Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1730 Six War Gods Fighting Super Gods

Chapter 1730

Chapter 1728: The Gods of the Nine Great Wars Contest the Super Gods

Yuan Hong was a direct descendant of the Yuan family, and the Qin army not only destroyed the Zhao country, but also dealt a great blow to the Yuan family. The hatred between the two parties was too great to be resolved, so Yuan Hong was not included in the list of captured alive.

After ending Yuan Hong's life with a stick, Sun Lingming glanced around and saw countless pairs of reverent eyes, then raised the golden cudgel high with one arm, and roared to the sky: "Yuan Hong is dead, the descendant will not die!" kill……"

After seeing this scene, all the soldiers cheered and shouted: "Yuan Hong is dead, and those who surrender will not be killed..."

"General Sun is mighty, General Sun is mighty..."

Cheers like a mountain roar and a tsunami resounded across the entire battlefield in an instant.

On the side of the Chinese army, the soldiers who were still fighting in the corner, after hearing the news that even the number one fierce general in Hebei, Yuan Hongdu, had died in battle, they could no longer have any desire to resist, and they put down their weapons one after another and surrendered. A small group of people were also quickly strangled by the Qin army.

Since then, the battle of Flying Daggers has come to an end.

[Ding dong, when Sun Lingming kills Super God General Yuan Hong head-on, the base force will be permanently +1, and the current base force is 109 (+1). 】

After receiving this reminder, Qin Hao's eyes lit up immediately, showing excitement.

Yuan Hong died, and the position of the Twelve Super God Generals was vacated, and Sun Lingming Jiwu reached 109.

Who else can beat Sun Lingming in this competition for the seat of super magic skills?
"Only Sun Lingming has improved?"

Qin Hao showed doubts, and said to himself: "The last time we teamed up to kill Luo Shixin, but the three of them were all rewarded."

As soon as the voice fell, the system prompt came again.

[Ding dong, Jiang Song led the siege of Yuan Hong, consumed a lot of his physical strength, and broke his own bottleneck. The base force is permanently +1, and the current base force is 108 (+1). 】

The reward for beheading a super-god general is undoubtedly extremely generous, but Yuan Hong is obviously not as good as Luo Shixin, so when beheading Luo Shixin, the three people who participated in the siege, including Qin Hao, were all rewarded, but beheading Yuan Hong was only rewarded. Sun Lingming and Jiang Song.

Seeing that Sun Lingming seemed a little unsteady, Long Qi quickly went up to support Sun Lingming, and said with a cheerful smile: "My boy, I have reached such a level without knowing it, even Yuan Hong, the fifth most powerful general in the list of military generals Killing it is really too much for His give Wangfei a face."

Long Qi also yelled smoothly. He originally wanted to say His Majesty, but when he said it, he realized that something was wrong, and quickly changed his name to Wangfei. After all, Emperor Ming had abdicated and married King Qin, and Qin and Ming had merged into one. Calling His Majesty is easy to fall into the tongue.

Sun Lingming's killing of Yuan Hong was not only due to him alone, but to the entire Ming family. After all, who made him come from the Ming family and was completely branded as the Ming family.

Since the opening of Hebei, except in the early days of the war, the Ming Dynasty has indeed made a lot of great achievements because it caught the princes of Hebei by surprise.

However, after Han Xin took charge of the coalition forces, the performance of the Ming faction on the battlefield was somewhat unsatisfactory compared to the more elite Qin faction, and basically did not make any major contributions.

On the contrary, the Qin faction won successive battles in Hebei, the Beihai victory, the Julu victory, and the Bohai victory, all of which were achieved by the main force of the Qin faction.

In this regard, the 15 Ming army is very aggrieved, but the overall strength is indeed inferior, and there is nothing to quibble about.

With the success of the Qin army's victories, anyone with a discerning eye can see that the war is coming to an end, and the generals from the Ming family are eagerly hoping that the Ming family can make great contributions on the battlefield again before the end of the war, but they have never been able to. As he wished, until Sun Lingming beheaded Yuan Hong.

Yuan Hong was the number one fierce general in Hebei, and the fifth in the list of military generals. His reputation in the Zhao army was even higher than that of Zhao Wang Yuan Tan. Sun Lingming's ability to kill him head-on was undoubtedly a great contribution.

Sun Lingming's beheading of Yuan Hong will undoubtedly boost the morale of the Ming faction and make them proud.

Sun Lingming knew the pressure on Long Qie, and he was very happy to be able to share part of the pressure for his old boss and give face to the entire Ming family.

"This is not due to my grandson alone. General Jiang Song and the others have also contributed a lot..."

Before he finished speaking, Sun Lingming's expression changed immediately. He felt that the bottleneck in his body had been broken unconsciously, and he quickly said to Long, "General Long, help my grandson protect the law, I'm about to break through."


Long Qi widened his eyes and said in shock, "Breakthrough again?"

Long Qi remembered that Sun Lingming had already broken through once when he was in Taihang, how long did it take for him to break through again?This speed is too fast.

What Long didn't know was that he had also made a breakthrough unknowingly, but he was already at the peak of the god general, and his progress after breaking through to God of War was not obvious, so he didn't realize that he had also made a breakthrough.

Sun Lingming's breakthrough this time was very dynamic, and his whole body's inner energy reacted, and the momentum became stronger and stronger, blowing away the sand around him.

Jiang Song also broke through together, but the movement on Jiang Song's side is far worse than that of Sun Lingming. After all, Sun Lingming not only has a breakthrough in strength, but also integrates skills, making him a new super general.

[Ding dong, Sun Lingming's skills 'stick god' and 'fighting' are being merged, and they are about to merge into a new super magic skill. 】

After receiving this reminder, Qin Hao showed joy, and at the same time, he couldn't help but secretly said: "Who will compete for the super general this time?"

There are too many masters in the world today. Whenever an old super general dies in battle, there will be a lot of backup war gods coming to grab the position, so every battle between super super generals is extremely fierce.

[Ding Dong, Gongsun Xuanyuan, the skills 'Spear God' and 'Yellow Emperor' are being fused, and will soon be fused into a new super magic skill. 】

[Ding dong, Zhu Di's general Niu Mowang, the skills 'stick god' and 'magic general' are being fused, and will soon be fused into a new super magic skill. 】

[Ding Dong, Guan Yu, Liu Bei's general, is merging the skills 'Sword God' and 'Three Swords', and will soon become...]

[Ding Dong, Qin Hao's general Huang Tianhua, the skill 'Hammer God' and...]

[Ding Dong, Zhao Kuangyin's general, Lu Wenlong, has the skill 'Spearman' and...]

[Ding dong, Yang Guang's general Gao Gao has the skill 'gun god'...]

[Ding Dong, Qin Hao's general Zhao Yun, skills...]

[Ding dong, Cao Cao's generals are coming...]

So far, a total of two super generals, Luo Shixin and Ran Min, have died in battle. Every time it is a fierce competition, a new super general will be selected.

Luo Shixin died in battle, and Yuan Hong, Sun Lingming, and Gonggong, the three gods of war, competed together for a place of super god, and finally the "ape god" Yuan Hong won.

Ran Min died in battle, and Yin Zhou, Tantai Yu, Xia Luqi, Ju Wuba, Ma Shanwei, and Gongsun Xuanyuan fought for a place of super god, and finally Yin Zhou, the 'slayer of gods', won.

This time Yuan Hong died in the battle, and there were actually nine war gods competing for a place. It can be seen that the competition between super gods is more intense, and it will only become more and more fierce.

 Guaranteed one update to...

(End of this chapter)

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