Chapter 1735

Chapter 1733: Hanging Seal and Sealing Gold

Guan Yu never really took refuge in Zhu Di. The reason why he stayed in Zhu Ming and helped Zhu Di fight against the Wei and Song Dynasties was just to repay Zhu Yuanzhang's kindness of not killing.

Now that Guan Yu has made enough contributions and has nothing to do with Zhu Di, he can naturally break away from Zhu Ming and go to find his righteous brother Liu Bei.

When Jian Yong heard that Guan Yu wanted to say hello to Xu Shiji, he was shocked and said, "No way, if Xu Shiji knew that the second general was leaving, he would definitely report to Zhu Di. If Zhu Di knew, we would not be able to leave."

Hearing this, Guan Yu frowned slightly, and said in a deep voice: "Zhu Di is now the king of a country, and it is hard to chase after a word. Besides, I have an agreement with Zhu Di. If you will abide by the agreement, you will definitely not embarrass me, otherwise you will break the promise of the world.

As for Xu Shiji, he is a modest gentleman, he will never act like a villain, Mr. Jian, you are too worried. "


Jian Yong suddenly looked shocked, and didn't know what to say to refute.

"Don't worry, I will come back when I go."

After saying that, Guan Yu left the camp directly, Jian Yong and Zhang Fei couldn't stop him even if he wanted to.

After Guan Yu left Daying, he immediately went to Xu Shiji's place. Of course he knew Jian Yong's concerns, but he didn't know his own concerns.

You know, it's wartime now, and the guards everywhere are extremely strict. If you leave the camp without a warrant, you will definitely be treated as a traitor, so you can't leave without the approval of Zhu Di or Xu Shiji.

Although these ordinary checkpoints can't stop Guan Yu at all, after all, not long ago, these soldiers were still his subordinates, and Guan Yu really couldn't bear to confront them with swords, so he had to say hello to Xu Shiji, get the warrant and leave Zhu Ming.

I have to say that Guan Yu's personality is still very attractive. Although he has not fully integrated into Zhu Ming's system, he has helped Zhu Ming fight so many battles and formed a deep friendship with Zhu Ming. He has the best personal relationship with Xu Shiji.

In a great battle with Zhao Song, a master archer of the Song army hid in a dark place, waiting for Xu Shiji to release a cold arrow when he passed by, and when Xu Shiji was about to hit the arrow, Guan Yu saved Xu Shiji's life, and The two also developed a deep friendship.

Therefore, when he was about to leave Zhu Ming, Guan Yu was the first to go to Xu Shiji instead of Zhu Di, because he believed that with this friendship, Xu Shiji would not avenge him.

Seeing Guan Yu coming, Xu Shiji immediately welcomed Guan Yu warmly, but when he heard that Guan Yu was about to leave, his expression changed suddenly, and he asked with a wry smile, "Brother Yun, are you sure you're not joking with me? Really? Make it difficult for me."

Guan Yu's face remained unchanged, and he said in a deep voice: "I have made an agreement with King Ming. After making enough contributions, I will leave Zhu Ming and go to find my brother. King Ming has also agreed to Guan. Now is the time to make the promise."

"It's true to say that, but you have to know that the lord has long regarded you as one of his own, and now that the Central Plains War has not yet ended, it is impossible for the lord to let you go at this time."

"That's why Guan came to see you, Brother Xu."

A gleam flashed in Guan Yu's eyes, and he said in a deep voice: "If you don't leave now, it will be even more impossible to leave after the war is over.

I beg Brother Xu, for the sake of past affection, to give Guan some convenience. "

Saying that, Guan Yu cupped his hands and bowed to Xu Shiji.

Xu Shiji knew that Guan Yu never asked for favors, but now he had such a humble attitude. He immediately knew that Guan Yu had made up his mind to go, so he asked with a wry smile: "Brother Guan, can you not leave? What is so good about Liu Bei? King Ming treats you In what way is he inferior to Liu Bei?"

Guan Yu didn't explain anything, just kept bowing his head, and said in a deep voice, "Brother Xu, please help me.


After Xu Shiji sighed, he said with a wry smile: "Brother Guan, you are really embarrassing me, that's all, let me repay your life-saving grace."

With that said, Xu Shiji took out a token from his bosom, handed it to Guan Yu and said at the same time: "Take it and leave quickly.

Brother Guan, after you leave the camp, I will immediately send out a letter to tell the lord that you have left Daming.

This is my duty as a courtier, please brother Guan not to blame me. "

Guan Yu took the token with a happy face, and then said seriously: "Brother Xu, this is your duty, so there is nothing to blame. Take your leave."

After saying that, Guan Yu turned his head and left.

Seeing Guan Yu Guojue's back, Xu Shiji was stunned for a while, then went to sit down in front of the copybook, and began to slowly write the letter to Zhu Di.

"The last general, Xu Shiji, please my lord... Although Guan Yu has abandoned his lord, he is doing it for the sake of loyalty. Please honor his promise and let Guan Yu go because of the merits of Guan Yu. Lose big, lose faith in the world."

After the pen stopped and the ink dried, Xu Shiji immediately sealed the letter paper, took a carrier pigeon and tied it to his leg, and then let it fly into the sky.

Seeing the carrier pigeon flying towards Xuzhou, Xu Shiji immediately sighed softly, "Brother Yun, that's all I can help you with."

Zhang Fei and Jian Yong were extremely shocked when they saw that Guan Yu had brought back Xu Shiji's token after he came back. This is completely different from what they thought?

Guan Yu looked at the two people who were stunned, and said calmly: "Why are you still standing there, it's time to pick up my wife."

After Zhang Fei and Jian Yong looked at each other, Zhang Fei said: "Second Brother, I know that you will definitely find Big Brother back, so I made my own claim and sent someone to fetch Mrs. Sister-in-law out."

Guan Yu was taken aback for a moment, but he didn't expect Zhang Fei to be so careful, and immediately smiled and said, "Since everything is ready, let's go to Luoyang and help eldest brother."

"it is good."

Guan Yu hung the seal ribbon that Zhu Di granted to his former general directly on the beam of the tent, and with only a few personal followers, he escorted Mrs. Gan to Luoyang with Zhang Fei and Jian Yong.

Zhu Di, who was more than a hundred miles away, was shocked when he received Xu Shiji's letter from Feige, and quickly ordered: "Immediately send people to Guan Yu's mansion to surround me."

Although Zhu Di didn't know where Guan Yu was going, he knew that if Guan Yu wanted to leave, he would definitely come to pick up Liu Bei's wife Gan, so as long as he controlled Mrs. Gan, Guan Yu would naturally be unable to leave even if he wanted to.

The subordinates who were sent out soon returned to report.

"My lord, Liu Bei's wife Gan Shi is no longer in Guan Yu's mansion, but was picked up by a mysterious person three days ago.

In addition, all the gold, silver, jewelry, and beautiful servants that the lord rewarded Guan Yu were also left in the mansion, and none of them were taken away. "

Hearing this, Zhu Di's face suddenly became extremely gloomy. This was premeditated!

 Guaranteed one update to...

(End of this chapter)

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