Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1472 The New Champion Hou

Chapter 1472 The New Champion Hou

Chapter 1470: The new champion

Although Liu Ji agreed to send troops to help Liu Xiu, the premise is that the Chu army must defend Jiangling, and once the Chu army loses Jiangling, it will have no capital to fight against the Qin army, and Liu Ji cannot really fight Qin for Liu Xiu. Hao died.

Therefore, although Cao Shen's decision to withdraw the army was an unauthorized move, it was also completely correct. Before the Shu army had withdrawn to Berkshire, Liu Ji's order to withdraw the army came.

In Liu Ji's eyes, he was enough for Liu Xiu. After all, he dispatched [-] troops to help. He didn't get any benefits, and even lost [-] soldiers. Liu Xiu's own men were not strong enough to defend Jiangling. Can't blame him.

Before Cao Shen withdrew his troops, he also greeted Deng Yu. After all, he was still an ally, and it was inappropriate not to say hello.

Deng Yu originally wanted to reap the benefits of being a fisherman, seeing that the Shu army and the Qin army would lose both sides, but he didn't expect the Shu army to be so cowardly, and ran all the way to Jingzhou, only to fight after a fight.

Deng Yu hurriedly dispatched an envoy from Kuaiyue to lobby Cao Shen, hoping that Cao Shen would not retreat so soon, and that it would not be too late to withdraw after the King of Shu's order arrived.

Cao Shen was such a shrewd person, how could he not know Deng Yu's plan, ignored Kuai Yue, and ordered the entire army to retreat.

As expected by Cao Shen, as soon as the Shu army withdrew, the Qin army chased after them.

If Cao Shen was not decisive enough and the Shu army ran fast enough, once he was entangled by the Qin army, he would really be unable to run away.

Deng Yu's heart was really dark, and even his allies were plotting, but this time his calculation failed, and Cao Shen did not fall into the trap.

The Shu army fled, and the Chu army was left with only [-] defeated troops with low morale, and Zhijiang County, which was not very defensive. Confronting the Qin army was tantamount to hitting a stone with an egg.

So Deng Yu also resolutely led the whole army to withdraw to Jingnan, and at the same time half-emptied the whole Zhijiang city, not even the old and the weak were left for Yue Fei, which also made Yue Fei grit his teeth but had no choice.

In the duel between Yue Fei and Deng Yu, Yue Fei won after all. Although the process was not perfect, a win is a win.

[Ding dong, Yue Fei hit Jiangling three times, and now he finally succeeded. His obsessions are gone. Commander +1, Force +1, Charm +1. Currently, Yue Fei has five dimensions: Commander 101, Force 104, Intelligence 93, Politics 53 , charm 99;]

After seeing this reminder, Qin Hao was stunned. He never expected that a mere Nanjun would bring such a big improvement to Yue Fei. If he had known earlier, Qin Hao would not have waited until now.

"Failed to attack Jiangling twice in a row, and actually made Jiangling become Yue Fei's obsession. This is really..."

Qin Hao didn't know how to describe it, but it was enough to see that the self-esteem of famous generals was really strong.

"Now Yue Fei's basic command has reached 101, and after the skill is activated, the command is 102. In terms of leading the army and fighting, he has no opponent in the south.

In addition, Yue Fei's military strength has also reached the level of a peak general, and he may be able to compete for a super general in the future, and he is not afraid that the enemy will send killers to assassinate him.

With Yue Fei sitting in Jingbei, Jingzhou is safe. "Qin Hao said to himself with a smile.

"Yue Fei has done a lot to win Nanjun, so he must be rewarded, but his brain is too stupid, and he still opposes me to be king, so he has to beat him."

Looking at the battle report in his hand, Qin Hao pondered for a while, and said to himself: "If this is the case, then father and son will accept it, and only give Yue Fei one level, and give Yue Fei's son Yue Yun three levels.

By the way, in the battle of Nanjun, Yue Yun didn't even have any weapons at hand, and the horses were ordinary good horses. I'm really sorry for his basic force of 104.

System, how many magic soldier cards and mount cards do I have in my hand? "

[The host currently has 11 magic weapon cards and 11 mount cards. 】

"That's it, then use it all."

These weapon cards and mount cards were accumulated by Qin Hao little by little, and most of them came from the rewards from the unified state. It is useless for Qin Hao to keep them, and he can't use them up at all, so it is better to use them as rewards to his subordinates.

[Okay, congratulations to the host for obtaining the magical weapons: Tianlong Breaking City Halberd, Golden Dragon Splitting Sky Hammer, Bailing Plum Blossom Spear...

Famous horses: Saluzi, Tellerpis, Chiji, Pioli...]

The 11 magic weapon cards and 11 mount cards directly allowed Qin Hao to obtain 22 important pieces of equipment, which also dazzled Qin Hao.

"Hey, there are really hammer-type magical weapons. If so, let's reward Yue Yun with the Golden Dragon Skycracking Hammer and the famous horse Sa Luzi."

To reward Yue Yun with a soldier and a horse, Qin Hao still has 20 pieces in his hands. Although there are still many people under him who are not ready to go, he is not in a hurry to disperse immediately. After all, each of these famous horses It is so precious, if it is so easy to get it, wouldn't it drop in price?

Therefore, Qin Hao is going to reward generals with meritorious service, as well as those generals whose basic strength exceeds [-].

At the court meeting the next day, when the news of Yue Fei's capture of Nanjun came out, all the officials were excited about it, and Qin Hao also asked Yue Fei to be named: General Zhennan, Marquis of Yiling.

Since then, Yue Fei was finally able to become a Marquis, and he became Qin Hao's fifth general to be named a Marquis after Bai Qi, Wang Meng, Huo Qubing, and Jia Fu.

Although Qin Hao has a lot of talented people, but there are not many who have achieved enough merits to be named Marquis, even Xue Rengui, Su Dingfang, Li Jing, Zhuge Liang and others are not enough.

The reason why Huo Qubing and Jia Fu could be named Marquis is because one of them led the army out of the fortress and came back alive, and the other killed Yuan Emperor Temujin.

It is worth mentioning that both Jia Fu and Huo Qubing were champions in the original history.

There were also two champions in this world, Qin Hao and Li Shimin.

Qin Hao suspects that if the title is given to two champions, it is likely to activate a certain achievement, but there is only one champion title, so there is some hesitation between the two.

The balance in Qin Hao's heart was slightly tilted towards Jia Fu. After all, Jia Fu was not only a member of his own family but also a super general, but Jia Fu declined on his own initiative, saying that he didn't want to be in the limelight anymore.

As soon as Qin Hao heard it, he knew that it was Jia Xu's attention. It must be Jia Xu who wanted to protect Jia Fu, which made Jia Fulai voluntarily resign from the title of Champion.

Although Qin Hao intended to give you the title of Marquis Champion to Jia Fu, Jia Fu didn't want it himself, and he couldn't force it, so he gave Huo Qubing the title of Marquis Champion.

After Huo Qubing was awarded the title of champion, as expected, he inspired the achievements of "champion", permanent basic force +1, basic charm permanent +1, five dimensions also reached: 100, force 104, intelligence 81, politics 62, charm 100;

So far, Qin Hao has seven peak generals under his command: Zhao Yun, Huang Zhong, Pei Yuanqing, Arthur, Huo Qubing, Yue Fei, and Yue Yun.

 At the third watch, there are still 3 chapters owed for rewarding chapters...

(End of this chapter)

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