Chapter 1476
Chapter 1474: Three Proposals to Become King
Before completely conquering Hebei and the Central Plains, Qin Hao will not easily use troops to the south of the Yangtze River, unless Liu Xiu is determined to die, and now that Liu Xiu has admitted to being cowardly, Qin Hao will definitely accept it as soon as he sees it.

Liu Xiu stopped attacking Jiaozhou, pulled his hand in time, and soon after returning to Jingnan, Qin Hao also ordered Yue Fei to stop crossing the river, and the army returned to Nanjun and Xiangyang.

The retreat of Yue Fei's Qin army meant that the biggest threat the Chu army faced during the allied war against Chu was gone.

Qin Hao, Sun Jian, and Huang Zu attacked Liu Xiu, and Qin Hao dispatched the most troops. When the Qin army retreated, the pressure on the Chu army was naturally greatly reduced.

Of course, the retreat of the Qin army does not mean that Sun Jian and Huang Zu will also retreat. After all, the conflict between them and Liu Xiu is irreconcilable. If this opportunity is missed, it will be even more difficult to eliminate Liu Xiu next time.

In addition, although the three families sent troops together to attack Chu, it was only a tacit understanding. There was no alliance between the three major princes to attack Chu.

Therefore, after Qin Hao occupied Nanjun and tasted the sweetness, he ordered the withdrawal of the army alone. This was only the Qin army's own business, and had nothing to do with the other two, and he was not afraid that it would turn against the other two.

Although Qin Hao ordered the withdrawal of troops, the war between Liu Xiu and Sun Jian and Huang Zu is still going on, but Qin Hao has already obtained the greatest benefit, Nanjun.

Sun Jian also forcibly occupied several counties in Lujiang, and now three-quarters of Lujiang counties are in the hands of Sun Jian, and Sun Jian has basically unified Jiangdong.

In this battle, Liu Xiu not only lost troops, but also lost Nanjun and most of Lujiang. However, it was a blessing in disguise, annihilating the main force of the Taiping Army and occupying Yulin and Cangwu counties. Arrived.

The only princes who didn't get any benefits from this war are probably Huang Zu's family.

Huang Zu only owned one county in Jiangxia, and he was short of major generals. After the army invaded Changsha, although they also seized several counties, they were quickly taken back by the Chu army, and in the end they did not occupy any Cheap, but also lost a lot of soldiers and horses.

After this battle, Huang Zu realized that there was a gap between him and the great princes. If the situation ebbs and flows, he will be swallowed up by other princes sooner or later.

Thinking of this, Huang Zu couldn't help feeling a little disheartened, he had exhausted all methods, but his power had not improved, which also made him plan to follow Kong Rong's example and withdraw.

Of course, for a person like Huang Zu who loves power like his life, it is naturally impossible to hand over power easily, not to mention that the situation is still unclear, and he is going to wait for the situation to become clear before deciding which side to fall to.


Meng Yi and Lu Su walked slowly on Zhuque Street side by side, they were a perfect match for each other, and the people around them kept admiring.

"General Meng Yi, is the injury from last time healed?"

"It's just a minor injury, it's already healed."

"I'm sorry, brother didn't mean it, he just..." Lu Su said apologetically.

Meng Yi looked indifferent, and said with a smile: "It's okay, it's okay, General Lu Bu is also eager to love his sister..."

Although he said so, Meng Yi was still a little annoyed in his heart, after all he and Lu Su were in love, but Lu Bu wanted to beat the mandarin ducks.

The last time he went to Lu Mansion to look for Lu Su, Lu Bu not only spoke ill of him, saying that he was not good enough for his sister, but also threw him out directly, and this incident made Meng Yi almost a laughing stock.

However, after all, Meng Yi has been a human being for three lifetimes, and he finally met his lover in the previous life, so how could he give up lightly, and his persistence and persistence not only moved Lu Su, but also changed Lu Bu's view of him greatly.

Lu Bu didn't agree with Meng Yi and Lu Su's matter at first. In his opinion, there are better choices for his younger sister, but when he remembered that his eldest sister Lu Zhi fell in love with Liu Ji back then, he also looked down on Liu Ji who was like a bastard. Ji, but now Liu Ji has become the king of Shu, and Lu Zhi has become the concubine of Shu.

Lu Bu has already looked away once, and of course he doesn't want to look away again, but now that the young girl has fallen in love with Meng Yi, and Meng Yi doesn't have too many shortcomings, it's hard for him to continue playing mandarin ducks.

Meng Yi and Lu Su kept chatting, and the atmosphere was extremely harmonious, but at this moment, a group of students from the Taixue came up to welcome them, and the leader said: "You two, can you chat for a while?"

After Meng Yi and Lu Su looked at each other, Meng Yi smiled and said, "Yes."

"Student Zhou Tao is a student of Taixue, and I heard that the senior officials in the court are jealous of the virtuous and capable, and have repeatedly hindered Duke Qin's promotion.

It must be known that Duke Qin's merits have lasted through the ages, and a mere king is far from being able to complete his merits. What's more, when all the kings in the world stand side by side, Duke Qin's title of king is what everyone expects.

If meritorious service is not rewarded, in the long run, the country will not be a country.

I am a student of Taixue, and I am here to plead for the people, and present the book of ten thousand people, asking Your Majesty to make Duke Qin king.

I don't know if this young man and this young lady are willing to leave their names in the Wanmin Book? "

A strange color flashed in Meng Yi's eyes, and he said with a smile: "Brother Gao Yi, I admire you and would like to leave a name."

A gleam of joy flashed in the eyes of the Taixue student, and then he took out a thick book and handed it to Meng Yi. After Meng Yi opened it, he found that it was filled with densely packed names, and these were all left in the Wanmin book. Famous person.

Meng Yi turned to a blank page, picked up a pen and wrote the three characters 'Yi Xiaochuan', and then Lu Susu took the pen and wrote the three characters 'Lu Lingqi'.

After finishing writing, Meng Yi and Lu Su looked at each other and smiled, and then returned the Wanmin Book to the Taixue students.

Seeing the students leaving happily and continuing to ask for autographs from others, Lu Su shook his head and said, "This group of students who are full and supporting themselves know how to cause chaos for the court."

Meng Yi's eyes flickered, and he didn't know what he was thinking. After a while, he sighed: "He finally walked on this road."

"Him? Who?"

"'s nothing..."

After taking down Nanjun, Qin Hao ordered Jia Xu to plan and build momentum for his claim to be the king. After all, this is the third time, so only success is not allowed.

Jia Xu first united his supporters in the court and put pressure on the veterans of the Han Dynasty, and then built momentum for Qin Hao among the people, letting the common people and students know that the court not only does not reward the meritorious service, but also prepares to suppress the last of the Han Dynasty. The pillar, Qin Gong Qin Hao.

The reaction of the common people was good when they found out. Apart from angrily cursing the officials of the court, they did not do any drastic actions, but the students couldn't stand it anymore after hearing it.

Since ancient times, the student party has been the most angry group of people. When they hear that the country's traitorous ministers are in power and suppress Zhongliang... the big man is about to return to the dark and corrupt rule, how can he bear it.

The student party is not for fame or profit, but for the justice in their hearts, so the actions are organized spontaneously, and there is a scene of pleading for the people just now.

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(End of this chapter)

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