Chapter 1471

Chapter 1469: Chu Shu Retreats

The first battle of Jiangling lasted two months, and more than [-] troops were lost. In the end, the Qin army captured Jiangling and the Chu army fled.

After the capture of Jiangling, Nanjun was basically in the hands of the Qin army, and although the Chu army still had territory in Jingbei, even fortified cities such as Jiangling had been breached, and it was basically impossible to hold the rest of the city.

The Chu army who had lost Jiangling City had no power to recover. They had no other way to go except to withdraw from Jingbei, and staying in Jingbei would only result in loss of troops.

As for the Qin army, after taking Nanjun, will they cross the river and attack Jingnan?
It depends on Liu Xiu's performance.

If Liu Xiu retreated from Jiaozhou wisely, Qin Hao would naturally not let Yue Fei invade Jingnan.

But if Liu Xiu insisted on unifying Jiaozhou, then the Qin army would definitely fight the Yangtze River. Even if Qin Hao didn't want Jingnan himself, he would help Sun Jian or Huang Zu to bite off a piece of meat from Liu Xiu.

Therefore, the choice of whether Qin Jun will fight the Yangtze River is not with Qin Jun, but with Liu Xiu. This is undoubtedly another difficult choice for Liu Xiu.

On the other hand, after Yue Fei led the army into Jiangling, he immediately sent troops to fight the fire and relieve the disaster. After a day of settlement, the fire and disaster in Jiangling finally calmed down.

"Captain, Deng Yu is too ruthless, his fire burned down one-third of the houses in Jiangling, and made [-] to [-] people homeless.

In addition, half of the grain depots were also destroyed by the fire. If Mr. Cai Mao hadn't arrived in time to prevent the Chu army from continuing to set fire, the other half of the grain depots would have been burned by the Chu army. " Lin Xiangru said with a heavy face.

When Yue Fei heard this, a trace of anger flashed in his eyes, obviously he was very angry at Deng Yu's behavior of disregarding the life and death of the people, and then he bowed his hands to Cai Mao below and said: "Thank you, Mr. Cai, for your timely action."

Deng Yu didn't kill Cai Mao completely, because Liu Xiu said he wanted to save Cai Mao's life, and the situation was extremely critical at that time, Deng Yu didn't have time to waste on Cai Mao, so he let Cai Mao go and led the army away.

Cai Mao, who was lucky enough to save his life, saw that the Chu army was about to set fire to the grain depot, so he took advantage of the opportunity to prevent the Chu army from preventing fire, and helped the Qin army keep the grain depot, which was considered a great contribution.

"Don't dare to do it, don't dare to do it, that's all Cai can do." Cai Mao said cautiously.

Although Yue Fei was polite to Cai Mao, Cai Mao did not dare to be proud of his achievements. After all, the Qin army obviously did not trust him. During the battle of capturing Jiangling, they relied on him and the Jingzhou family on the surface, but in fact they regarded him and the Jingzhou family as Cannon fodder, Kuai Qi is the real nirvana of the Qin army.

After learning this, Cai Mao once again saw the black hearts of the princes, and he thought he was in control of his destiny, but he was the one who was used from the beginning to the end, whether he was under Liu Xiu or joined the Qin army.

Cai Mao was frightened and completely disheartened, but he also knew that he couldn't escape at all, so he could only continue to struggle in this purgatory on earth.

Yue Fei glanced at Cai Mao suspiciously. The feeling Cai Mao gave him was too different from before. He even had the feeling that he was completely two people.

Yue Fei shook his head, and then said to Lin Xiangru: "Military Master, the people's disaster relief will be entrusted to you, and you must reap the hearts of the people of Nanjun as soon as possible."

"Well, the population of Nanjun is not large now, only about 30 in total. Most of the people have been moved to Jingnan by Liu Xiu. It is not difficult to reap the hearts of the people of Nanjun. As long as we show kindness to the people, we will It’s enough to implement the policy.”

"What? There are only 30 people left in South County?"

Yue Fei screamed, but Lin Xiangru showed helplessness. His own governor only paid attention to the military affairs of the Chu army but ignored the policy. Liu Xiu did not hide the fact that he moved the people from Nanjun to Jingnan, but he didn't know until now.

"Damn Liu Xiu." Yue Fei said angrily.

In order to capture Nanjun, Yue Fei personally led the army to attack three times. The three attacks lost no less than 30 soldiers, but in the end he only got a Nanjun with a population of [-]. Did he win or lose?
"Captain, Nanjun is an important town in the north of Jing. Its geographical location is extremely important. Once it can be advanced, attacked, retreated or defended, its role is not in the population. It is acceptable to sacrifice some troops." Lin Xiangru persuaded.

Hearing this, Yue Fei's complexion improved a lot. If it was a loss-making business, he might really have to write a letter to Qin Hao to apologize.

"Report... to the governor, the deputy governor of Qin and General Yuchi are back."

"Quick, let them in." Yue Fei said happily.

However, Yue Fei couldn't laugh anymore when he saw the wounded Yu Chigong and his son with a bruised nose and a swollen face.

At first Yue Fei thought it was Deng Yu who set up an ambush, secretly surprised, Deng Yu could still set up an ambush in that situation?
But after listening to Qin Qiong's narration, Yue Fei realized that it was the Shu army from Bajun who went eastward, blocked the Qin army's pursuit, and saved the lives of the fleeing Deng Yu and Chu army.

"Hmph, the governor didn't take the initiative to provoke Liu Ji, so he should burn incense and worship Buddha. He didn't even solve Li Shimin and Liu Yu, so he dared to provoke me, Qin Jun. He is looking for death."

Yue Fei snorted coldly, and ordered: "Send a letter to the governor, asking him to send 2 horses to guard Jiangling. The [-] troops under the command of the governor will fight Cao Can to the death."

As soon as Yue Fei's order came out, all the generals were very excited, but Lin Xiangru frowned and said: "Captain, I'm afraid this battle will not be able to be fought."

"Oh? Why is that?"

"The Chu army now has only [-] defeated troops left, and only Zhijiang is left in the city, and the Shu army has no foundation in Jingbei. Provide food.

In addition, although I don't know what kind of covenant there is between the Shu army and the Chu army, saving the Chu army is already the limit. It is impossible for Liu Ji to fight for Liu Xiu and my army. "

Although Yue Fei is a political idiot, he is definitely not an idiot. Lin Xiangru has already talked about this, so how could he not understand.

"Military officer, do you mean that the Shu army is going to run away?"

"It should be close to ten." Lin Xiangru said confidently.

Yue Fei's tiger's body was shocked immediately, and he shouted an order: "pass on the order, the whole army will attack, and the Shu army must not be allowed to escape from Jingzhou easily."


Following Yue Fei's order, [-] Qin troops roared out and headed west, but it was still a step too late.

After the first battle with Qin Qiong, Cao Shen decisively ordered to retreat, and when Yue Fei was about to catch up, the Shu army had already retreated to Berkshire.

Of course, Yue Fei's journey was not without gains. The Shu army fled back to Berkshire in a panic all the way, while Yue Fei recovered Yiling, Yidao, Wuxian and other counties one by one.

After regaining several counties to the east of Nanjun, Yue Fei's army immediately went south to surround Deng Yu's remnant army in Zhijiang. Forty thousand people.

Since then, the Qin army has completely occupied the entire Nanjun County, and officially expanded its power to the north of the Yangtze River.

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(End of this chapter)

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