Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1718 Jiang · 55 Open · Loose

Chapter 1718 Jiang Wuwu Open Song

Chapter 1716: Ginger Wuwu Open Song

Yuan Hong's evaluation of Jiang Song is just two words: evil door.

Needless to say, the evaluation is quite accurate.

In fact, in the eyes of many people, Jiang Song is indeed quite wicked.

Of course, this evil sect does not refer to Jiang Song's character or disposition, but his fluctuating strength.

Jiang Song's record can be described as extremely brilliant.

You know, even Xiang Yu, who is recognized as the strongest, has experienced defeat more than once. Although he won back later, he has lost once after all, and the same is true for Li Cunxiao and Li Yuanba.

But Jiang Song is different. So far, he has not lost once, only a tie, but the number of draws is a bit too many.

From this point of view, Jiang Song can be regarded as the best in the world, but this crown is in quotation marks.

Jiang Song once fought against Li Yuanba, the second No. [-] in the world and now No. [-] in the world, and the fights were extremely fierce, and he was not defeated until the end.

With this record alone, Jiang Song should be in the third or fourth rank of the generals list, and he should win the opponent after the third place.

But Jiang Song didn't agree. He was tied with Yuan Hong (not boosted by combo skills) in fifth place, and tied with Yuwen Chengdu (before Tianbao was not strengthened) in seventh place.

Such a record makes people a little confused. After all, from the second to the seventh in the list of generals, the gap in strength is not small.

Do you want to say that Jiang Song is not in good condition and has not shown his true strength?
But this Jiang Song is obviously in peak condition, and he himself said he did his best.

How can the strong and the weak be split [-]-[-]?
It is precisely because Jiang Song's strength fluctuates too much, so even though Jiang Song has the same record as Yang Jian, Xing Tian, ​​and Luo Shixin, they all have a tie with Li Yuanba, but they are ranked third, fourth, and fifth, while Jiang Song Pine came in sixth.

For this, the reason given by famous experts is: Jiang Song is so powerful that he can draw with Li Yuanba with all his strength, but his performance before the battle is extremely unstable.

Needless to say, most people believed this reason. After all, Jiang Song's performance, in the eyes of most people, was an unstable performance before the battle.

It is also because of the unstable performance that even after Yuan Hong drew with Jiang Song and Sun Lingming, he obviously played a record that is not inferior to Li Yuanba's level, but his ranking has not been improved, and he still stays on the list of generals fifth place.

As for the reason?Most people in the famous family believed that this was due to Jiang Song's abnormal performance, not that Yuan Hong really had the strength to single out Jiang Song and Sun Lingming.

After Yuan Hong learned about it, he really wanted to rush into the main altar of famous masters and start a killing spree. Without being so partial, don't your famous masters claim to be absolutely fair?Want to please Qin Hao, should he be so obvious?

By the way, let me mention the current ranking of generals.

Since the whole world is at war, the wars are too frequent, which also causes the list of famous generals to be updated frequently.


The list of generals has changed a lot this time.

Except for Li Yuanba, Sun Lingming, Niu Mowang, and Zhang Kui, eleven of the top fifteen are super-god generals.

The other super-god general Chi You, although he has the combat power of the top three ranks, but he is from a foreign race, and he is also the king of the Southern Barbarians, so it is impossible to nominate him on the list.

Luo Shixin, who was originally fifth, was replaced by Yuan Hong after his death, and Ran Min, who was originally ninth, was also replaced by Sun Lingming after his death.

Lu Bu has not had a brilliant record for a long time, and as a result, he fell to No.12 this time without accident, and his original eighth seat was taken by Yu Wencheng, who fell from seventh.

Zhao Yun was in the top ten at the beginning, but as more and more masters were born, his ranking became lower and lower, and now he has even dropped out of the top fifteen.

In addition to the above, Niu Mowang went directly to No. 15, and Zhang Kui was No. [-] on the list...

In general, although the list of famous generals is not 100% accurate, for example, the strength of Sun Lingming and Niu Mowang is still underestimated this time, but most of the evaluations are still very pertinent.

Back to the topic.

Jiang Song and Yuwen Chengdu were on the left and right, cutting off the connection between the front army and the central army of the coalition forces, and the reinforcements sent by Han Xin all found the nearest Yuwen Chengdu, so the situation on Jiang Song's side was naturally more relaxed.

After Jiang Song led the charge with all his might, he was just about to turn back and make another counterattack when he suddenly received news that Yuan Hong had broken through the central army and headed to the front army with a small group of troops.

Jiang Song knew that Yuwen Chengdu in front of him would be under greater pressure than himself, and if Yuan Hong moved forward, he might directly collide with Yuwen Chengdu.

With this in mind, Jiang Song resolutely asked the deputy general to take charge of the army instead of him, while he himself went to support Yuwen Chengdu alone.

The reason why Jiang Song dared to abandon the army was mainly because he had killed almost all the enemy generals he could fight along the way.

This way, Jiang Song killed thirteen generals of Han Zhao in a row, including two top-notch masters, but they couldn't last a round in his hands.

Of course, most of these enemy generals were unknown, and the only ones Jiang Song recognized were Yuan Lang and Liu Yuan, both of whom were generals who were brought into the world by Wang Qing.

When Jiang Song found Yuwen Chengdu, he saw that he was being besieged by four generals, and Yuan Hong was preparing to join the siege.

After seeing this scene, Jiang Song was not in a hurry, because he knew that even if the four generals Ma Shanwei and Jin Dasheng joined forces, they would definitely not be able to trap Yuwen Chengdu.

After Yuan Hong drew with Jiang Song and Sun Lingming, he had indeed swelled up a bit compared to before, so he looked down on the seventh place, Yu Wencheng.

After Yuan Hong and Yuwen Chengdu had fought, he suddenly rushed out, which happened to catch Yuan Hong by surprise.

As expected by Jiang Song, Ma Shanwei and other four generals teamed up and couldn't trap Yuwen Chengdu either.

However, Yuan Hong did not start a battle with Yuwen Chengdu as Jiang Song expected, but keenly discovered his trace a hundred meters away.

Seeing that his whereabouts were exposed, Jiang Song rode his horse unhurriedly, went to meet Yuwen Chengdu, and greeted Yuan Hong with a smile: "General Yuan, let's see you again."

I don't want to see you!
Yuan Hong secretly thought, and at the same time quickly analyzed the strength comparison between the enemy and us.

Regardless of the large number of people on Yuan Hong's side, the Qin army's side is all high-level combat power. Even if the combat power on his side is added up, it can't stop Jiang Song or Yuwen Chengdu. Any one can hold himself back until the other kills all the other generals on his side.

Just when Yuan Hong weighed the pros and cons, and felt withdrawn, both Jiang Song and Yu Wencheng flashed a gleam of joy.

At this moment, two more generals from the Qin army came, and it was Gao Chong and Sun Lingming from the Chinese army who came to kill them.

 This chapter was originally going to be posted last night, but after finishing it, I was too sleepy to resist, so I dragged it until this morning.

  This chapter is a reward for adding more, thanks to the book friend Yinmei , for the reward of 10000 starting coins, and adding a chapter to express my gratitude.

  At the same time, thanks to the book friend 20181003010313499 for the 500 starting coins rewarded;
  100 starting coins that book friends unanimously tipped;
  Thank you book friend Taishang Daozhang for rewarding 500 starting coins;
  Thanks to the book friend Yiye Zhiqiu for the 100 starting coins rewarded;
  Thanks to the book friend surnamed Tu for rewarding 100 starting coins;
  A total of ten chapters are still owed, and they have been added in the past two days. Why does the number of chapters owed not drop????
(End of this chapter)

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