Chapter 1705
Chapter 1703: True and False
Since most of Zhao's civil servants were wiped out by Su Dingfang in the Bohai Sea, Tian Feng and Xun Kan, who escaped by accident, have become the pillars of Zhao's civil servants.

Under the persuasion of Tian Feng and Xun Kan, Yuan Tan, who had been hesitant, finally made up his mind and decided to abandon Yecheng and break out with Han Xin.

After Han Xin learned about it, he was also secretly relieved. After all, without the addition of Zhao Jun, it would be impossible to break out from the encirclement of more than [-] Qin troops with only [-] Han troops under him.

"The entire city of Ye is under the siege of the Qin army. If our army wants to break out of the siege smoothly, we must choose the right direction."

Han Xin looked at the people below and said unhurriedly.

Hearing what Han Xin said, Han Zhao Wenwu and all the ministers couldn't help but a trace of doubt flashed in their eyes.

Yuan Honggang wanted to ask a question, but was preempted by Ma Shanwei.

"Han Wang, we only have a chassis in the north of Hebei. Besides the north, can we break through in other directions?"

Seeing this, Han Xin couldn't help but a strange look flashed in his eyes, as did the others.

After Wang Mang fled to Sanhan, Ma Shanwei, who had been reduced to an abandoned general, also became taciturn, and basically did not make any comments. He did whatever Han Xin arranged for him, but he did not expect to speak at this critical moment.

Han Xin hadn't spoken yet, but Ju Shou replied on his behalf: "General Ma doesn't know, because the only remaining territory is in the north. In order to prevent our army from breaking through to the north of Hebei, the Qin army must set up layers of ambushes on the northern road. , so the only thing that cannot break out is the north.”

Ma Shanwei showed a sudden look: "So that's the case, I understand."

"However, in the three directions of east, west and south, even if we break out of the siege, it is still the territory of the Qin army. How should we return to northern Hebei?" Yuan Hong asked.

"This question has long been thought of by the king."

Han Xin walked up to a huge map, pointed to the map and said: "Look, everyone, this is the terrain around Yecheng, and the terrain of Jizhou is flat, so there is no need to worry about nowhere to go.

As long as you can break out of the siege, go eastward for a hundred miles, turn north, and walk all the way to Yin'an County, you can also reach northern Hebei.

Similarly, after traveling westward for [-] li, turn northward and take Yuancheng County all the way, you can also reach northern Hebei.

As for the way to the south to break through the siege, although it is a bit troublesome, it can also be diverted to reach northern Hebei. "

"Is the risk too great?" Yuan Tan asked a little uneasy.

"Isn't the risk of staying behind too big?" Han Xin asked back.

Yuan Tan was speechless for a moment, and simply shut up, and Han Xin, who was saved, hated himself again.

Seeing that Yuan Tan stopped talking, Han Xin immediately showed a knowing expression on his face.

Han Xin was left speechless by Yuan Tan's frailty, so he has a bad temper recently, and he couldn't help but go to Yuan Tan whenever he had the opportunity.

"Okay, everyone, from where to break through, you will know when the time comes."

Han Xin's eyes were full of solemnity, and he said in a deep voice: "The most urgent thing is to block the offensive of the Qin army and delay the final preparations for the breakout."

It is impossible for an army of 11 to leave as soon as they say it. The marching route of hundreds of miles is not short, and they may encounter attacks along the way, so they must bring enough food, grass, arrows and other materials.

Even if it is to move these massive supplies, it will also take a certain amount of time, and it is impossible for the Qin army not to attack the city during this period.

"The defensive equipment at the east and west gates are all destroyed, even if all the spare stocks in the treasury are taken out, it will not be enough to fill this big hole.

At present, we can only use the method of demolishing the east wall to make up for the west wall, and transfer some from the north and south gates for emergency, and this will inevitably cause the defense of the north and south gates to decline.

The defensive power of Yecheng has dropped significantly, while the attack power of the Qin army will not only not drop, but will instead increase due to last night's big victory. "

Han Xin looked at everyone below, and said seriously: "The next battle to defend the city is the most difficult one so far. This king will personally go up the tower to boost morale. I also hope that everyone can work together to overcome this difficulty."

"No." All the generals shouted in unison.

In this way, Han Xin and Yuan Tan cooperated in a division of labor. Han Xin personally led the army to resist the attack of the Qin army, while Yuan Tan was responsible for preparing the materials used to break through.

As soon as the day dawned, the Qin army had already reached the city and launched an offensive against Yecheng.

What Han Xin didn't expect was that the number of people attacking the city was much less than before, so the offensive was not as violent as he expected.

"How come the number of people attacking the city by the Qin army has been reduced by half compared to before? Where did the other half go?"

Han Xin's eyes were full of doubts. After all, the Qin army had an army of 20, and there was no shortage of troops. Why did it reduce the number of siege teams?
"Report... my lord, our army's spies outside the city made a major discovery, and the Qin army mobilized a large number of troops to go east, west, and south."


Han Xin was taken aback for a moment, and after a long time of contemplation, he suddenly showed a dignified expression.

After defending the city for most of the day, the preparations for breaking out of the siege have been completely made, and Han Xin also called everyone over again.

"Everyone, there is bad news and good news." Han Xin said with a serious face.

Hearing this, Yuan Tan's heart trembled, and he quickly asked, "What's the bad news?"

"Qin Hao expected that our army would break out of the siege, so he mobilized a large number of troops and went in three directions, east, west, and south. It was obviously to set up an ambush so that we could be wiped out."


All the generals exploded at once. After all, they couldn't run away even if they wanted to. How sad it is to fight to such an extent.

"It's over, it's over."

Yuan Tan began to howl, but when he thought of the good news, he immediately asked expectantly, "What is the good news?"

"The good news is that the Qin army deployed ambushes in three directions, east, west, south, but ignored the north." Han Xin said with a light smile.

Hearing this, everyone couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, as long as there is still a glimmer of life.

Tian Feng frowned, and asked: "In order to prevent our army from escaping, the Qin army set up ambushes on the three roads. Why did they only miss the nearest north?"

"If Su Dingfang leads the army back, the Qin army can naturally set up ambushes in all directions in order to be safe.

But now the Qin army has only 20 troops. If the troops are forcibly divided and ambushes are set up in all directions, there will be a serious shortage of troops, and the ambush troops will be in danger of being swallowed by our army instead. "

Speaking of this, a bright light flashed in Han Xin's eyes, and he sneered: "The Qin army calculated that our army would not break out from the north, and they didn't know which side our army would break out from, so they set up ambushes in all three directions. , and the most dangerous north has become the safest direction.”

 At the third change, the monthly ticket breaks 500 plus more chapters, and currently still owes four chapters.

(End of this chapter)

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