Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1737 1 Unifies Jizhou

Chapter 1737 Unified Jizhou
Chapter 1735: Unifying Jizhou
Guan Yu originally thought that Zhu Di was here to catch him, or even to kill him, but Zhu Di said he was here to see him off, which also made Guan Yu a little confused, a little confused about what Zhu Di wanted to do.

In Guan Yu's view, Zhu Di was decisive and resourceful, and he could be called a wise master of a generation, but he was by no means a benevolent king.

It is precisely because of this that when Guan Yu left, he would go to Xu Shiji instead of Zhu Di, because in his opinion, even if there was an agreement in the past, Zhu Di was unlikely to let him go.

But after hearing Zhu Di's words just now, Guan Yu realized that he had wrongly blamed Zhu Di, and a sense of shame suddenly arose in his heart.

"The reason why Guan left without saying goodbye was not because he didn't believe in King Ming's character, but because his elder brother was in danger in Luoyang, and Guan was in a hurry to rescue him, so he left without asking."

Guan Yu is not a person who likes to lie, but what he said is pure nonsense. After all, it is impossible for him to tell Zhu Di face to face, I just did not believe in your character, so I left?
Although Zhu Di knew that Guan Yu was lying, he didn't care about it. Instead, he held Guan Yu's hand and said seriously, "Brother Yun, when Daming was most in danger, you kept your promise and never gave up. Yin Zhou, aiding Huaibei, hurting Lu Wenlong, and helping Daming survive this catastrophe of subjugation, you are Zhu Di, the benefactor of the entire Ming Dynasty."

Hearing Zhu Di's words, Guan Yu felt a little ashamed in his eyes, Zhu Di's words praised him too much.

Only I know my own situation. Under the attack of Wei Song, Zhu Ming was able to survive the catastrophe of subjugation. Guan Yu only played an auxiliary role, mainly relying on Zhu Di and Fan Zeng to turn things around.

But in Zhu Di's words, it seemed that there was no Guan Yu, Zhu Ming might have perished, and attributed most of the credit to Guan Yu, which also made Guan Yu feel a little embarrassed.

"Where is King Ming, even if there is no Guan Yu, as long as King Ming, Junshi Fan and Dudu Xu are present, Daming can still save the day." Guan Yu said seriously.

Zhu Di shook his head, and continued: "Luoyang is also a dragon's pond and a tiger's den, no safer than the Central Plains.

Today Yunchang is loyal and wants to leave me. Although I am unwilling to do so, I dare not stop him. I personally come to send Yunchang off to thank Yunchang for saving me from danger. "

After finishing speaking, Zhu Di called the soldiers to serve wine, took a glass for himself, and brought the other glass to Guan Yu.

Seeing this, Guan Yu took up his wine glass after a little thought. He believed that Zhu Di would definitely disdain such a thing as poisoning.

"Let's use this glass of wine to do a good job for Brother Yun."

After saying that, Zhu Di drank it all in one gulp, and said in thought: "I hope you take care of me, and have a good journey."

Seeing this, Guan Yu drank the same gulp, clasped his fists in return and said, "Xie Ming Wang, take care."

After saying that, Guan Yu took Mrs. Zhang Feigan and left under the eyes of thousands of cavalry, but these thousands of cavalry did not move at all.

Seeing Guan Yu and his party gradually disappearing from sight, Zhu Di's eyes flashed an extremely complicated look.

Seeing this, Niu Mowang stepped forward and asked, "My lord, are you going to let Guan Yu go like this?"

"Otherwise?" Zhu Di asked back.

"Famous generals like Guan Yu have already betrayed our army, even if the lord thinks he deserves credit, he can't bear to kill him, and he can't let him go. This is an enemy." Niu Mowang said.

Hearing this, Zhu Di glanced at Niu Mowang indifferently, and said with a smile: "What General Niu said, this king naturally knows, but this king does have an appointment with Guan Yu, and he also made a promise for me. With enough credit, he is the benefactor of the entire Ming Dynasty.

If Guan Yu wants to leave just because of this, if the king kills him, what will the other soldiers in the army think?How will the world view me, Zhu Di? "


Niu Mowang was speechless for a moment, he knew what the lord said was right, if he really killed Guan Yu who had made great achievements, the lord's reputation would definitely be affected.

In fact, when he first heard the news that Guan Yu was leaving, Zhu Di was very angry, and even thought about killing Guan Yu, but on the way of catching up, Zhu Di had already figured it out thoroughly.

Now his every move has attracted countless people's attention, even a small mistake will be infinitely magnified by his opponents and used to damage Zhu Di's reputation and reputation.

Therefore, if Zhu Di really killed Guan Yu, he would definitely be caught by Cao Cao and Zhao Kuangyin.

Although Zhu Di doesn't care much about fame, he also cares about some people's opinions, such as: Zhu Tianpeng.

As Ming Qi's cooperation deepened day by day, Zhu Tianpeng became more and more satisfied with Zhu Di, and now he even vaguely had the idea of ​​remerging Qi into Daming.

If at this time, the news that Zhu Di broke his promise and beheaded a hero, would it affect his image in Zhu Tianpeng's heart?

What would Zhu Tianpeng think of him?
Will it affect the merger of Qi State into Ming Dynasty?

These are unknowns.

After thinking up to this point, Zhu Di realized that what Xu Shiji said to persuade him was not entirely interceding for Guan Yu, but more for him.

Guan Yu can indeed be killed, but to kill a Guan Yu, but to break the trust of the world, this is not worth it to Zhu Di.

After returning to Xuzhou, Zhu Di found Fan Zeng at the first time, and Fan Zeng knew everything at this time, and immediately said with a smile: "Di'er, you handled Guan Yu's matter very well.

It's just Guan Yu, it doesn't matter at all, what you have to look at is the whole world, this is the true bearing of a king. "

"Thank you Yafu for teaching."

On the surface, Zhu Di looked like he was being educated humbly, but when Fan Zeng left, his expression turned extremely gloomy instantly, and he said in a low voice, "Come out."

"See your lord."

Two figures came out from the shadows to salute, they were Zhu Youwen and Zhu Yougui, sons of the deceased Zhu Wen.

After Zhu Di glanced at the two of them, he said in a deep voice: "Immediately send an order to the director of the Sun Moon God Sect, Wo Xing, to let him release the news that Guan Yu will leave Daming and is going to go to Luoyang on Mount Mangdang, and let Song and Wei be quiet. country."

"No." Zhu Yougui and Zhu Youwen immediately took orders and left.

In the battle of Taihang Mountain, the factory guards established by Zhu Yuanzhang were almost wiped out by Qin Hao in the first battle, and they have not recovered their vitality so far.

Just when Zhu Di felt powerless in terms of intelligence, he left the Ming Cult, Ren Woxing, Xiang Wentian and others who founded the Sun Moon God Sect, but they took the initiative to join Zhu Ming, which can be regarded as filling the weakest link of Zhu Di's subordinates.

Looking at the back of the two leaving, Zhu Di's eyes flashed a trace of sadness, and he said to himself: "Guan Yu, don't blame me, it's you who failed me. What's so good about Liu Bei? Where is it inferior to him?"

After all, Zhu Di did not forgive Guan Yu. For the sake of his own reputation and his position in Zhu Tianpeng's heart, he could not personally kill Guan Yu, but he was going to borrow the hands of Cao Cao and Zhao Kuangyin.

Guan Yu killed Yin Hong, the son of Yin Zhou, and wounded Lu Wenlong. He had completely offended the Song and Wei countries.

If Cao Cao and Zhao Kuangyin knew that Guan Yu was going to Luoyang to find Liu Bei, they would definitely not let Guan Yu arrive in Luoyang alive.


Jizhou, northern Hebei.

[Ding dong, Guan Yu has completed the achievement 'Hanging Seal and Sealing Gold', which rewards permanent +1 basic strength and permanent charm +1. Currently, Guan Yu's five-dimensional: Guan Yu, commander 96 (+1), military strength 106 (+6), intelligence 87, Politics 70, Charm 100 (+1); Equipment: Qinglong Yanyue Knife, Red Flame Horse. 】

Seeing this, Qin Hao was immediately surprised and said, "Guan Yu left Zhu Ming? Is he going to find Liu Bei again? I don't know if there will be five passes and six generals killed this time."

 As soon as the guarantee arrives, there will be more...

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(End of this chapter)

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