Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1455 Zhanlu and Tai'a

Chapter 1455 Zhanlu and Tai'a

Chapter 1453: Zhanlu and Tai'a

194, October.

Luoyang, Duke Qin's Mansion, in the back garden;
Cai Yan, who gave birth to Qin Hao's third son, still maintains the figure of a girl, sitting quietly in the gazebo, playing the "Pipa Xing" created by herself, while Xiahou Qingyi and Yang Yuhuan are accompanied by the music dance.

Outside the gazebo, Mu Guiying and Xiaolongnv also danced with swords in hand, and they competed with each other from time to time;
In front of another stone table, Liu Mu, the princess of the Han Dynasty, and Zhao Min, the princess of Yuanmeng, sat at the two ends of the stone table. Liu Mu held the white stones, and Zhao Min held the black stones. Min must have lost again.

Qin Hao was surrounded by such a group of people, but what he saw was not the beautiful woman beside him, but the black and traceless sword in his hand, which was Zhanlu Sword;
The sword is a weapon for killing, but although the Zhanlu sword is invincible, it does not have the slightest murderous intent. Qin Hao can't help but admire its ingenious and clumsy skills and the invincible benevolent spirit.

Xuanyuan Sword has the characteristic of recognizing the master, and Zhanlu Sword is no exception.

This sword was also a rusty sword when it first arrived in Qin Hao's hands. Qin Hao almost thought that Li Shimin had lied to him with a fake sword, but when Qin Hao pulled Zhan Lu out of the scabbard, the rust on the sword immediately peeled off layer by layer. And issued a dazzling golden light.

The Excalibur has a spirit, and the Excalibur recognizes its master, that's all!

Like Xuanyuan Sword, Zhanlu is not just a sword anymore, it is also an eye, watching every move of the king and princes, and it must be owned by a benevolent king.

The king has the right way, the sword is on his side, and the country is prosperous.

The ruler has no way, the sword flies away, and the country is ruined.

The hero of hardware, the essence of the sun, the spirit of coming out, and the power of obedience.

After Zhanlu recognized his master, Qin Hao finally understood why Li Shimin exchanged Zhanlu for Longyuan.

Zhanlu sword is not allowed to be held by a benevolent king, and Li Shimin's deeds in this life are too controversial. He may be called wise, but he is definitely not benevolent.

The Zhanlu Sword, which only Renjun can hold, will not agree with Li Shimin in this life, so the sword is just a piece of scrap iron in his hands, and it is better to exchange it with Qin Hao for the Longyuan Sword.

As for Qin Hao, he never considered himself a benevolent king, but because he had done too many benevolent things, Zhan Lujian automatically judged him as a benevolent king, so he was held by Qin Hao;

"Good sword, good sword."

Qin Hao carefully wiped Zhanlu, he is also a sword lover, and this kind of spiritual sword agrees with him, so he naturally has to cherish it more;

"Husband, don't look at it, you've been looking at it for an hour."

A familiar voice came, and Qin Hao raised his head, only to see that seven beloved wives had surrounded him, and they all looked at him angrily.

"No matter how beautiful the sword is, can a concubine still look good?" Liu Mu asked slightly dissatisfied.

As soon as this remark came out, it immediately aroused the response of the other women, and they all spoke together to denounce their husband.

Seeing this, Qin Hao couldn't help laughing. Of course, he couldn't answer this kind of life-threatening question wrongly, so he apologized and said with a smile: "No matter how beautiful the sword is, it can't compare with the beauty of the wives."

All the girls showed satisfaction, and they didn't continue to embarrass their husbands on this issue, and Qin Hao was also relieved to see this, and then pulled Xiaolongnv, Zhao Min, and Mu Guiying to compete with him.

Qin Hao hooked his fingers, and said confidently: "Longer, Miner, Yinger, let's go together."

Among Qin Hao's seven wives, except for Cai Yan and Xiahou Qingyi, the other five are all capable of martial arts, so Qin Hao often competes with his wives in martial arts.

The reason why Qin Hao didn't let Yang Yuhuan, who is also good at martial arts, join, was mainly because she had just reached the first-class level, and her level was too low to be able to integrate into the joint attack of the three women.

"Husband, do you want to come with me as a concubine?" Liu Mu asked with a smile.


Qin Hao couldn't help but froze.

Two years ago, Liu Mu defeated Jue Wushen with one move, and after two years of accumulation, he has now broken through to the realm of a half-step grand master.

If Liu Mu, the half-step Grandmaster, also joins in and the four of them attack together, then Qin Hao will definitely lose.

"Need not."

Qin Hao said with a straight face: "After my husband and I have cleaned up the three of them, I will come to fight against you, Mu'er."

"Is that so..."

Liu Mu drew a long tone, his eyes were full of mockery, and he covered his mouth and laughed lowly.

Qin Hao couldn't help but turn red. He knew that he had been ridiculed by his wife again. In fact, his strength was not inferior to Liu Mu's, but compared with Liu Mu, who was specialized in kendo, he was still inferior in kendo.

"bring it on."

Qin Hao let out a low cry, pulled out his Zhanlu sword and went up to him, while Xiaolongnv, Zhao Min, and Mu Guiying formed a three-talent formation, and the three of them surrounded Qin Hao in the middle.

Under the siege of the three women, Qin Hao fought alone with his sword, without any haste, as if strolling through the courtyard.

Twenty rounds later, Qin Hao pulled out the Tai'a sword at his waist, Zhanlu with his right hand, and Tai'a with his left hand. With the combination of the two swords, all the swords in the hands of the three women were thrown away in less than five rounds.

"Wow, Daddy is awesome..."

"Daddy is amazing..."

Beside a rockery not far away, the three children, Qin Ying, Qin Hongye, and Qin Chengxin, who were hiding to watch the battle, cheered unconsciously when they saw their father winning, and this shout also revealed their position.

"Skipping class again."

Seeing this, Mu Guiying was unhappy, and immediately prepared to walk towards the three children, and the three children also showed signs of panic.

"No, my mother found out, run away."

Little Qinying pulled her two sisters, let go of her feet and hurried away. Mu Guiying was about to chase but was stopped by Qin Hao with a smile.

"Husband, you will spoil the children like this." Mu Guiying said helplessly.

Qin Hao didn't take it seriously, and said with a smile: "The child is still young, and when he grows up and is sensible, he will naturally study hard."

"I hope so."

Qin Hao walked up to Liu Mu, handed Tai'a Sword to Liu Mu, and said with a smile, "Madam, it's your turn now."

Zhanlu and Tai'a, one ranked second among the top ten famous swords, and the other ranked fourth. Ordinary weapons could not compete with them, and the three swords that had just clashed with them were naturally destroyed.

Liu Mu took the Tai'a sword and said with a smile, "Husband, do you want to win or lose?"

"Arrogant, this time my husband, I want to convince you to lose."

Ding... The two swords collided, and immediately set off a gust of air, which shook the branches and made the flowers and plants fly.

In the blink of an eye, Qin Hao and Liu Mu exchanged dozens of moves, their moves were so fierce and swift that Mu Guiying and other women who were watching the battle could not see the moves clearly.

The fight between Qin Hao and Liu Mu's husband and wife naturally does not contain murderous intent or intent. Although it is just a duel between martial arts perception and moves, it is also better than Liu Mu's defeat of Absolute Wushen with one move two years ago. Much more exciting, at least within [-] moves, it is impossible for Liu Mu to defeat Qin Hao.

 As soon as the update arrives, the recommendation ticket has broken 500, so there will be a second update today, and the monthly ticket is almost broken 300, and it is estimated that there will be two updates tomorrow.In addition, thank you for the 10000 rewards of the ghost ghost lamp. The reward chapters have not yet been paid off, but now I have another slap. Currently, I owe a total of 5 chapters. Remember it, and I will pay it back slowly.

(End of this chapter)

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