Chapter 1708 Ambush from All Sides

Chapter 1706: Ambush on all sides

The Qin army had 21 troops in Yecheng, but this time in order to confuse and get Han Xin into the trap, Zhang Liang used a full 11 troops to act.

Therefore, only [-] troops actually ambushed the coalition forces, and the coalition forces that fled north happened to be only [-].

One hundred thousand ambushes one hundred thousand, this is definitely a difficult task in the eyes of others, but in Bai Qi's eyes, it is just a routine operation.

Bai Qi is good at using the terrain to fight. Even if the opponent has the same number as himself, as long as the terrain is used well, he can completely wipe out the opponent.

As for the 11 troops left in Yecheng, Qin Hao naturally had another role. After all, after Han Xin fled north, if the Qin army didn't pursue them, wouldn't it be telling Han Xin that there was an ambush ahead?

"Gao Shun, where is Yu Jin?" Qin Hao ordered in a deep voice.

Gao Shun and Yu Jin stood up together and shouted: "The end is here."

"Gao Shun, the king ordered you to be the chief general and Yu Jin to be the deputy general, leading [-] troops to guard Yecheng, to appease the people and prevent rioters from making trouble."

"No." Gao Shun and Yu Jin shouted.

Qin Hao nodded and continued to order: "Where are Zhang Liao, Long Qi, Xu Huang, Yuexi, Li Jin, and Jiang Jiong?"

"The end is here." The six generals stood up together and responded.

"This king will lead the remaining 15 troops to pursue Han Xin. Each of you will lead [-] troops. One thing must be kept in mind, that is, the bigger the momentum, the better. It is best for this king to pretend to be [-] people." Qin Hao ordered with a confident face.

"No." The six generals responded in unison.

Although Han Xin piled up a large number of firelighters in the northern camp, it was no problem to burn it for a day, but it only burned for a long time before being extinguished by the Qin army.

After the fire was extinguished, Zhang Liao led his men to quickly clear a path, and then under Qin Hao's personal leadership, the [-] troops embarked on the road of pursuit northward.

Although the Northern Chasing Army only had 15 people, they carried a large number of flags, and the momentum along the way was so great that they thought it was an army of [-] chasing them.

Soon, Han Xin received the news that the Qin army had chased him through the spies left behind, and immediately ordered: "Send Zhang Kui in the rear to set fire after the Qin army's pursuers enter the main road."

That's right, even if he fled in embarrassment, Han Xin didn't want to be beaten passively all the time. Instead, he wanted to use fire to ambush the Qin army who came to pursue him.

"Report...Report, my lord, the Qin army discovered our intentions, not only did not come in, but also shot and killed many of our people. General Zhang Kui had no choice but to set fire to block the pursuit."

Hearing this, Han Xin immediately showed disappointment, and muttered to himself: "Sure enough, it still failed."

After the general army retreats, in order to catch up with the enemy as soon as possible, the enemy's impatience will often ignore some details, and this time is the most suitable time to set up an ambush.

However, it is also necessary to distinguish who the opponent is. If Bai Qi is such a famous general, it is almost impossible to successfully ambush with such a small trick.

Han Xin also knows that the chance of success is not high, but there is no harm in trying. What if he succeeds by being careless?But the fact is that it failed in the end.

"Send the front army to speed up."

Han Xin's eyes were full of seriousness, and he said in a deep voice: "Our army is running out of kerosene, and there are not many important roads that must be passed. The method of attacking fire to block the road can still be used one or two more times. Once, if you can't take advantage of this gap to completely shake off Qin Jun, once you are caught up, you will only have a dead end."


The speed of the coalition army's march was fast enough. After all, this time they hurriedly abandoned the city and retreated, and all they took away were supplies, not the families of the officials.

Most of Zhao's officials had already been taken over by the Qin army in the Bohai Sea, and the Korean officials' families were all in northern Hebei. There were no women and children to hinder the marching speed, so the marching speed of the army was naturally faster.

The marching speed of the coalition forces was much faster than usual, but Han Xin was still dissatisfied. For some reason, he always had a feeling of uneasiness in his heart, as if something important was missing, but he couldn't say what it was.

"Am I overthinking?" Han Xin secretly asked.

At the same time, hundreds of miles away, Bai Qi had already set up a pocket array, waiting for Han Xin to come to his door.

At this time, besides Zhang Liang, there was another person beside Bai Qi. He was Li Jing who left the Bohai battlefield and took the initiative to go to the Yecheng battlefield.

Not long after Li Jing arrived in Yecheng, he received news that Yecheng was about to fail. He concluded that Han Xin would not sit still and would definitely abandon the city to break through, so he prepared to ambush Han Xin on the way back north.

The ambush location prepared by Li Jing is much farther than Bai Qi, and it is already in South Korea.

Although Li Jing didn't know which side Han Xin would break out from, no matter which direction Han Xin went, he was destined to return to South Korea, so he planned to ambush Han Xin at the gate of South Korea.

In Li Jing's view, with Bai Qi in Yecheng, even if Han Xin finally breaks out, the army under his command will inevitably suffer heavy casualties, and the [-] army in his hands can just take down Han Xin's remnant army, which is depleted.

What Li Jing didn't expect was that Zhang Liang also thought of an ambush strategy, and confused Han Xin to order him to break out from the north. Then it would be useless for him to continue to set up an ambush at the gate of South Korea, so he immediately led the army to join Bai Qi.

After Bai Qi and Li Jing joined forces, the army also rose to 13. Even without setting up an ambush, Han Xin's [-] coalition forces could be defeated head-on. However, in order to minimize casualties, Bai Qi chose to ambush.

In the face of famous generals like Han Xin, ordinary ambushes are doomed to be difficult to make achievements, and Han Xin will see the flaws if they are not properly arranged.

It is precisely because of this that Zhang Liang suggested to Bai Qi that instead of setting up an ambush in a dangerous place, he would set up an ambush in a relatively flat terrain, so that Han Xin's vigilance could be minimized.

"This place is the only way to go north to northern Hebei. As long as Han Xin wants to return to Korea, he will definitely pass by here."

Zhang Liang pointed to a plain on the marching map, and said confidently: "Although the terrain here is flat, it is not conducive to ambushes, but there are many pits and slopes, which are easy for the army to hide.

Therefore, there are two advantages to setting up an ambush here. One can catch Han Xin by surprise, and the other can fully deploy our army's strength. "

After staring at the map for a long time, Bai Qi slammed down the table, and said forcefully, "This is where Han Xin's [-] Northern Han allied forces will be completely buried."

Zhang Liang showed a smile, and then offered another strategy: "Liang has one more note, if used in conjunction with an ambush, it will surely ruin Han Xin's army easily."

Bai Qi's eyes lit up, and he quickly asked: "Military teacher, please tell me."

A strange color flashed in Zhang Liang's eyes, and he said with a light smile, "This strategy is called: Flying Daggers."

 Monthly ticket plus update, at the end of March, the monthly ticket broke 600, this chapter is monthly ticket plus update.

  At present, there are four chapters owed in total, and those owed in March can only be paid back in April, and must be paid off as soon as possible.

  In addition, thanks to book friend Xiaoyao Xiaohongchen for rewarding 7000 starting coins;
  Thanks to book friend Xiangyun Huanyue for rewarding 500 starting coins;
  Thanks to the book friend Cang Mu Guyi for the 100 starting point coins rewarded;
  Thanks to book friend Yi Daguan for the 200 starting coins rewarded;
  Thanks to the book friend Hac for being bored and looking at the 100 starting coins rewarded;
(End of this chapter)

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