Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1468 Two Door Gods VS Kuafu

Chapter 1468 Two Door Gods VS Kuafu
Chapter 1466: Two Door Gods VS Kuafu
[The data in the previous chapter was wrong. After Qin Qiong and Yu Chigong finished beating Li Yuanba, their strength increased to 100 and 101 respectively. Two years later, both of them are now at 101;]

Kuafu, who looks like a giant, does not ride a horse, but just standing, he is taller than Yu Chigong who is riding a horse;
After activating the two skills of 'Gun Shen' and 'Zi Sun' consecutively, Kuafu's strength has soared to an astonishing 115, while Yuchi Gong's strength is still only 107 at this time, and the difference in strength between the two sides is a full 8 points .

Yuchi Gong is in danger!


After barely parrying another heavy blow, Yu Chigong felt that his arms were numb from the shock, and traces of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth. He was obviously seriously injured, but Kuafu's attack was stronger with each move. ;
"Old black."

Qin Qiong shouted anxiously. At this moment, he didn't care too much, so he rode his horse and raised his gun to rescue;

There was still a while before Qin Qiong arrived, and during this time Yu Chigong had to survive by himself. He also knew the gap between himself and Kuafu, and he couldn't help but admire inwardly: "The Three War Gods of the Great Han really deserve their reputation."

Although Kuafu did not declare his identity, Yu Chigong had already recognized his identity based on his fighting style alone. He must be Kuafu, one of the last three war gods of the Great Han, as famous as Xing Tian and Hou Yi;
There is no other reason why Yu Chigong is so sure. The main reason is that Kuafu is too recognizable. He has a tall and burly figure like a giant, and he has never ridden a horse on the battlefield. His legs can run faster than a war horse. Who could it be?
The three war gods of the Han Dynasty are all warriors of the God of War level, possessing the most powerful combat power in the world, but even when the Han Dynasty is already in danger, they have been kept by the Lingdi to protect themselves, until the death of the Lingdi. revealed its prestige;
Compared with Xingtian and Houyi, Kuafu is too low-key. Both Xingtian and Houyi have long been famous all over the world. Although Kuafu's achievements are considered outstanding, they are only famous in Yizhou. People know him, and he ranks relatively low on the list of generals;
But it is such a low-key man who has the combat power to crush Yu Chigong, and even Yu Chigong is almost powerless to fight back;

After realizing that Kuafu's power far surpassed his own, Yu Chigong naturally didn't dare to confront him head-on;

[Ding dong, Yu Chigong's skill 'Door God' was activated, Kuafu's skill 'Stick God' was sealed, force -4, current force dropped to 111. 】

Seeing Yu Chigong defuse a few rounds of his own attacks with skillful energy, Kuafu frowned slightly, and then a stronger aura erupted from his body;

[Ding dong, Kuafu's skill 'Daily' effect 2 is activated for the first time, force +3, and the current force has risen to 114;]

It was another blow that was unavoidable, and although Yu Chigong managed to block it, he spit out a big mouthful of blood, obviously suffering from serious internal injuries.

"It's over here." Kuafu said indifferently, and the big stick in his hand swept Yu Chigong's head straight.

"It's over."

Yu Chigong showed despair, but at this moment, Qin Qiong rushed out from behind him with a golden gun in his hand, piercing Kuafu's throat.

[Ding dong, Qin Qiong's skill 'Spearman' is activated, force +4, base force 101, equipment +2, current force rises to 107;]

At this moment, if Kuafu didn't return to defense and continued to attack Yu Chigong, he would definitely die under Qin Qiong's gun.

In desperation, Kuafu had no choice but to retreat and block Qin Qiong's tricky shot, and Yu Chigong was saved because of this.

Qin Qiong stared at Kuafu in front of him, but said to Yu Chigong behind him: "Old Hei, I'm late."

Yu Chigong grinned, showing his blood-stained white teeth, and said: "It's not too late, it's just in time."

"Can you still bear it?"

"Don't worry, you can't die."

Hearing what Yu Chigong said, Qin Qiong breathed a sigh of relief, and then a murderous intent flashed in his eyes, and said in a deep voice: "Let's go together, we will kill him together."

"Okay, just wait for your words."

Seeing that Kuafu severely injured Yu Chigong with a few strokes, Qin Qiong naturally knew that he alone was by no means his opponent. It was different when he teamed up with Yu Chigong.

Kuafu shook his head and said indifferently, "You want to kill me? The two of you are not enough."

"You won't know until you fight."

Qin Qiong yelled violently, and then, with Yu Chigong on the left and right, attacked Kuafu.

Although Kuafu didn't ride a horse, his reaction speed was no worse than that of the two riders on the famous horse. He easily jumped out of the flanking attack of the two men, and swung the steel stick in his hand, but the target was Qin Qiong's mount.

[Ding dong, Kuafu's skill 'Daily' effect 2 is activated for the second time, force +3, and the current force rises to 117;]

"not good."

Seeing that the situation was not good, Qin Qiong quickly pulled out the four-edged golden mace with his left hand.

[Ding dong, Qin Qiong's skill 'Assassin' is activated, force +6, and the current force has risen to 113;]

The golden mace in Qin Qiong's left hand was the main defense, and he bent down sideways to block it. Although he blocked the stick, due to the huge difference in strength, he could not completely block it.

Hu Lei Bu is a psychic BMW, sensing that he was being attacked, and after the owner blocked another blow for himself, he immediately raised his front hooves, narrowly dodging the stick, and then his hooves turned towards Kua The father kicked away violently.

Kuafu didn't have time to react, he subconsciously blocked with his stick, and a huge impact hit him, sending him flying upside down, and he slid backwards for more than ten meters on the ground before completely unloading the impact.

"What a clever beast." Kuafu said solemnly.

Qin Qiong glared at Kuafu and scolded, "Despicable."

Qin Qiong found that he had underestimated Kuafu's wisdom. This big man was far from simple and honest on the outside, but extremely cunning.

Kuafu is used to fighting on foot, whether he has a horse or not, it doesn't matter to him, but Qin Qiong and Yu Chigong can't;

Just in case if Kuafu was in the hands, Qin Qiong would lose the sudden thunder refutation, unable to borrow horse power, and his combat power would drop by [-]%, let alone Kuafu's opponent.

"Old Hei, be careful, don't let him attack the horse;" Qin Qiong said in a deep voice;



Qin Qiong took back the golden mace, and his force dropped back to 107, and then he and Yu Chigong continued to attack Kuafu.

[Ding dong, Kuafu's skill 'Daily' effect 2 is activated for the third time, force +3, and the current force rises to 120;]

This time Kuafu did not escape from the pincer attack of the two, he chose to use all his strength to defeat the two head-on, but he didn't expect that this would make Qin Qiong and Yu Chigong unleash their strongest combat power.

[Ding dong, Qin Qiong and Yu Chigong join forces to fight against the enemy. The combined skill 'Double Door God' is activated, which can seal all skills in the world except 'Destiny', and the top-level and super god-level skills can also be sealed for a short time.This skill will only be activated when there is a crisis, and it can only be used once per battle.

Ding Dong, Qin Qiong and Yu Chigong's combo skill 'Double Gate Gods' is activated, and Kuafu's skill 'Zunri' is sealed, and Kuafu's current strength drops to 106. 】

 Guaranteed one update to...

(End of this chapter)

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