Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1732 The Third Hetao Battle

Chapter 1732 The Third Hetao War

Chapter 1730: The Third Hetao War


After receiving the news that Yang Guang, Ma Teng, and Han Sui formed a coalition force to invade Hetao, the high-level leaders of Hetao and Bingzhou gathered together to formulate a war plan with the Allied Forces of the Three Kingdoms.

Wang Meng, governor of Bingzhou, and Xun Yu, governor of Hetao, were both great talents who knew soldiers and politics. Of course, they knew how big this third Hetao battle would be.

Hetao and Bingzhou are the food and grass supply areas for the Qin army in Hebei. Although the Qin army has occupied most of Jizhou and the Qingbei area and can be self-sufficient in a short period of time, nearly half of the food and grass still need the two places. Supply, so the war on the Hetao side cannot be dragged on for too long.

Originally, Wang Meng was going to lead the army himself, gather the elites from Hehe and the two places, and defeat the Liangzhou Allied Forces of the Three Kingdoms who would invade Liangzhou with lightning speed.

However, due to the sudden death of Emperor Yuan Tuo Lei, the relationship between the two countries has also become tense. Before Kublai Khan succeeded to the throne, Yuan Meng's army might go south at any time, so it is naturally impossible for Wang Meng to send all the main forces to the south before the situation stabilizes. Transfer to Hetao.

Under the joint discussion of Wang Meng, Xun Yu, and Xi Zhicai, it was finally decided that Meng Tian would be the commander-in-chief, Xi Zhicai would be the military adviser, and they would lead [-] cavalry and [-] infantry. Wanliang Prefecture Allied Forces.

The governor of Bingzhou, Wang Meng, led an army of [-] troops and personally set up the town of Yanmen County, and the governor of Hetao, Xun Yu, led an army of [-] troops to sit in Yinshan County. .

After Meng Tian was ordered to lead the army, although he knew that the enemy's troops were twice as strong as his own, he did not panic at all.

The troops in Meng Tian's hands are increasing year by year, but the [-] army is also elite, and there are [-] cavalry in his hands, and the combined army of Liangzhou's [-] allied forces may not necessarily have [-] cavalry.

In addition, the Qin army is united as one, but the three Liangzhou families are on guard against each other, and there are many disagreements. It must be difficult to be united and unanimous.

Based on these two points alone, even if an army of [-] was against Liangzhou's [-], Meng Tian would still be sure of victory.

Not long after Meng Tian's army arrived at Hetao, before a war broke out between the two sides, the four generals Zhao Yun, Huang Zhong, Dian Wei, and Xu Chu were transferred from the Jizhou battlefield to the Hetao battlefield.

Meng Tian naturally welcomed the arrival of Zhao Yun and other generals. After all, having them join would greatly enhance the strength of the army.

When everything was ready, Meng Tian didn't intend to rely on the city to defend to the death. Instead, he led Zhao Yun, Meng Yi and other generals, as well as [-] troops to the front line, preparing to defend the enemy from outside the country. The first battle of the Wanliangzhou Allied Forces.

After the meeting between the two armies, they did not start a decisive battle immediately, but conducted a trial with each other.

After some probing, Meng Tian discovered that there were many strong generals in the Liangzhou coalition army.

Yang Guang has under his command: Gao Ang, Shi Wansui, Wu Yunzhao, Gao Changgong;

Ma Teng has: Ma Chao, Ma Yuan, Pound;
Han Suiyou: Yan Xing...

Generally speaking, the Qin army was at a slight disadvantage on the general side.

However, although there are many fierce generals in Liangzhou, they didn't cooperate in the battle, and they basically fought on their own.

In addition, the defense between the Yang, Ma and Han families is far greater than what Meng Tian thought.

The Yang, Ma, and Han families obviously allied forces, but they didn't even have a joint camp. Each army set up its own camp, which shows that they are still in the same bed with different dreams.

After learning about this information, Meng Tian basically knew what was going on in his mind, so he used the coalition forces to set up camp separately, and took the initiative to launch an attack on the coalition forces with superior strength, and knocked the coalition forces into a coma in the first battle.

In the first battle, the Qin army achieved the result of killing nearly [-] enemies, but its own casualties were less than [-]. It can be said that it has won a complete victory and its morale is high.

Facing the weak yet powerful Qin army, the Liangzhou allied forces were extremely indignant. Finally, under the persuasion of Sui army commander Cheng Gongying, the three families of Yang, Ma, and Han put down their prejudices and vigilance against each other, and united to camp together. Prevent another fall.

After Yang Mahan united and made a consensus to the outside world, there were much fewer weaknesses for Meng Tian to target, but Meng Tian didn't care about it.

If there is no weakness to find, then it is enough to defeat it with real strength.

Liangzhou has a strong people and is a source of high-quality soldiers. The three princes of Liangzhou, together with Tang Wang Li Shimin, divided up the Qiang people in the Qiang area. The army is filled with a large number of Qiang warriors. Strong army, so the combat power of the three armies in Liangzhou is not weak.

The Liangzhou coalition army has excellent soldiers, but Liangzhou is too poor, and it has been divided into three families, competing with each other and attacking constantly.

Conscription, taxation, and war, under the constant consumption of these three, also made Liangzhou poorer and poorer.

Regardless of the Yang, Ma and Han families, this time they dispatched [-] troops to crusade against the Qin army, but it is estimated that there are still [-] troops remaining in Liangzhou for defense.

Liangzhou has only a small population, but it has so many troops. Although Liangzhou alone can barely afford it, the equipment of the army cannot be much better.

According to Meng Tian's observation, the armor equipped by the [-] coalition troops in Liangzhou is less than half of that of the [-] Qin army, which is the lowest ratio among all the princes in the world.

If the equipment is not good, even if the quality of the soldiers is high, the combat effectiveness will be greatly affected. However, the Qin Army not only has high overall quality of soldiers, but also has top-notch equipment in the world.

Relying on excellent equipment and a well-trained elite army, Meng Tian defeated the coalition forces of Yang, Ma and Han in Hetao repeatedly with an army of [-].

After the fight, because the casualties were too great, the three families of Yang Guang, Ma Teng and Han Sui felt sorry for the casualties. Something happened to Lu Dajun.

The Qin army, which was supposed to be defending, has been actively attacking, while the Liangzhou coalition army who came to attack on its own initiative was beaten passively.

Fighting and not fighting, withdrawing and not withdrawing, the behavior of the Yang Ma Han family obviously wanted to hold back Meng Tian's army and prevent this powerful army from being transferred back to Sizhou and Jingbei.

Meng Tian was furious and helpless about the hooliganism of the three families. He couldn't find a way to defeat the enemy in a short time. Under the advice of Xi Zhicai, he used the method of grinding hard bubbles with water. Kill him a hundred today and tomorrow Kill him eighty, and eat away at the Liangzhou coalition forces little by little.

There is no shortage of resourceful people in the Liangzhou coalition army. Gao Ying, Cheng Gongying, Yang Su, etc. can be found everywhere. In order to get rid of being encroached on, they will take the initiative to challenge every now and then, but they just don’t break out. .

In this way, there are also constant battles on the Hetao side, but except for the initial stage, there is no major battle, but the battle will be extremely fierce.

In this battle, many generals also stood out, such as Gao Ang, Ma Yuan, Gao Changgong, etc., all showed their prominence in this Hetao battle.

Especially Gao Ang, who shocked Qin Jun with his first shot.

Meng Yi, who fought ten rounds in the first battle, was defeated and fled.

After that, he defeated Xu Chu in [-] rounds.

Yang Erlang, Wulang, and Qilang joined forces, but they were still defeated by Gao Gao alone.

If it weren't for Huang Zhong, a good archer, half of the Qin generals mentioned above would have died in the hands of Gao Ang.

In the end, it was Zhao Yun who took the shot to curb the high winning streak.

 At the second watch, seven chapters are still owed...

  Briefly explain the battle situation of one party, and immediately return to the main line.

(End of this chapter)

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