Chapter 1719

Chapter 1717: Sun Lingming alone against the generals

Seeing Gao Chong and Sun Lingming chasing after him so quickly, Yuan Hong was frightened and turned pale.

Yuan Hong did swell a lot, but he was not stupid. He knew that he would never be able to single out the four of them, so he subconsciously prepared to run away, only to find that Jiang Song had blocked his retreat.

"Damn Jiang Song."

Yuan Hong didn't dare to fight Jiang Song, because once he was entangled, he would face the siege of four powerful enemies who were only half a point weaker than himself, and he might not be able to escape even if he wanted to.

Yuan Hong quickly turned his horse's head and was about to run in another direction, but found that Gao Chong and Sun Lingming were rapidly detouring in two other directions.

Jiang Song is in the north, Yuwen Chengdu is in the south, Sun Lingming is in the west, and Gao Chong is in the east.

The four generals surrounded Yuan Hong from all directions, just like Ma Shanwei and other four generals joined forces to besiege Yuwen Chengdu just now.

What a reincarnation!

Gao Chong saw that Yuan Hong's way of retreat had been cut off, so he was not in a hurry to fight immediately, but instead shouted to Jiang Song: "Brother Jiang, you are too courageous, you dare to abandon the army and come here even before the mission is completed , I am not afraid that the governor will punish you for disrespecting military orders."

"Brother Gao, who said I haven't finished my mission?"

Jiang Song stretched his arms, asked a question with a faint smile, and then said to himself: "When you saw it, the task was indeed not completed, but in the time you came here, my subordinates must have completed the task. "

Gao Chong was taken aback for a moment, then laughed loudly and said, "You..."

While Jiang Song was communicating with Gao Chong, five generals, Jin Dasheng, Ma Shanwei, Zheng Lun, Chen Qi and Yang Xian, all gathered beside Yuan Hong.

"Brother, what should we do now?"

Yang Xian asked anxiously, while the other four generals also looked at Yuan Hong eagerly, after all no one thought their life was long.

Yuan Hong remained calm on the surface, but panicked inside.

Jiang Song, Gao Chong, Sun Lingming, and Yuwen Chengdu on the Qin army's side were all top ten generals, while Yuan Hong was the only one on the coalition army's side.

Although Yuan Hong, who is ranked fifth, is the highest among the five, he also knows that 6789 is only half a chip behind him.

Even if Yuan Hong swelled up, he clearly understood that even if he was the most powerful himself, he could only block two of them. Once the three of them teamed up, he would be defeated very quickly, let alone Four together.

At this time, Yuan Hong desperately wanted to get support, at least to hold back two of the opponent's four, but he also knew that besides himself, the remaining generals would not be able to hold off even if they added up. Live any one of the four for too long.

The contrast between the strength of the enemy and ourselves is too great.

"Jiang Song, if you are still a hero, you will fight alone with me. What is it to bully more than less?" Yuan Hong shouted coldly.

Yuan Hong really had no other choice, he could only hope that Jiang Song and the others would show some face, but he still underestimated how thick-skinned Jiang Song and others were.

When Jiang Song and the others heard this, they all burst into laughter, and Jiang Song replied with a light smile, "Okay."


Yuan Hong had a look of surprise on his face, before he came back to his senses, Jiang Song said again: "Will you single out the four of us, or will the four of us single out with you?"

Realizing that he was being tricked, Yuan Hong almost vomited blood in anger, and said through gritted teeth, "You fucking call this a heads-up?"

After seeing this scene, Sun Lingming on the side said in a deep voice: "Yuan Hong, are you still awake? I told you before that this is a war, not a competition. You still want to provoke us to fight alone with you? Are you still dreaming?"

Sun Lingming's words also made Yuan Hong completely desperate. Seeing that Jiang Song and the others were about to rush over, he quickly shouted: "Wait a minute."

The beast-like roar resounded across the battlefield. Seeing this, Jiang Song and the others stopped tacitly to hear what Yuan Hong wanted to say.

Seeing that the other four generals stopped, Yuan Hong immediately whispered to the people around him: "After the battle starts, I will block the four of them. You guys take this opportunity to run quickly. Their goal is me, so I shouldn't make things difficult for you. .”

Hearing this, the eyes of Ma Shanwei and other generals looking at Yuan Hong changed, and Yang Xian said with a sad face: "Brother, you will die like this."

"Stop talking nonsense and listen to me." Yuan Hong said angrily.

"No, I would rather die than leave you, boss." Jin Dasheng said in a low voice.

"Yes, I'm not leaving either." Yang Xian said firmly.

As soon as this remark came out, Ma Shanwei and the others looked at each other, and saw a hint of determination in each other's eyes.

"Even if I die in battle, I will not be a deserter. After 18 years, I will be a hero again."

Ma Shanwei said in a deep voice, while Zheng Lun and Chen Qi did not speak, but expressed their determination with actions.


Seeing this, Yuan Hong was immediately angry and impatient, and said angrily, "If we all die in battle, what will happen to my lord?"

"I can't control them. In short, I will never leave you, boss." Jin Dasheng said decisively.

Looking at the other people, Yuan Hong also had the same expression as Jin Dasheng, and immediately knew that he couldn't persuade them, so he could only suppress the emotion in his heart, and said with a wry smile: "Then let's risk your life and do it."

"it is good."

Jiang Song and other generals watched this tragic scene helplessly, and no one interrupted them. This was the last respect they could give to Yuan Hong, his opponent.

Yuan Hong led the five generals to face Jiang Song, and said in a deep voice, "In a moment, the five of you will attack Sun Lingming together, and leave the other three to me."

The reason why Yuan Hong made such an arrangement was because the three generals Jiang Song, Gao Chong, and Yuwen Chengdu had all demonstrated impressive group fighting abilities, but Sun Lingming had no experience in group fighting, so the five generals were asked to join forces to deal with him alone. Maybe last longer.

"Understood." All the generals said in unison.

"Enough talking, Yuan Hong, it's time to get on the road." Sun Lingming said coldly.

After saying that, Sun Lingming rode his horse and rushed over, only to find that except for Yuan Hong, all the other five generals rushed towards him.


After seeing this scene, Sun Lingming's face became a little ugly. After all, this shows that Yuan Hong thinks he is the weakest among the four generals.

The taste of being regarded as a soft persimmon is naturally very uncomfortable.

"court death."

Sun Lingming roared angrily, swung the golden cudgel without dodging or dodging, and rushed into the encirclement of Ma Shanwei, Jin Dasheng, Zheng Lun, Chen Qi and Yang Xian.

At the same time, Yuan Hong also rode his horse and rushed towards Yuwen Chengdu, planning to take advantage of the gap between Jiang Song and Gao Chong's arrival, to try to see if he could hit Yuwen Chengdu hard first.

 As soon as the update is guaranteed, the additional update will be released later, or tomorrow morning.

  Thanks to the book friend 20190804010748830 for the reward of 100 starting coins;
  Thanks to the book friend Hac for being bored and looking at the 100 starting coins rewarded;
(End of this chapter)

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