn't stop, and soon there would be a second kill, a third kill...

Among the people Zhu Rong killed were not only ordinary Jiang Hu people, but also those disciples of the great sect who were fighting demons and defending Dao in righteousness. In the end, they even killed the core disciples of hundreds of families.

Miyamoto Musashi did not dare to provoke hundreds of families when he traveled in the Central Plains, but the Valkyrie Zhu Rong not only provoked, but also killed many, which completely pierced the sky.

The government issued an arrest warrant for Zhu Rong, and the major sects not only dubbed Zhu Rong the title of "witch", but even issued a "killing order". Many masters participated in the siege of Zhu Rong.

Zhu Rong has completely become the devil that everyone shouts to kill in the martial arts in the Central Plains;
Although Zhu Rong cultivated both internally and externally, he was still young after all, so how could he possibly be able to withstand the gang fights of the Central Plains masters.

Knowing that he had caused a catastrophe, Zhu Rong didn't dare to stay longer in the Central Plains. He was about to flee back to Nanzhong, but he was besieged and killed one after another on the way.

Zhu Rong fought all the way and fled all the way. When she fled back to Nanman, she had killed seventeen super masters and three master masters, two of them were members of Baijia.

After the news came out, the Central Plains Wulin was in an uproar, and Baijia couldn't sit still. They sent a grand master and two half-step masters to enter Nanzhong to kill Zhu Rong.

But the final result was beyond everyone's expectations. The grand master who entered Nanzhong was killed, and the two half-step grand masters were beaten with bruised noses and swollen faces, stripped of their clothes and thrown back to Yizhou.

Nanzhong has Zhu Rong's older brother Chi You, and Gonggong sitting in the town, even if the great master enters Nanzhong, he will fall.

The reason why he killed the grand master and let go of the two half-step grand masters was because Chi You was calm enough and didn't want to completely offend Baijia to death, so he stayed on the line.

The purpose of killing the Grand Master is to promote force, and the purpose of releasing the two half-step Grand Masters is to lower the level of hundreds of schools.

Since then, Nanzhong has become a forbidden place in the hearts of warriors in the Central Plains. No matter whether it is a hundred schools or major sects, they dare not enter Nanzhong easily.

Another great master has fallen, which has plunged the entire Jianghu into panic. Even the great master will fall, how can these little shrimps survive?

Not long after the Great Master's fall, another big event happened, the last Zhanlu sword among the top ten famous swords was born.

The owner of the Zhanlu Sword is a hermit family, all of them have the surname "Ji", claiming to be descendants of the royal family of the Zhou Dynasty. For some reason, not only the position of the family is suddenly exposed, but also the news of owning the Zhanlu Sword.

Zhanlu Sword is a Divine Artifact, the second among the top ten famous swords, who wouldn't want to get it?

The birth of Zhanlu Sword naturally caused turmoil in the world, and countless masters gathered in Shennongjia to snatch Zhanlu Sword.

As a family of hermits and once a royal family, the Ji family naturally has no shortage of exercises and secret books. The disciples in the family are also masters, and there is even a clan elder at the level of a half-step grand master.

But even if there are masters at the half-step grand master level, the Ji family still can't hold the Zhanlu sword. After all, compared with the heroes in the entire Shenzhou, the Ji family is still too small.

In the end, with the joint efforts of many masters from various sects in Shenzhou and some disciples from various schools of thought, the Ji family, an ancient hermit family, was brutally wiped out. Only a small number of young disciples managed to escape to save their lives. Ji Chai (Fu Chai) walking Zhanlu Sword.

This ancient family, which has been in seclusion for more than 600 years, has never offended anyone or any force, and has no plans to enter the world. It was just because of possessing the Zhanlu Sword that it ended up exterminating the family, and died of greed in the hearts of the people.

Fu Chai witnessed the destruction of his family, the massacre of his parents, brothers, relatives and friends, so he naturally hated those who destroyed his family.

Fucha took the Zhanlu sword alone to flee to the end of the world, but he did not keep the strength of the Zhanlu sword. In order to protect himself and avenge his family, he decided to dedicate the Zhanlu sword to the princes.

Fu Chai hated those who destroyed his family for no reason, and borrowing the power of the princes was his only way of revenge.

Fu Chai wanted to dedicate the Zhanlu Sword to the Qin army. After all, Qin was the strongest among the princes, but he didn't want to encounter the bad guys Li Chunfeng and Yuan Tiangang from the Yuan family on the way to Sizhou.

Yuan Tiangang's strength is not weaker than Li Chunfeng's, but his subordinates are not as good as bad people.

After a fight, Li Chunfeng won, but Fu Chai had to hand over Zhanlu Sword in order to survive, and Li Shimin became the final winner of the battle for the sword.

After Li Shimin got the Zhanlu Sword, he didn't take it as his own, but planned to exchange the Zhanlu Sword with Qin Hao for the Longyuan Sword that was passed on home.

Among the top ten famous swords, Longyuan ranked fifth, and Zhanlu sword ranked second.

Although Qin Hao also knew the significance of Longyuan to the Li family, it can be seen that Li Shimin exchanged the second Zhanlu for the fifth Longyuan. After a brief thought, he agreed. After all, Zhanlu must be much more precious than Longyuan ah.

Zhan Lujian went round and round, tossed and wandered, and finally fell into Qin Hao's hands, and Long Yuan also returned to Li Shimin's hands.

 The second update, there are still 4 chapters left for the chapters owed by the reward, and the recommended votes have reached more than 400. Tomorrow will definitely be guaranteed two updates!

(End of this chapter)

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