Chapter 1731

Chapter 1729: Fighting Saint

"Nangong Changwan, where are you going to escape, go to death..."

The three Huang Tianhua brothers roared angrily while chasing, and because of soldiers blocking the way, the distance between them and Nangong Changwan became closer and closer.

Nangong Changwan turned his head and glanced at the back, and was immediately taken aback by the Huang family brothers who were close at hand, and hastily twitched his horsewhip more frequently.

At this time, Nangong Changwan was extremely embarrassed by being chased. He didn't even dare to fight the soldiers blocking the way, because if he stopped for a while, he would be overtaken by the Huang family brothers.

Once they attack the dense Qin army formation and break through, Nangong Changwan's speed will inevitably slow down, and he will still be overtaken by the Huang brothers.

The Qin army was everywhere in all directions, and Nangong Changwan had five ways to escape, and he didn't know where to run. With the continuous shrinking of the Qin army's front line, the space for Nangong Changwan to escape became more and more narrow.

Seeing that the Qin army had a thousand-man team lined up in front, ready to stop him, Nangong Zhangwan hurriedly braked, and at the same time urged the horse to change direction, and the distance between Huang Tianhua and them was shortened by his easing.

"Where to escape."

A cold light flashed in Huang Tianhua's eyes, he reached out and took out the fire dragon dart from behind, and threw it at Nangong Changwan in front, and hit the hind leg of his mount.

The horse's leg was severely injured, and it knocked Nangong Changwan to the ground. Before he could get up, the three brothers of the Huang family had already surrounded him.

After Nangong Changwan glanced at the three Huang Tianhua brothers, he saw that the surrounding area was completely surrounded by thousands of spearmen and archers. He felt a 'click' in his heart. He knew that he had lost his horse and could not go out.

Seeing that the three brothers were about to make a move, Nangong Chang Wan was shocked, and hurriedly said: "Wait, wait a minute, don't make a move yet, I am willing to surrender."

"You want to surrender now? It's too late."

Huang Tianhua's eyes were full of murderous intent, and he smashed the sledgehammer in his hand. At the same time, Huang Tianxiang and Huang Tianlu also launched an attack.


Nangong Changwan still wanted to struggle, but the three brothers turned a deaf ear to it, and the first move was a killer move, obviously it was impossible to let him go.

If he was in his prime, Nangong Chang Wan would naturally not be afraid of the three juniors, but he had already been injured by Sun Lingming, and his combat strength was less than half that of his peak, so how could he be able to stop the three brothers of the Huang family from joining forces?

After less than five rounds of fighting, Huang Tianhua knocked Nangong Changwan's weapon away with a single hammer blow.

Nangong Changwan was shocked, and while retreating to avoid, Huang Tianlu chased after him, and shot him directly in the back, smashing his back armor to pieces.


Nangong Changwan spat out a big mouthful of blood, and couldn't get up after falling to the ground.

The three brothers of the Huang family swarmed up to the seriously injured Nangong Changwan, smashing him wildly and chopping him into a pile of rotten meat.

The scene was extremely bloody!
[The three brothers of the Huang family teamed up to kill Nangong Changwan and completed the revenge mission 'Immortal'. However, since the fatal blow was sent by Huang Tianlu, Huang Tianlu's force is permanently +1, and the current base force is 104 (+1). 】

[Huang Tianlu killed Nangong Changwan by leapfrogging, his force will be permanently +1, and the current base force is 105 (+2). 】

The benefits of beheading Nangong Changwan were all taken away by Huang Tianlu, and although Huang Tianhua failed to get a direct reward, he was squeezed into the nine super god candidates because of this.

At the same time, in Youzhou, at the border between Liaodong and the Manchu Qing Dynasty, Xuanyuan, the Duke of Liao, was fighting fiercely with more than a dozen generals of the Manchu Qing Dynasty alone.

"Do you think you can beat me with more people? Naive."

After Gongsun Xuanyuan sneered, he held the gun with one hand in his right hand, and pulled out the Xuanyuan Sword from his waist with his left hand. When the gun and the sword intersected, all the weapons of the Manchu Qing general were broken as far as the blade knew.

In less than ten rounds, most of the ten or so Manchu generals were killed by Gongsun Xuanyuan, only a few people including the mountain lion and camel fled back in embarrassment, and then the whole battlefield was filled with cheers from the Liao army .

"The lord is mighty, the lord will win..."

Gongsun Xuanyuan, who had won the battle, did not return to the formation, but stood where he was, and the energy in his body surged even more intensely, almost like a god.

Seeing this, Ye Qingmei in the back couldn't help wondering: "Brother, what's wrong?"

Both Fuxi and Shennong stared wide-eyed, Fuxi smiled and said, "Third brother may be about to make a breakthrough."

"Really." Ye Qingmei was surprised.

Man Qing here.

Wanyan Aguda saw more than ten generals from his side teaming up, plus the number one fierce general in the army, Mountain Lion Camel, but was still defeated by Gongsun Xuanyuan, his face suddenly became extremely gloomy.

Gongsun Xuanyuan's bone was so hard that his teeth were almost crushed but he still couldn't chew it.

Seeing that Gongsun Xuanyuan, who was in the middle of the two armies, seemed to have a tendency to break through again, Wanyan Aguda's eyes became more murderous, and he said in a deep voice: "Gongsun Xuanyuan is not dead, it is difficult for us to enter the Central Plains."

"Uncle Emperor, the Qin army is almost completely occupying Jizhou, but we have not made any progress here. The officials in the court are also quite critical of this. Ama is almost impatient." Dorgon said lightly.

After Wanyan Agu inquired, after a little thought, he immediately gritted his teeth and said: "Give me a few more days, if you still can't kill Gongsun Xuanyuan and defeat the Liao army, I will take the initiative to step down and let someone who is capable come to take charge of the army. "

"it is good."

Hearing this, Dorgon immediately smiled and said, "I hope the emperor will not forget what I said today."

At the same time, in the Central Plains, the war between Ming, Wei, Song and Three Kingdoms also entered its final climax.

Taking advantage of the civil strife in Zhu Ming and the turmoil in the young state, Wei Gong Cao Cao and Song Gong Zhao Kuangyin jointly attacked Ming. They thought they would destroy Zhu Ming smoothly, but they didn't expect that Zhu Ming was far more difficult than imagined, and Ming Wang Zhu Di was not incompetent. Jun.

At first, the allied forces of Wei and Song Dynasty had an absolute advantage, but Zhu Di quickly quelled Xue Ju's rebellion with thunderous momentum, and then recruited Zhu Tianpeng's reinforcements, which brought the Central Plains War into a stalemate.

During the stalemate, there will be constant fighting among the three kingdoms.

In the beginning, Zhu Ming was under great pressure, and Guan Yu was the only general at the God of War level.

Later, the Yellow Turban veteran Niu Mowang took the initiative to come to join him, and Zhu Ming's pressure naturally became much less.

Later, after Zhu Tianpeng returned from the Beihai defeat, he sent Xia Luqi, the number one general of the Qi army, over.

Since then, Zhu Ming has never been afraid of the Wei-Song coalition forces, and he will not fall behind even with one enemy and two.

Zhu Ming talked about Niu Xia's three war gods, and the Wei and Song allied forces were also not weak.

Between the Three Kingdoms, you come and go, and wars are extremely frequent.

Guan Yu, who was originally in Xiaopei, was also transferred to Huaibei by Zhu Di, and obeyed Xu Shiji's order to resist Lu Wenlong of Song State.

Lu Wenlong with two guns is the number one general of the Yue family army, and he stepped into the field of God of War earlier than Guan Yu, so even Guan Yu can only draw, not win.

In the end, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei joined forces to injure Lu Wenlong and win another round for Zhu Ming.


Zhang Fei took a deep breath, and said to himself, "Where did Lu Wenlong come from, and his strength is so strong. When did the master become so worthless, right? Second brother, second brother?"

Seeing that Guan Yu didn't pay attention to him, Zhang Fei turned his head to look and was startled. He saw that the Qi in Guan Yu's body was surging rapidly at this time, and the momentum was terrifyingly strong. This is the rhythm to break through.

"Second brother is about to break through again, and I, Old Zhang, can't fall too far." Zhang Fei said to himself.

 As soon as the guarantee is updated, I would like to thank the book friend Xiangyun Huanyue for gifting a [-]-month qq membership. A group can be added again in the next [-] months. Those who want to join a group should hurry up, the quota is limited First come first served.

  In addition, I am adding a new chapter to show my gratitude, and there are still 8 chapters in total.

(End of this chapter)

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