Chapter 1477

Chapter 1475: Unnecessary

"Reporting to Your Majesty, all the students of Taixue have presented the Wanmin Book, a total of more than 16 people in Luoyang have left their names in the Wanmin Book, and begged His Majesty to reward and punish Duke Qin as king..."

The total population of Luoyang is only 60 to 16, and most of them can't even read a word, but there are as many as [-] people who have written their names on the Wanmin Book.

It shows that the people in Luoyang who can write have basically left their names on the Wanmin Book, and the people's support for Duke Qin has reached an extremely terrifying level.

Although Liu Xie was young, he was extremely intelligent, so he naturally understood what it meant, so he couldn't help hesitating and said: "Teacher, Taichang, Duke Qin has made outstanding achievements, and he should be named king. From what I see, it's better Just give Duke Qin a king."

As soon as Liu Xie finished speaking, Kong Rong and Ma Rixun said in unison anxiously: "It is absolutely impossible, Your Majesty."

"Your Majesty, most of the people are ignorant. A small favor will easily be incited and deceived by others. Otherwise, the Yellow Turban would not have made such a big fuss."

With a serious face, Ma Rixun said in a deep voice: "This world is my man's world first, and then it is the world of all the people in the world. If the people ask for something and the court does it, I'm afraid my man will die long ago."

"That's right, common people are easy to be deceived, and so are students, and there must be someone behind this, otherwise it would never be so big."

Kong Rong also had a serious expression on his face, and said solemnly: "Your Majesty's concern, I understand that with Duke Qin's merits, it is indeed more than enough to be crowned king, but has your majesty ever thought about being crowned king?

There are still so many vassals in the world who have not yet been leveled. If Duke Qin is crowned king at this time, what kind of reward should Duke Qin give to Duke Qin after he wipes them out one by one in the future? "

Kong Rong's words were a bit serious, and Liu Xie could hear the implication in his words, and immediately turned pale and said: "No, Duke Qin is full of loyalty and goodness, he is the savior of the big man, absolutely not..."

After all, Liu Xie didn't say the word 'rebellious officials and thieves'. Now he is like a drowning traveler, and Qin Hao is the only rope that can pull him ashore, so he will never give up this last hope until the last moment .

Kong Rong and Ma Rixun looked at each other, and Kong Rong said: "Your Majesty, Lord Qin is a loyal minister, but sometimes he can't help himself, even if he doesn't want to, those arrogant soldiers under him, for the sake of meritorious service, would also be willing They will forcibly push him to the point of no return."

"What should I do?"

Liu Xie became anxious immediately. He never thought that his brother-in-law would betray a big man one day.

"No matter what, Duke Qin can't be crowned king. As long as he is not crowned king, there is still room for everything. With Duke Qin's character, he will definitely not take the risk of being disrespectful and do such a disobedient act."

"At least you can't become a king until you rule the world."

Ma Rixun added, and then said: "Don't worry, Your Majesty, I have contacted Yue Fei, the governor of Jingzhou. General Yue Fei has an army of [-] and guards the important area of ​​Jingzhou. No matter how high it is, Duke Qin will definitely refuse."

"That's all it takes."

The next day, Yue Fei's memorial was sent back to Luoyang. Like last time, Yue Fei's attitude was extremely firm, clearly expressing his opposition to Qin Hao becoming king, and this also caused an uproar in the court.

As a general in charge of military power, Yue Fei's statement is naturally more useful than that of the officials in the court, and his statement also pushed the situation to another direction. Even Liu Bowen and other military advisers suggested to Qin Hao that Yue Fei should be taken down first. The military power escorted him back to the capital.

Regarding Yue Fei's actions, Qin Hao was also extremely annoyed in his heart, and at the same time secretly blamed Qin Zheng and Qin Qiong, didn't they tell you to watch Yue Fei carefully, why did such a thing happen.

Qin Hao actually wronged Qin Qiong and Qin Zheng. Of course they did not dare to forget Qin Hao's advice, and they also thought about stopping Yue Fei, but the key is that they can't stop Yue Fei. What can they do if Yue Fei is determined to die?
Regarding Liu Bowen's proposal, Qin Hao hesitated in his heart. Yue Fei had just made a great contribution and had just been granted the title of Marquis. Punishing him without evidence would be untenable.

Just when Qin Hao was hesitating, Jia Xu's words woke Qin Hao up.

"My lord, Yue Fei is a true pure minister. He is loyal to both the great man and the lord, but he is destined to be caught between the two, so his heart is extremely painful.

Yue Fei can't make a choice by himself, and although you are protecting him, but you are also forcing him to make a choice, it is tantamount to forcing him to death.

If the lord doesn't want to lose this general, it's time for you to make a decision for Yue Fei, so that Yue Fei can be completely freed. "

After hearing Jia Xu's words, Qin Hao suddenly realized that he didn't want to lose Yue Fei, so he loved Yue Fei everywhere, but he didn't know that this actually hurt Yue Fei.

"Uncle, Yue Fei made things difficult for you everywhere, and even impeached you several times, but you were the only one who spoke up for him." Qin Hao said with a smile.

You must know that Yue Fei was single-handedly promoted by Qin Hao, but he opposed Qin Hao's claiming the king three times. This is a betrayal for any monarch, let alone Qin Hao is the kind of person who can't tolerate sand in his eyes.

Most people thought that Yue Fei was doomed this time, and even Liu Bowen and others suggested to Qin Hao to get rid of his military power. Only Yue Fei's deadly enemy, Jia Xu, spoke for Yue Fei. This is probably beyond everyone's imagination.

Jia Xu smiled nonchalantly, and said: "The conflict between the subject and Yue Fei is not private, but now pleading for Yue Fei is also not private."

"Uncle Gao Yi, my nephew admires it. Since this is the case, I will leave this matter to you, uncle. Remember to do it neatly."


Jia Xu has always acted vigorously and resolutely. As soon as Qin Hao's order was issued, he immediately arranged for manpower to start the layout. First, he arranged for the navy to falsely accuse Yue Fei of corruption, and then forged letters to falsely accuse Yue Fei of rebellion.

Under Jia Xu's series of unwarranted filth, although Yue Fei's charges were not confirmed, he still had an excuse to take his military power. After all, it is impossible for a person suspected of rebellion to continue to command the army.

Jingbei, Jiangling County, and the Qin army's camp were in a tense posture at this time.

"Commander Yue Fei, this is your investigation order, please go with the brothers."

Qin Hui smiled lightly and said that he was the hidden figure of the Baizhao Card last time, and he had been implanted in the Qin family. He has been working under Qin Zheng, and even Qin Hao didn't know his existence.

Zhang Xian stood in front of Yue Fei, glared at Qin Hui, and shouted: "You don't have any definite evidence at all, so why arrest the governor?"

"Yeah, why arrest my father?" Yue Yun said angrily.

"Commander Yue Fei, maybe you are not guilty, but the basic investigation still needs to be carried out."

Qin Hui's eyes were full of pleasure, and he said with a light smile: "This is also the meaning of the superior, please don't make it difficult for me to run errands."

 One more guarantee to...

(End of this chapter)

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