Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1469 Yue Yun VS Fan Kuai

Chapter 1469 Yue Yun VS Fan Kuai
Chapter 1467: Yue Yun VS Fan Kuai
Under the seal of the 'Two Door Gods', Kuafu, who was sealed by 'Ji Ri', dropped his force value directly from 120 to 106, a full drop of 14 points in force, and his combat power plummeted by more than a level.

The double door gods who can even seal super divine skills are so domineering.

For Qin Qiong and Yu Chigong's joint attack, Kuafu didn't care at first, after all, the strength of both of them is very different from his own, even if they join forces, they are not their opponents who will go all out.

But Kuafu never imagined that these two people could unleash such combat power together, and they seemed to restrain himself faintly, no, they restrained all warriors in the world, so that he couldn't display even [-]% of his strength.

It's not that Kuafu can't afford to lose, it's just that when facing Qin Qiong and Yu Chigong, the feeling of being powerless and useless makes Kuafu feel aggrieved to death.


As soon as Kuafu blocked Qin Qiong's shot, Yu Chigong from behind came with a whip and hit Kuafu's back armor fiercely. Although his black iron armor did not shatter, the blow He was also beaten so that he staggered, and his blood was surging.

"Old Hei, why don't you use that move to rush the night? It was such a good opportunity just now, if you used that move, Kuafu might have died."

"Take it as if I don't want to use it. Isn't it because of an internal injury that I can't use it?"

"That's it, then you will cover me, and I will use my ultimate move to deal with Kuafu."

"it is good……"

Seeing that Qin Qiong and Yu Chigong were bullying the few with more and were still making sarcastic remarks, Kuafu was completely angry.

[Ding dong, Kuafu's skill 'Prisoner Dragon' is activated;
Prisoned Dragon: A trapped dragon subdues a tiger, unpredictable in its power, different people have different effects.

Effect 1, when singled out, it can reduce the opponent's force by 1~5 points;
Effect 2, in group battles, it can reduce the strength of all opponents by 1~4 points;]

The skill 'Prisoner Dragon' was the first to be released by Yang Lin. It is a good suppression skill, but Kuafu also has it, and the effect is stronger than Yang Lin.

[Ding dong, Kuafu's skill 'Prison Dragon' effect 2 activates, reducing Qin Qiong's force by 2 points, reducing Yuchi Gong's force by 3 points, currently Qin Qiong's force has dropped to 105, and Yuchi Gong has dropped to 104;]

It is not difficult for Qin Qiong and Yu Chigong with force 107 to suppress Kuafu who is 106. However, after being suppressed by force, the force has been reduced to 105 and 104. Although they can still suppress Kuafu, they can kill Kuafu if they want to It's not that easy anymore.

"No, Kuafu actually hides his strength, Old Hei should do his best."

"I've been working hard all the time, okay?"

Qin Qiong and Yu Chigong joined forces to fight Kuafu for [-] rounds in a row. Although he kept suppressing Kuafu, it was difficult to defeat him.

Relying on the fact that Kuafu is more flexible without a mount, he fought on foot against cavalry. Although he was suppressed by the two of them, he barely drew with them, and his strength at the God of War level was undoubtedly revealed;

You know, with Qin Qiong and Yu Chigong working together, unless you meet a top god of war like Li Yuanba, the ordinary god of war under the seal of the door god and the double door god will definitely be beaten by the two to doubt his life, but the Kuafu of Jiwu 105 But being able to draw with it is enough to show that Kuafu is not weak among God of War.

On the other hand, Cao Shen did not expect that Qin Qiong and Yu Chigong's joint attack would be so strong that even Kuafu, who had become the second master of the Shu army, would be suppressed. Now, only the lieutenant general is coordinating, and he can still compete with the Shu army;

"No, if this continues, General Kuafu may lose."

A look of anxiety flashed in Cao Shen's eyes, and he quickly ordered: "Immediately fly a letter to Fan Kuai in the rear, asking him to order the reinforcements to come quickly."


Qin Qiong and Yu Chi Gong fought with Kuafu for another [-] rounds, and Kuafu's wounds gradually increased. Even the black iron battle armor that Liu Ji built for him with a lot of money was smashed by the two of them. It was broken and tattered, and there was basically no intact place;

"The Qin army bullied the few with their numbers, and they are despicable and shameless. General Kuafu, don't panic, Fan Kuai is here too;"

Just when Kuafu was about to lose, Fan Kui arrived in time with [-] reinforcements. Fan Kui rode his horse to support Kuafu, while Cao Can commanded the reinforcements to attack the Qin army from the side, forcing the Qin army to retreat for a while.

"Oops, with Fan Kuai's help, it will be even more difficult to defeat Kuafu. If this continues, even the army will be defeated." Qin Qiong couldn't help feeling anxious secretly.

But at this moment, the sound of killing suddenly sounded from the north, and it was Yue Yun who led the reinforcements to arrive in time.

"Qin Dudu, General Yuchi, and Yue Yunlai;"

Qin Qiong was overjoyed when he saw this, and quickly shouted: "Yue Yun, you are responsible for stopping Fan Kuai;"


Seeing that the Qin army sent a young man to deal with him, Fan Kui couldn't help laughing and said, "Boy, are you here to seek death?"

A cold light flashed in Yue Yun's eyes, and he said coldly, "It's not certain who will die."

"Yeah, have the guts to report your name, I won't kill the unknown."

"I am Yue Yun."

"Remember, the one who killed you is Fan Kuai from Peixian County. Kill him."

[Ding dong, Fan Kuai's skill 'Halberd God' is activated, force +4.

Fan Kuai: Commander 70, Strength 104, Intelligence 57, Politics 41, Charm 72;

Fan Kui, the basic force is 104, the tiger's halberd +1, the curly-haired red rabbit horse +1, and the current force has risen to 110. 】

"It's not certain who will kill who." Yue Yun shouted violently, and his momentum exploded instantly.

[Ding Dong, Yue Yun's skill 'Hammer King' is activated, force +3, base force 103, current force 106;]

Boom... The hammer and halberd collided head-on, but Yue Yun let out a muffled snort. In the confrontation of strength, he was defeated.

This was the first time Yue Yun met an opponent stronger than himself. Of course, Yue Yun was still in the growth period of strength, and when he reached the peak, he would not necessarily be inferior to Fan Kuai.

Seeing that Yue Yun blocked his own halberd head-on, Fan Kui couldn't help but excitedly said: "Yes, boy, you really have two weapons, do you want to join the King of Shu? His Highness the King of Shu is thirsty for talents, and with your strength, you will definitely be reused." of."

"Hehe, my father is Yue Fei, the governor of Jingbei, and my teacher is Qin Yong, the lieutenant of Sili. Do I have to go far and wide to join Liu Ji?" Yue Yun said with a look of disdain.

"It turned out to be Yue Fei's seed, no wonder, no wonder."

Fan Kui suddenly realized, and then said regretfully: "In this case, I will have to send you back to the west."

After saying that, Fan Kui's aura suddenly surged, and the Tiger Ben Fang Tianji in his hand also emitted a golden light.

"Release internal energy? A master master?"

Yue Yun's face showed a dignified expression. He didn't expect that Fan Kui's external strength was not only tyrannical, but also his internal strength had reached the realm of a master. This battle might be difficult.

"bring it on."

Even though he knew he was not an opponent, Yue Yun would not back down, and in the next fight, Yue Yun was indeed suppressed, and he was crushed to death by Fan Kuai.

 The monthly ticket breaks 400, and one more chapter is added. This is the second update of yesterday's guarantee...

(End of this chapter)

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