Chapter 1467
Chapter 1465: Kuafu Chasing the Sun
Liu Ji's situation in Yizhou was also not good. He was about to unify the land in central Shu, but he didn't want to kill Li Shimin halfway. With Liu Yu and Li Shimin working together, the good situation of the Shu army was gone forever.

Today's Yizhou, Liu Ji, Liu Yu and Li Shimin's three families, present a tripartite confrontation;
Liu Ji occupied southern Sichuan, eastern Sichuan, and half of central Sichuan, basically occupying half of Yizhou;
Liu Yu occupies western Sichuan and most of central Sichuan, while Li Shimin occupies northern Sichuan and the entire Hanzhong County;
Liu Ji also thought about defeating Liu Yu and Li Shimin's coalition forces quickly, but the combination of the two coalition forces is obviously not that weak, and Li Shimin also sent more troops to Yizhou after that.

Therefore, without any external intervention, it was really difficult for Liu Ji to unify Yizhou quickly, but there were no princes around him who could directly send troops to help him.

Just as no one wants to see Liu Xiu rule Jiaozhou, no prince wants to see Liu Ji, an ambitious man, rule Yizhou.

In desperation, Liu Ji could only cease the war with Liu Yu and Li Shimin temporarily, to cultivate and accumulate strength, and after the results of the battle were completely digested and his strength became stronger, it would not be too late to send troops to eliminate Liu Yuyi and unify Yizhou.

After a year of self-cultivation, the overall national strength of the Shu Kingdom has increased tremendously, and its military strength has also increased a lot.

Just when Liu Ji was considering whether to send troops to attack Liu Yu, Liu Xiu took the initiative to send an envoy to the alliance.

Liu Ji was very clear about Liu Xiu's calculations. It was nothing more than that if the Qin army attacked Nanjun, he hoped that the Shu army would send troops from Bajun to support the Chu army.

Liu Ji wanted to unify Yizhou wholeheartedly. Before unifying Yizhou, he was not interested in the affairs of the outside world, so he was ready to reject Liu Xiu's request for an alliance, but the military adviser Chen Ping advised him not to refuse. In addition, if the Qin army occupied In the case of Nanjun, Berkshire will also face the threat of the Qin army.

Under Chen Ping's persuasion, although Liu Ji did not agree to form an alliance with Liu Xiu, he did not immediately refuse. He was going to see the trend of the battle between the Qin and Chu armies before deciding whether to send troops to help the Chu army against the Qin army. .

The final result was beyond Liu Ji's expectations. The Nanjun Fortress that Liu Xiu had painstakingly built, under the onslaught of the well-prepared Yue Fei, could not hold on for half a year, and would not be able to hold on in less than two months. .

After much discussion with his subordinates, Liu Ji still decided to send Berkshire troops to Nanjun to support Liu Xiu. After all, he understood the reason why his lips were cold and his teeth were cold. In addition, he didn't want to be surrounded by Liu Yu, Li Shimin and Qin Hao;

Liu Ji ordered his general Cao Shen to be the main general, plus Fan Kuai, Kuafu and other generals, leading a total of [-] troops. They passed through Baidi City, Xiawu Gorge, and Yiling all the way. They were going to Jiangling to support Deng Yu, but they didn't want the Shu army Before they arrived, Jiangling City had already been breached by Yue Fei.

Jiangling City had been breached, and it was impossible to take it back. Cao Shen could only do his best to save Deng Yu's remnant army.

Seeing that the Qin army was chasing and killing the surviving Chu army, Cao Can, who rushed forward in the lead, immediately ordered to stop the Qin army, and the first fierce battle broke out between Qin and Shu;
"Mr. Deng Yu, retreat quickly, our Shu army will block this place for you first." Cao Shen clasped his fists and shouted;

Deng Yu, who narrowly escaped from the dead, had gratitude in his eyes, cupped his fists and saluted, "Thank you very much."

After saying that, Deng Yu immediately ordered loudly: "Withdraw, quickly withdraw to Zhijiang County."

Zhijiang County, a county at the southernmost tip of Nanjun, is next to the Yangtze River Ferry. It is the last territory of the Chu army in Jingbei, and it is also the only way to withdraw to Jingnan.

As long as Zhijiang County does not fall, the Chu army will still have a foothold in Jingbei, and naturally they can advance, attack and retreat.

The Shu army is well-equipped and well-trained. Although the number is smaller than that of the Qin army, they wait for work with leisure, and their combat power is not inferior to that of the Qin army.

The Qin army had been chasing for so long, and the soldiers had exhausted their physical strength. Although the number of soldiers was larger than that of the Shu army, it was difficult to win for a while.

With the Shu army in front of them, the Qin army could not pursue and kill them. They could only watch the [-] Chu troops flee, which made Qin Qiong and Yu Chigong very angry.


Yu Chigong pointed at Cao Shen with a steel whip in his hand, and scolded angrily: "Cao Shen, how dare you cover up rebellion, your King of Shu, is this trying to rebel?"

Cao Shen smiled indifferently, and said unhurriedly: "General Yuchi is serious. Liu Xiu, Marquis of Chu, is the clan of the Han family. How could the Chu army be rebellious? As for whether my Shu king rebelled or not, it is not up to you to decide. gone."

"Pretentious words and unreasonable words really make me angry, Cao Shen, do you dare to fight me to the death?"

After saying that, Yu Chigong didn't care whether Cao Shen agreed or not, he just swung his whip and rushed towards the hillside where Cao Shen was.

[Ding dong, Yuchi Gong's skill 'Whip God' is activated, force +4, basic force 101, equipment +2, current force rises to 107;]

Qin Qiong and Yu Chigong, in the battle against Dong, teamed up against Li Yuanba but were almost killed, and the basic strength of the two who escaped from death also increased to 100 and 101;

It took Qin Qiong and Yu Chigong more than half a year to fully recover from their injuries, and after two years of hard training, Qin Qiong gained another 1 point of basic force improvement, and now both of them have reached the level of 101;
Although Yu Chigong was single-handed, he was unstoppable by thousands of troops. He quickly broke through many obstacles and killed Cao Shen not far away, while Cao Shen raised his bow and arrow high;
[Ding Dong, Cao Shen's skill 'Arrow General' is activated, force +2.

Cao Shen: Commander 97, Force 85, Intelligence 92, Politics 94, Charm 92;

Cao Shen's basic force is 85, arrow will be +2, and the current force has risen to 87;]


Cao Shen shot an arrow, but was easily parried by Yu Chigong. After feeling the strength of the arrow, Yu Chigong had almost understood Cao Shen's strength.

"Suffer to death."

Yu Chigong laughed loudly, and threw the black iron whip in his hand directly at Cao Shen. Although he didn't use any moves, he was confident that Cao Shen would never be able to stop this whip.

What Yuchi Gong didn't expect was that when his steel whip was about to hit Cao Shen, Cao Shen actually laughed, which gave Yu Chi Gong an inexplicable bad feeling.

[Ding dong, Kuafu's skill 'Daily' is activated.

Day by day: Kuafu's unique skill, this skill can only be activated in foot combat;

Effect 1, after this skill is activated, strength +5, speed doubled, not inferior to war horses;

Effect 2, when fighting on foot, the stronger the fighting spirit, the stronger the combat power, each time it is activated, the force will be +3, and it can be activated up to 3 times;]

[Ding dong, Kuafu's skill 'Daily' is activated, force +5, basic force 105, mixed iron rod +1, current force rises to 111;]

Just when Cao Shen was about to fall under Yuchi Gong's whip, a burly and ordinary-looking man was running towards Cao Shen with a stick. Although he didn't ride a horse, he was faster than most war horses, so fast that even Qin Qiong Only a phantom could be seen flashing by.

"Old Hei, be careful." Qin Qiong shouted anxiously.

Yu Chigong heard Qin Qiong's voice, but he didn't have time to react, and at this moment, a thick iron rod came across and met Yu Chigong's steel whip.

When the sticks and whips collided, there was a sharp metal impact sound.


The huge reaction force hit, and Yuchi Gong couldn't help but wrinkled his face, and his arm was numb with just this blow, but Kuafu's face remained unchanged, and he continued to hit Yu Chi Gong with a backhand stick;
[Ding dong, Kuafu's skill 'Stick God' is activated, force +4, current force rises to 115;]

 The third update, this chapter makes up the guarantee chapters owed for the leave on the 4th. At present, there are still [-] chapters owed for rewards and updates, and they will be paid back one after another this week.

(End of this chapter)

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