Chapter 1706 Occupy Yecheng
Chapter 1704: Occupy Ye City
Zhang Liang's strategy this time is complicated and complicated, but simple and simple, it is to take advantage of Han Xin's psychology of wanting to preserve his strength.

There are ambushes on three of the four roads back to the north. Although it may not be impossible to force the way with the strength of Yecheng, the price of the force is unacceptable to Han Xin, so the north, which was ignored by both sides from the beginning, is the safest.

After the skill was activated, Zhang Liang with an intelligence of 104, based on Han Xin's disposition, specially set up a trap, and it was difficult for Han Xin to fall for it.

If Han Xin's intelligence had not been suppressed, with his 96 points of intelligence, although he could not see through Zhang Liang's calculations, but if he added a commander of 103 points, he might not be able to detect something wrong.

It's a pity that Han Xin, whose intelligence was suppressed to 90, was completely led by the nose by Zhang Liang.

As for the rest of the Han and Zhao armies, they had a kind of blind confidence in Han Xin. Han Xin said that the most dangerous north is the safest now. Would they break out in the other three directions?

Tian Feng, Jushou, and Xun Kan are wise men, although they are well-known counselors in Hebei, but their intelligence is not over [-] after all, and they are still a little short of seeing through Zhang Liang's strategy.

Late at night, midnight is approaching.

After Han Xin looked up at the night, he realized that the time was almost up, and immediately ordered: "Break out."


The north gate was opened, and a large number of cavalry with cotton cloth on their horseshoes rushed out, heading straight for a Qin army camp in the north. The mission of their trip was to break through the encirclement of the Qin army.

"Reporting to my lord, all the troops of the Qin army have indeed been transferred to other places, and the troops in the Qin camp in the north are extremely empty. The two generals Yuan Hong and Zhang Kui have captured this camp, and now the road to the north has been opened. "

"it is good."

A gleam of joy flashed in Han Xin's eyes, and he ordered in a deep voice: "Nangong Changwan and Ma Shanwei, you two are now ordered to lead an army of [-] each, to block the reinforcements of the Qin army from the southeast two directions, and buy time for the army to retreat."


The two generals took orders to leave.

Afterwards, under Han Xin's command, a large number of grain trucks and material trucks moved out from the north gate and quickly headed towards the Beiying camp.

"Report... my lord, the Qin army's reinforcements came from the east, and the leader is Zhang Liao."

"Report... my lord, the Qin army's reinforcements came from the west, and the leader will be Long Qi."

Han Xin suddenly changed his face and ordered: "Immediately send an order to Nangong Changwan and Ma Shanwei, telling them to hold on for two hours, and reinforcements will be sent to them immediately."


"Immediately send an order to Yuan Hong and Zhang Kui, ordering them each to lead five thousand elite cavalry, and to set up blocking armies in the east and west."


The Qin army's reinforcements counterattacked very violently, and the leading generals were Zhang Liaolong and these two famous generals. Han Xin worried that Nangong Changwan and Ma Shanwei could not bear it, so he sent Yuan Hong and Zhang Kui out again.

With the support of Yuan Hong and Zhang Kui's cavalry, the pressure on the east and west to block the army was greatly reduced, and the Qin army's offensive was finally blocked.

Two hours later, when the last grain truck also drove on the road going north, Han Xin's heart that had been hanging around was finally half relieved.

"Immediately send a signal to Yuan Hong and the others, so that the intercepting army can also withdraw." Han Xin ordered.


After receiving the order to retreat, the blocking troops from the east and west retreated at full speed in the direction of the North Camp, and the Qin army immediately launched a pursuit after seeing this.

About [-] coalition troops died in blocking enemy reinforcements, while as many as [-] enemy troops died in pursuit.

Just to delay time, the coalition forces lost another [-] troops, while the Qin army's losses were minimal.

In this regard, Han Xin had actually expected it a long time ago, but as long as the remaining [-] troops can be brought out of the encirclement of the Qin army, even sacrificing [-] troops is worthwhile.

"Hurry up, hurry up..."

Yuan Tan shouted anxiously, seeing those soldiers who ran slowly, all of them died under the arrows of the Qin army, his heart was bleeding.

Most of the soldiers who died in the battle were soldiers of the Zhao army, and after the loss of Yecheng, the country of Zhao had no land and could not be replenished with troops. Every soldier who died was one less.

"My lord, most of the intercepting troops have already withdrawn, and the rest have been entangled by the Qin army and are destined to be unable to withdraw." Zhang Kuihui reported.

Han Xin nodded and said decisively: "In this case, we can only abandon them. Let's set fire."


Following Han Xin's order, the northern camp, which was piled up with kerosene, sulfur and other fire starters, instantly turned into a sea of ​​flames, and a large number of coalition soldiers who did not escape were burned to death, which also completely blocked the Qin army's northward pursuit. the way.

"Okay, hurry up and retreat quickly."

Han Xin looked at the fire camp not far away, and said lightly: "This fire will not stop the Qin army for a long time, so we have to continue to set fire on the main roads along the way, so as to delay the Qin army's pursuit speed, and our army will take advantage of this. Run as far as you can in the gap."


On the other side, Qin Hao saw that Han Xin used the method of burning fire to block the way, and couldn't help but chuckled: "This Han Xin really does everything in order to escape, but he is destined to be unable to escape."

Originally, Qin Hao was not 100% sure, but when he learned that Beiying was occupied, he could already conclude that Han Xin had joined the set, and the next step would be to see the performance of Bai Qi and Zhang Liang.

"My lord, it's time to completely take over Yecheng." Guo Jia said with a smile.


Qin Hao nodded, waved his hand and said, "Let's go, follow me into Ye City, and go see this third most famous city in the world."

Yecheng is both a big city and a strong city. Under the onslaught of more than [-] catapults, more than [-] well rails, and more than [-] troops of the Qin army, it lasted for more than a month.

Now this strong city with 50 people has been occupied by the Qin army without bloodshed.

At this time, the city of Ye was far less magnificent than a month ago. There were numerous cracks everywhere on the city walls, and most of the houses in the city near the city walls were smashed down.

The people in the outermost area of ​​the outer city had all been moved to the inner city by Han Xin, so Qin Hao didn't see a single person after entering the city.

Qin Hao glanced around, but what he could see was devastated ruins. Nearly half of the houses in the outer city had collapsed. It is conceivable that the inner city must be full of people.

"Fortunately, no decisive battle was launched in Yecheng, otherwise, it would be difficult to know how much resources would be invested in post-disaster reconstruction."

Qin Hao sighed softly, and then led everyone under his command into the prefect's mansion together.

"Report, my lord, when Han Xin withdrew from Yecheng, he did not burn the supplies that could not be taken away, and the grain depot, armory depot, salt depot and other warehouses were all intact."


Qin Hao's voice couldn't help getting louder. After all, this is an enemy. With Han Xin's shrewdness, how could he do this?
Guo Jia's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he said with a smile, "Congratulations to my lord, congratulations to my lord, Han Xin may have surrendered."

 Guaranteed one update to...

(End of this chapter)

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