Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1707 Want to be a 'shareholder'?

Chapter 1707 Want to be a 'shareholder'?
Chapter 1705: Want to be a 'shareholder'?
Will Han Xin surrender?
Hearing what Guo Jia said, Qin Hao immediately denied it subconsciously: "How is this possible? If Han Xin wanted to surrender, he would have surrendered before the war started. Why would he wait until now?"

Hearing this, Guo Jia couldn't help being a little surprised, and immediately asked in doubt: "Why are you so sure, my lord?"

Qin Hao explained: "In the first battle of Xianbei, Han Xin killed Xianbei Shanyu and made an astonishing feat, but he was betrayed by the Han court instead. If Liu Yu didn't save him, Han Xin would have died long ago.

It is impossible for an individual to endure such unfair treatment, let alone a hero like Han Xin.

Even if Han Xin doesn't say it, he must hate the Han family in his heart, so to a certain extent, he and this king have the same purpose, and this king naturally wants to win him over.

Long before the start of the war, the king had sent an emissary to talk about surrendering Han Xin, and promised great benefits, but Han Xin refused decisively. "


Guo Jia showed surprise. When the Qin army took over Hebei, the dynasty would change sooner or later. This should be what Han Xin wanted to see, but why did he refuse?
"There's no need to think about it, Han Xin either didn't have time to burn these warehouses, or the warehouses were almost emptied, and there wasn't much food and grass left in the granaries, so they didn't burn supplies." Qin Hao said briefly.

Guo Jia shook his head and said, "My lord, although Han Xin's trip is extremely urgent, there is more than enough time to burn the supplies. In addition, whether it is the grain depot or other warehouses, there are more than half of the supplies left in them, and there is no need to move them." empty phenomenon."


Qin Hao couldn't help frowning, and said to himself, "Then why did Han Xin do this?"

Guo Jia seemed to think of something, and quickly asked: "Since my lord wants Han Xin to surrender, what kind of conditions should I ask him?"

Qin Hao replied: "This king promised to Han Xin, Han Gong, Jizhou Mu, Hushi General, Hebei Governor..."

Qin Hao is a king who loves and cherishes talents, so to attract a great talent like Han Xin, the bargaining chip offered cannot be low.

The conditions offered by Qin Hao were all important positions with real power in their hands, and any one of them was extremely lucrative. This was the biggest condition Qin Hao could offer, but even so, Han Xin still refused.

That's why Qin Hao subconsciously thought that it was impossible for Han Xin to surrender, but instead wanted to fight himself to the death.

After hearing Qin Hao's words, Guo Jia couldn't help frowning, and then relaxed after a while, smiling lightly: "This Han Xin is really greedy."

"What does the military commander mean by this?"

"In life, what one seeks is nothing more than fame, wealth, wealth and sex.

The conditions offered by the lord to persuade him to surrender include fame, fortune, power, and wealth, which can be said to be full of sincerity.

But even so, Han Xin still refused, what does this mean? "Guo Jia asked back.

Qin Hao frowned: "Does it mean that Han Xin doesn't care about fame and fortune? No desire or desire?"

"how can that be."

Guo Jia sneered: "If Han Xin has no desires, then Jia will give up drinking immediately from tomorrow, no, today."

Alcohol was Guo Jia's lifeblood, and besides Shangguan Yan, the second most important thing he couldn't let go of, so he said quit drinking, which showed that Guo Jia must have absolute certainty.

Qin Hao couldn't help but rolled his eyes, and then asked again: "What does that mean?"

"It shows that what Han Xin wants to get more, or one of these conditions for persuading surrender, has not reached the level that allows Han Xin to surrender.

Han Xin also knew that this was the highest condition the lord could give, so he resolutely rejected our army's persuasion to surrender.

But what Han Xin didn't expect was that even if the princes of Hebei united, they would still lose consecutive battles against our army, and Han Xin's cards were getting fewer and fewer.

If you continue to fight our army to the death, there will be no room for turning back at all, so Han Xin didn't burn the warehouse after he withdrew from Yecheng, in order to show his goodwill to the lord. "Guo Jia said unhurriedly.

Hearing this, Qin Hao suddenly looked stunned, and he just said, the conditions of "job hopping" offered by him are so generous, it is impossible for anyone not to be tempted, but Han Xin is still the most right with him, so it is not because of lack of sincerity , but did not touch the point that made Han Xin quit,
Thinking about it, Qin Hao's face showed a trace of anger again: "I didn't expect Han Xin to be so greedy. The conditions offered by this king have already made him an extremely human minister and a subordinate, so he can't even return it." Satisfied? Do you want me to give way to him?"

"The conditions announced by the lord are indeed generous, but no matter how much Han Xin is a minister, he is still just a minister, and what he wants is probably not just a minister."

Guo Jia smiled lightly.

Hearing this, Qin Hao was taken aback for a moment, he had already seen through the essence of this matter, and his face became brighter.

For example.Both Qin Hao and Han Xin are the chairman of the two companies. After Qin Hao's group grows bigger, he wants to acquire Han Xin's group, but Qin Hao can only let Han Xin be an executive, but cannot give him shares.

Han Xin was originally the chairman of the big group, but now he is asked to work as a wage earner for Qin Hao. No one will be happy about this.

So, in general, it's not that Qin Hao doesn't give Han Xin enough power, but that Han Xin wants to be a shareholder, he doesn't want to be just a minister at the mercy of others, he wants to have independent military and political power.

Han Xin was a prince, and he knew that the king wanted to control his ministers, but it was only a matter of one sentence.

Just like Yue Fei, he is definitely a model of loyalty, but does loyalty have a good end?After Qin Hao sent out a word, Yue Fei was directly pushed to the end, without even the slightest chance to resist.

Han Xin is different from Yue Fei. He and Qin Hao don't have any relationship foundation, so he doesn't trust Qin Hao as much as Yue Fei, so he naturally worries that he will be settled by Qiu Hou after surrendering.

In addition, Han Xin, who has already been a prince, has tried the poison of power. It is naturally impossible for him to let go of all his power and be a courtier honestly.

However, the strength of the Qin army is too strong. Even if Han Xin personally leads the army, even if the princes of Hebei unite, they are still no match. Therefore, Han Xin will inevitably have the idea of ​​​​surrender.

In Han Xin's mind, the most perfect way to surrender is actually to be attached to the Qin army as a small prince. Such rights may not be as great as Qin Hao's offer, but it is better than a wage earner like Yue Fei who has nothing.

Han Xin's request seems to be very low, but it is precisely such a condition that Qin Hao cannot agree to.

If Han Xin is agreed to be independent from the Qin army, then when they attack Cao Cao and other princes, they also demand independence. Does Qin Hao agree or is it not easy?
Therefore, this precedent must not be set.

"Have the heart to surrender but can't bear the military power?"

A stern look flashed in Qin Hao's eyes, and he said lightly: "Then I will make you a bare-bones commander first, and see if you will surrender or not."

Qin Hao originally wanted to get rid of Han Xin directly. After all, Han Xin is the commander-in-chief second only to Bai Qi. If he keeps fighting against him, it will undoubtedly be a big obstacle to his unification of the world.

But now that he knows that Han Xin has the heart to surrender, Qin Hao will naturally not kill him again. After all, a Han Xin who is alive and working for him is more valuable.

"Immediately send a flying pigeon letter to Bai Qi and Zhang Liang, telling them to capture Han Xin alive." Qin Hao ordered.


After the messenger left, Qin Hao immediately smiled and said, "Okay, in order to make this play more perfect, we should also lead the army to pursue Han Xin.

The order was passed on, and the pursuing army was on standby at all times, and after the fire in the northern camp was extinguished, they immediately launched a pursuit northward. "


 Guaranteed one update to...

(End of this chapter)

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