Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1729 This one stick will make you ashes

Chapter 1729 This stick will wipe you out
Chapter 1727: This stick will blow you away
The more desperate people are, the more desperate they are, the crazier they become, and Yuan Hong is no exception.

Yuan Hong, who knew that he was bound to die, had a crazy thought in his mind at this time, that is, even if he died, he would have to drag someone into his back.

"Want to kill me, Yuan Hong? Then trade your lives for it."

After letting out a heart-piercing roar, Yuan Hong directly mobilized all the remaining internal strength, and did not make any defenses, as if he was fighting for his life.

Jiang Song has been guarding against Yuan Hong's desperate efforts, so when he saw some signs, he immediately shouted and reminded: "Be careful of Yuan Hong's counterattack when he is dying."

The three generals shuddered when they heard this, and the three joined forces to defend together, but found that Yuan Hong's target was not any of the three of them, but instead attacked Sun Lingming who had just come over.

Among all the people present, the person Yuan Hong hated the most was Sun Lingming, who killed his two brothers in a row, so if he chose to die together, he would definitely die with Sun Lingming.

Seeing this, Jiang Song shouted quickly: "General Sun Lingming, this is Yuan Hong's dying counterattack. You must not face Yuan Hong alone. Run quickly."

Sun Lingming turned a deaf ear, not only did not have any intention of retreating, but instead rushed towards Yuan Hong.

Seeing this, Yuan Hong was immediately overjoyed, and then he showed a ferocious smile and roared angrily: "Sun Lingming, you deserve to die."

"Yuan Hong, do you think I'm still the old me?"

Sun Lingming's eyes were also full of madness, and he shouted: "You are not worthy to kill me."

"court death."

As soon as the words fell, Yuan Hong's face changed suddenly. He felt that the consumption of internal energy was accelerating, and at the same time, his strength was also rapidly draining.

The battle with Jiang Song and other three generals consumed Yuan Hong a lot, but he had already consumed most of his internal strength in more than 20 rounds of fighting.

In order to back up when he was dying, Yuan Hong burst out all the remaining internal energy at once, so obviously, his remaining strength and time were running out.

[Ding dong, since Han Xin was captured alive, all the effects of the 'Soldier Immortal' were invalid, Yuan Hong lost the protection of all magic, and his force -2, the current force dropped to 140. 】

The failure of the 'Soldier Immortal' at the last moment, for Yuan Hong, also meant that he had lost his biggest protective umbrella.

Without the blessing of the 'Soldier Immortal', Yuan Hong's greatest loss was not the 2-point increase in force, but the protection of invulnerability.

Without the blessing of 'Soldier Immortal', the suppressing skills of the three super gods present can also have an effect on Yuan Hong.

Although Yuan Hong's ape god can still block half of Yuan Hong's suppression, but there are four generals with suppressing skills present, so even if half of them are blocked, the remaining half can still greatly weaken Yuan Hong. Hong's strength.

It turned out that Yuan Hong, who was 142, tried his best to break out with all his strength, and might be able to cause some damage to Sun Lingming, who was 142, but now?
Even if Yuan Hong at 140 fought back on his deathbed, it was obviously impossible to die with Sun Lingming at 142.

Yuan Hong didn't realize this. In his mind, Sun Lingming was still the defeated general. Although his combat strength had dropped drastically, he could still kill Sun Lingming before he died. of.

"Sun Lingming, even if we die together, I will kill you."

Yuan Hong held up a water and fire stick high, and roared with a ferocious expression: "Go to hell."

On the surface, Sun Lingming was very impulsive, as if he wanted to confront Yuan Hong head-on, but in fact he was calmer than ever, and a gleam flashed in his pupils.

[Sun Lingming's skill 'Qi Tian' effect 3 is activated. When encountering an opponent, he can see through the opponent's flaws and suppress 1~6 points of force according to the strength of the opponent.

Sun Lingming saw the loopholes in Yuan Hong's moves and suppressed Yuan Hong's force by 4 points. Currently, Yuan Hong's force has dropped to 136. 】

[Yuan Hong's skill 'Ape God' effect 3 King Kong is not bad is activated, all negative effects are only suffered by half, the suppression effect of 'Qi Tian' is halved, and the current force is restored to 138. 】

Although the "Ape God" can still provide half of Yuan Hong's protection, at the last moment of this thrilling life-and-death fight, even a point of force is precious, and the lost half of the increase in force will also become Yuan Hong's worst defeat. important key.

"This stick will blow you away."

After Sun Lingming let out a long roar, he raised the golden cudgel high in his hand.

The two of them didn't use fancy moves, they just bumped into each other in such a simple and unpretentious manner, and then the two magic weapons also collided heavily.

138 Yuan Hong VS 142 Sun Lingming.


With a loud noise, a large amount of smoke and dust rose from the center of the two, and there was also a lot of metal impact sound in the smoke, and then a person was seen flying out of the smoke.

To everyone's surprise, the person who flew out was not Sun Lingming, but Yuan Hong.

In the final duel with Yuan Hong, Sun Lingming not only won, but also directly sent Yuan Hong flying from his horse.


Yuan Hong, who flew upside down, spat out a mouthful of blood in the air, his eyes were full of disbelief, and he couldn't believe that he would lose to Sun Lingming in a head-on confrontation.

Not only Yuan Hong, Jiang Song, Gao Chong, Yuwen Chengdu three generals, Xue Rengui who had just captured Gao Ming Gaojue, and even Long Qi, who was most familiar with Sun Lingming, also opened his mouth when he saw this scene. Unable to recover from the shock.

This is too strong!


After falling heavily on the ground, Yuan Hong vomited a mouthful of blood again, and couldn't get up again.

At this time, Yuan Hong was extremely miserable. Not only was his body armor shattered by the impact, but even the weapon in his hand, the water and fire stick, was bent into a half-moon shape.

In addition, Yuan Hong's hands were shattered, his arms drooped limply, apparently even his bones were shattered.

Looking at the bent water and fire stick that fell beside him, Yuan Hong suddenly showed a bitter expression.

He knew he had lost, and he had lost completely.

[Ding Dong, Sun Lingming's skill 'Qi Tian' effect 4 group battle effect is over, force -6, Sun Lingming's current force has dropped to 136. 】

After the group battle was over, Sun Lingming only had one last blow with 142 points of combat power left. After hitting it, he would return to his normal state, and he chose to use this last blow to deal with Yuan Hong, and finally won the victory .


Sun Lingming let out a long breath of turbid air, and suddenly felt short of energy, and a sense of exhaustion hit him, and then fell off the horse.

Sun Lingming's situation at this time is also not good. During the collision just now, his tiger's mouth was also shattered, his arms were trembling constantly, and even the war horse under his crotch was shocked to death.

Of course, compared with Yuan Hong who couldn't even stand up, Sun Lingming's injury was nothing at all.

Under the stunned gaze of everyone, Sun Lingming stood up again, and then walked to Yuan Hong's side on foot, condescendingly, looking down at Yuan Hong who fell to the ground.

Yuan Hong endured the tearing pain on his body, and said with a stubborn but weak face: "If Jiang Song and the others didn't consume too much of my energy, you wouldn't be able to win."

Sun Lingming said calmly, "Yuan Hong, let me tell you one last time, this is a war, not a contest."

After saying that, the golden cudgel in Sun Lingming's hand fell heavily, directly smashing Yuan Hong's head to pieces.

Fifth on the list of generals, the number one general in Hebei, Yuan Hong, died.

 The monthly ticket will be updated, and the monthly ticket will break 300, and a chapter will be added to show gratitude.

  In addition, I would like to thank the book friend Mo Luomo for the reward of 10000 starting coins, and add a chapter to show my gratitude. At present, there are still 7 chapters owed.

  Huh?How come there are more?

  Thank you book friend Li Cunxiao, the first general at the end of Tang Dynasty, for rewarding 100 starting coins;
  Thank you for the 100 starting point coins rewarded by the bridge of the book friend bridge;
(End of this chapter)

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