Chapter 1466

Chapter 1464: The Shu Army Comes West

Yue Yun killed Liu Long, Wanxiu, and Li Zhong three Chu generals, including two masters at the level of god generals, which was of great benefit to Yue Yun. After all, the combat experience and cultivation of the three were all in Yue Yun's hands. Above the clouds, if it wasn't for Yue Yun's innate supernatural power, he might not necessarily be able to win.

"It's really tricky, what my father and master said is right, you can't be careless when you meet anyone on the battlefield!"

Yue Yun spit out a mouthful of blood. During the battle with Wanxiu and Li Zhong, he also suffered some internal injuries, but in the end, relying on this tenacious mentality, he dragged the two of them to death bit by bit.

After [-] consecutive rounds of fierce fighting, Yue Yun also felt very tired after the end, but he couldn't stop, and still endured his injuries and continued to fight.

[Ding dong, Yue Yun beheaded more than a hundred, and the effect of the skill 'Golden Hammer' was activated at 3, reducing the morale of the enemy army...]

Li Zhong and Wanxiu died in battle one after another, causing the morale of the Chu army to drop after the end. However, there was a lieutenant general in command, and they also knew that the defeated would surely die, so they still fought to the death.

Although the unyielding will of the Chu army is firm, the fighting spirit of the Qin army is even more tenacious.

Yue Yun personally led an elite squad, fought back and forth twice among the Chu army, and finally completely disrupted the Chu army's formation, and under the violent impact of the external army, the Chu army completely broke up and fled, while Yue Yun The leader chased after him.

In less than a quarter of an hour, under the pursuit of the Qin army, the Chu army completely lost the fighting spirit to resist, and only wanted to escape for their lives.

Yue Yun allocated two thousand troops to continue chasing and capturing prisoners, while he himself led the remaining troops to fight Qin Qiong.

On the other side, Qin Qiong made a detour from the east to pursue the chase, which made a detour of nearly 20 miles. However, the morale of the Qin army was high, and the marching speed was much faster than that of the Chu army. It is not impossible to catch up.

During the march, Yu Chigong asked: "Shu Bao, you seem to be getting better with that kid Yue Yun, don't you?"

Qin Qiong was taken aback, and asked with a smile, "Why do you say that?"

"That kid stole your military exploits. You don't blame him. Give him the chance to lead the army alone. Isn't that good enough?"

"You said that."

Qin Qiong laughed dumbly, and said: "That kid has great potential, and he is also Qin Yong's apprentice. Qin Yong asked me to take care of his beloved apprentice, and I am also very optimistic about his future. In the future, he will definitely become the leader of the new generation."

"Hey, Shubao, is this Yue Yun you're talking about? I, Old Hei, seem to have misjudged someone." Yu Chigong also laughed.

"in addition……"

A strange color flashed in Qin Qiong's eyes, and he said helplessly: "I am giving Yue Yun a chance, and I am also giving Yue Fei a chance. This guy's brain is too stupid. If he continues like this, Bai Qi won't even be as good as the master." , he is afraid that he will really kill himself."

As soon as Yue Fei was mentioned, Yu Chigong's eyes were also full of helplessness, and he said with a wry smile: "Everyone has their own persistence, and the governor of Yue Fei may be the same, but it does not mean that he is not loyal."

Why did Qin Qiong come to Jingbei to serve as Yue Fei's deputy governor?
Why did Qin Zheng become the governor of Jingzhou?
It's not because Yue Fei firmly opposes Qin Hao's claiming the king, and also has connections with Han ministers.

The last one who opposed Qin Hao's claiming the king was Xun Yu, and he had been sent to Hetao by Qin Hao, but Yue Fei still stayed in Xiangyang, and he was still the governor of Jingbei, holding a heavy army. The tolerance is still very large.

Yue Fei is really a political idiot. He has a clear conscience and thinks it is for the sake of the lord, but in fact he has touched a taboo. Qin Hao has not confiscated his military power so far, which is already very magnanimous.

Qin Hao also didn't want Yue Fei, a favorite general, to kill himself in the end, so he sent Qin Zheng to be the governor of Jingzhou, and Qin Qiong to be the deputy governor of Jingbei.

Qin Hao 'assigned' Qin Zheng and Qin Qiong to Jingbei, to put it bluntly, to divide Yue Fei's power, let them check and balance Yue Fei, and stop letting him die as he pleases.

After Qin Zheng and Qin Qiong came to Jingzhou, the handover of various rights went very smoothly, and during the subsequent investigation of Yue Fei, they did not find any intention of rebellion.

Obviously, Yue Fei is still trustworthy, but the Han ministers in the court want to win him over, so as to control the military power in Jingbei, but Yue Fei has never agreed.

"I hinted to Governor Yue Fei more than once, but he didn't seem to understand. I must have a good chat with him this time when I go back." Qin Qiong said with a serious face.

"Shubao, you're stupid, don't go, don't be self-defeating, let Junjun Lin talk to him."


"Report... to the deputy governor, the Chu army is found ahead."

"Finally caught up, Shubao, let's go kill him."

"it is good."

Qin Qiong nodded and ordered: "The whole army goes out."


When he heard the shouts of killing coming from behind him, Deng Yu's expression changed immediately. He obviously didn't expect that the Qin army would defeat the broken army he left behind so quickly, but then he reacted suddenly and there was still There is a way to go around, and he suddenly smiled bitterly: "I am also dead."

Today's Chu army has long been exhausted after repeated escapes, and under successive blows, the morale of the whole army has also fallen to the bottom. Although the current number is still higher than that of the Qin army, they are definitely no match for the Qin army.

"Military division, we fought with the Qin army..."

"Yes, even death will not make Qin Jun feel better..."

A ruthless look also flashed in Deng Yu's eyes, and he thought of Liu Xiu's kindness to him in the past, and he was also prepared to repay Liu Xiu's kindness by dying.

Deng Yu commanded the defeated army to turn around, ready to fight Qin Qiong to the death, but even when the two armies were about to confront each other, a large army suddenly came from the west. The number was not large, but there were more than [-] people. stopped.

Seeing this, Qin Qiong couldn't help frowning and said to himself: "The reinforcements from the Chu army? But where did they come from?"

The Chu army is not as strong as the Qin army. The Chu army is fighting against the four major princes at the same time. The troops on all fronts are extremely tight. Now only Jiang Xia's family has withdrawn, and there is no extra troops to support Nanjun.

Deng Yu also looked confused when he saw this. He didn't know where the support army came from. Judging by the uniforms, this is not the army of the Chu army.

Just as Deng Yu was thinking, a general rode out and shouted: "I am Cao Shen, the general of the Chu army, and I came to support Mr. Deng Yu by the order of the King of Shu."

"King of Shu? Liu Ji?"

Deng Yu's eyes widened, his heart was filled with ecstasy, and he immediately understood what was going on.

Long before Liu Xiu returned to Jiaozhou, in order to prevent the Qin army from suddenly invading, he had thought of uniting with Yizhou Liu Ji to fight against Yue Fei in Xiangyang.

Liu Xiu once sent Kuai Liang as an envoy to the Kingdom of Shu, intending to form an alliance, but Liu Ji did not agree, but he did not want to send troops to support it now, obviously he did not want the Qin army to occupy Nanjun, thus threatening the east of Sichuan and Shu Let's go to Berkshire.

 The second update, this chapter makes up for the guarantee chapter owed yesterday...

(End of this chapter)

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