Chapter 1734

Chapter 1732: Hanging Seal and Sealing Gold

Since Sun Lingming successfully integrated the super magic skills and replaced Yuan Hong as the new super god general, then the other eight war gods naturally failed.

In Youzhou, between the Qing army and the Liao army, Gongsun Xuanyuan's aura gradually calmed down, and then he rode his horse back to the main formation with a disappointed face.

"Is this a success? Or a failure?" Ye Qingmei asked impatiently.

Both Fuxi and Shennong also looked disappointed, and Shennong replied, "It failed."

"Ah, it turned out to be a failure."

Ye Qingmei immediately looked disappointed, she thought that brother-in-law would definitely succeed.

Seeing this, Shennong immediately explained: "The third younger brother cultivates both internal and external skills, unlike my eldest brother and I who focus on internal and external skills, and the third brother's internal and external skills have reached an extremely advanced level. Even a small step forward is extremely difficult, so It’s not that easy to break through.”

"Is that so..."

On the Qing side, seeing that Gongsun Xuanyuan failed to break through, Wanyan Aguda and other high-level officials of the Qing Dynasty were all relieved. After all, Gongsun Xuanyuan before the breakthrough was already so strong that no one in the whole Qing Dynasty could be an opponent. If he broke through again That's okay?

"Uncle Emperor, Gongsun Xuanyuan must not stay any longer." Dorgon said with a serious face.

Wanyan Aguda nodded in agreement, and said with a gloomy face: "Gongsun Xuanyuan was betrayed by Gongsun Shu, and there are not many troops available in his hands, but under the offensive of our army, the current Liao army has suffered more than half of the casualties.

I would like to see how Gongsun Xuanyuan will deal with our army after the Liao army is completely destroyed. "


The battle between Hetao, Zhao Yun and Gao Ang ended in a draw as the two failed to break through at the same time.

But generally speaking, Zhao Yun is the dominant side, so the morale of the Qin army has also greatly increased.

After Zhao Yun returned to the formation, Meng Tian hurriedly went up to meet him, patted Zhao Yun on the shoulder, and said happily: "Zilong, this battle really boosts the prestige of our army."

Zhao Yun said with shame on his face, "It's a pity that Gao Ang still couldn't be defeated."

In order to defeat Gao Ang in this battle, Zhao Yun had made sufficient preparations, but he never expected that Gao Ang would break through just before the battle.

Although Gao Ang's breakthrough in the end was interrupted by Zhao Yun, Zhao Yun's breakthrough was also interrupted by Gao Ang, so it can be regarded as killing one thousand enemies and self-defeating eight hundred.

"Zilong doesn't need to worry about it. Although he still hasn't won this battle, Zilong must have a better understanding of Gao Gao's strength and marksmanship. He can win it next time." Meng Tian comforted.

"En." Zhao Yun nodded heavily.



Zhang Fei thought Guan Yu would be able to break through successfully, but he didn't expect to fail in the end.

"Second brother."

Zhang Fei came up to meet him. He wanted to comfort Guan Yu, but he didn't want Guan Yu to look calm, as if he didn't care at all.

Seeing this, Guan Yu smiled and said, "Although Brother Wei's breakthrough failed this time, the road ahead is clear, so the breakthrough is only a matter of time."

Hearing this, Zhang Fei couldn't help showing envy. He still doesn't know where his future is.

"By the way, second brother, Lu Wenlong has been injured by our joint efforts, and he should not be able to fight again in the next few months.

Without Lu Wenlong, the threat of the Song army in Huaibei to the Ming army would be limited, and Xu Shiji's ability to stop Zhao Kuangyin would definitely not be a problem.

In the past few months, second brother, you saved Xuzhou, aided Jianghuai, fought against Yin and Zhou, and injured Lu Wenlong. You almost reversed the trend of Zhu Ming's subjugation by your own strength.

Second brother, you have made such a great contribution to Zhu Ming, which can be regarded as repaying the original kindness of not killing. It is time to leave Zhu Ming and go to find elder brother. "

Zhang Fei's words are actually a bit exaggerated. Guan Yu's contribution is indeed great for Zhu Ming's ability to survive this crisis, but it will never reach the point where Zhu Ming will perish without him. It is mainly the credit of Zhu Di and Fan Zeng. It only played a supporting role.

Of course, in Zhang Fei's eyes, the second brother is the biggest hero. Without the second brother, Zhu Ming would not even be able to get through the initial crisis, let alone survive until Niu Mowang came to vote and Qi's reinforcements arrived.

When Guan Yu heard Zhang Fei's words, he nodded after thinking for a while, not because he felt that he was the greatest contributor, but because he thought that he had done his best to Zhu Di, and now he felt at ease even if he was separated from Zhu Ming.

But after thinking about it, Guan Yu's expression became weird again. He looked at Zhang Fei and said, "Third brother, it's not like you can say these words. Have you met someone recently?"

When Zhang Fei heard this, he couldn't help but smiled, and said, "Second Brother, I really can't hide it from you, Jian Yong has come to look for me."

"Jian Yong?"

Guan Yu immediately showed joy. At the beginning when Xuzhou was separated, Jian Yong broke out with his elder brother, but now Jian Yong found them again, which means that his elder brother took the initiative to contact him.

"Come on, take me to see Jian Yong." Guan Yu said hastily.

Under Zhang Fei's leadership, Guan Yu came to Zhang Fei's tent and met Jian Yong who had been away for more than half a year.

"Second General."

As soon as Jian Yong saw Guan Yu, he immediately showed excitement, and Guan Yu was the same, and quickly asked: "Mr. Jian, please tell me about the situation at the elder brother's side."

But Jian Yong sighed, and said: "My lord's situation is not easy. Although Qin Hao is very close to my lord, Jia Xu regards my lord as a thorn in my side, and I often test and beat my lord.

In addition, His Majesty was completely evaded by Qin Hao and reduced to a puppet..."

After listening to Jian Yong's narration, Guan Yu's eyes were filled with anger immediately, and he said angrily: "Wang Wu was still looking forward to Qin Hao, but I didn't expect him to be the next Dong Zhuo."

Jian Yong smiled wryly, "Second General, Qin Hao is a hundred times more terrifying than Dong Zhuo.

Dong Zhuo's chaotic government, the world is against it, Qin Hao's dominance, the world's praise!

Now even the common people in Luoyang only know Qin Hao, but not His Majesty. If things go on like this, the great man will be in danger. "

Hearing this, Guan Yu couldn't help showing a thoughtful look, while Zhang Fei asked anxiously: "Then what should we do? Should Qin Hao continue like this until he completely replaces the big man?"

"Of course it's impossible. Inside the DPRK and China, there are adults such as Kong Rong and Ma Rizun who have been uniting all the forces that can be united. Outside, there are princes such as Ma Teng and Li Shimin who are waving their flags and shouting, just waiting for an opportunity to completely overthrow Qin Hao and regain power."

A gleam flashed in Jian Yong's eyes, and he said in a deep voice: "Now this opportunity has come, the five armies of the Southern Han Dynasty attacked Qin, and the main force of the Qin army was in Hebei, so they could not return to the court in a short time. This is also the last chance for your majesty and the lord .

Now everything is ready, only a strong general is missing, as long as the two generals return to Luoyang with me, my lord is [-]% sure to help His Majesty regain power. "

"Then what are you waiting for, let's go back and find Big Brother." Zhang Fei said.

Guan Yu nodded, and said in a deep voice, "Well, let's leave immediately, but before that, I need to say hello to Xu Shiji."

 At the second update, there are still six chapters left...

(End of this chapter)

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