Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1738 1 Unifies Jizhou

Chapter 1738 Unified Jizhou
Chapter 1736: Unifying Jizhou
Guan Yu had been staying under Zhu Di's command before, but now he suddenly hangs the seal and leaves Zhu Ming, so there is only one possibility, and that is to find his elder brother Liu Bei.

After learning about this, Qin Hao couldn't help sighing in his heart, Guan Yu has embarked on the same old path again, but this time it may be even more difficult.

In Romance, the reason why Guan Yu was able to pass five levels and kill six generals was mainly because the six guards in these five levels were too mediocre.

Not to mention beheading them one by one, even if six people join forces, they are still no match for Guan Yu.

Compared with the original history, the current era is completely different, and all kinds of outstanding talents are emerging in endlessly.

It is absolutely impossible for the Wei and Song Dynasties to send mediocre people to guard a military important place like a pass, and the one who can become a pass guard must be a leader in the army, so the difficulty for Guan Yu to pass is naturally greatly increased.

There is actually a very big bug in the story about passing five levels and killing six generals.

Guan Yunchang passed five passes and killed six generals, and went north to pursue his eldest brother Liu Bei.

Hearing that the eldest brother was in Yuan Shao's place in Hebei, Guan Yu immediately hung his seal and sealed the gold, and set off from Xuchang, preparing to go to Hebei to reunite with Liu Bei.

Guan Yu wanted to go north to find Liu Bei. The route was actually very simple. After leaving Xuchang, he went north through Chenliu County, arrived at Baima and crossed the Yellow River. Naturally, he could reach Hebei and reunite with Liu Bei.

However, after Guan Yu left Xudu, he did not go north in a straight line, but headed northwest, and his destination turned out to be Luoyang.

On the way to Luoyang, Guan Yu passed Dongling Pass and beheaded Kong Xiu.

After arriving in Luoyang, Guan Yu beheaded two generals Han Fu and Meng Tan, but still did not go north to cross the Yellow River, but headed east to Sishui Pass, which is Hulao Pass, and beheaded Bian Xi.

After that, Guan Yu's route became more and more confusing.

Guan Yu headed east all the way, beheaded the prefect Wang Zhi in Xingyang, and then arrived in Huazhou. The prefect Liu Yan knew the current affairs and took the initiative to let Guan Yu go.

After Guan Yu left Huazhou, he and his party arrived at Baima and were about to cross the river, but they were blocked by Qin Qi, so they sent him to the west with a knife.

At this point, Guan Yu finally completed five passes and cut six generals, arrived at the destination Baima, and then crossed the Yellow River north to reunite with Liu Bei.

Yes, you read that right, Guan Yu made a big detour, and the final destination was the white horse that could be reached by walking straight.

The three points of Baima, Luoyang and Xudu formed a big triangle, but Guan Yu gave up the nearest straight line to go north to Baima, but turned first to the northwest and then to the east, and the final crossing point was Baima.

You want to say that Guan Yu is a road idiot?Please, Guan Yu is not Li Guang, so it is impossible for him not to know the basic route.

At that time, Guan Yu was extremely eager to find his brother, and wished to see Liu Bei within a day, but it was completely unreasonable to go around a big triangle and waste so much time in vain.

In this regard, Qin Hao felt that it was still Lao Luo's fault, not that Lao Luo didn't understand geography, he let Guan Yu go around on the map, it should be said that he had a clear purpose.

If Guan Yu is allowed to walk in a straight line, it will not take long to reach the white horse, and then cross the river to meet Liu Bei. Such a story is obviously not exciting enough.

Therefore, in order to highlight Guan Yu's bravery, Lao Luo made Guan Yu look like an idiot and walk such a long way around the map.

[Ding dong, the battle in Jizhou is officially over, and the stocktaking begins...

The Battle of Jizhou lasted a total of two and a half months, starting from the entry of the Qin army into Jizhong and ending with the ambush on all sides, including:

In the western Hebei war, [-] enemies were killed, and [-] were self-damaged;

In the Jizhong War, kill [-] enemies and lose [-] yourself;

In the battle of Weijun, [-] enemies were killed and [-] were self-damaged.

In the offensive and defensive battle of Yecheng, [-] enemies were killed, and [-] were self-damaged;

In the battle of ambush on all sides, [-] enemies were killed, [-] were captured, and [-] were self-damaged;
According to statistics, a total of 20 enemies were wiped out in the Jizhou War, of which 12 were killed, [-] were captured, and [-] were self-damaged.

After deducting casualties, a total of 1100 summoning points will be rewarded, and the host currently has a total of 5275 summoning points. 】

[The battle of Jizhou involved more than 40 people before and after, and the battle standard has been reached.

The battle loss ratio of this battle is 2.2:1, score: A, reward: a bronze random summon card. 】

[The battle of Flying Daggers involved more than 20 people, and it can constitute a separate battle. In this battle, [-] enemies were killed, [-] were captured, and [-] were self-damaged;
The battle loss ratio in this battle is 12.5:1, score: SSS, reward: a golden summoning card. 】

[The current host owns: 2 Gold Summoning Cards, 2 Bronze Random Summoning Cards, 3 Million Population Summoning Cards. 】

Looking at the skyrocketing summoning points and the recovering summoning cards, Qin Hao couldn't help but sigh: "War is the fastest way to get rich."

The time when he was summoning Nezha and Huang Feihu, Qin Hao had already used up all the summoning cards in his hand. As a result, the two battles between Beihai and Jibei gave Qin Hao another two golden summoning cards, and soon the first Three to start with.

Now Jixi, Jinan, Jizhong, Jidong, and a small part of Jibei are already under Qin Hao's control.

Eighty percent of the entire Jizhou has already belonged to Qin Hao. As long as the remaining northern Jizhou area is occupied, then Jizhou will be unified by Qin Hao, and the unified state will also get a golden summoning card again.

"My lord, General Zhang Liao has arrived with his army."

After hearing the report from his subordinates, Qin Hao couldn't help laughing.

This time, if Zhang Liao hadn't led an army of [-] behind, disguised as the main force to confuse Han Xin, and made a full-speed pursuit posture, Han Xin would not have been caught so easily.

Zhang Liao had only just arrived, and the speed was actually not too slow, but the day lily must have been cold, after all, the Han-Zhao coalition army had been completely wiped out.

"Zhang Liao came just in time, and ordered Zhang Liao to lead an army of [-], and send [-] prisoners of war back to Yecheng under strict supervision." Qin Hao ordered.


After Zhang Liao received the order, he also had a face of reluctance. He came back from Yecheng and then went back. At least let him take a breath. Besides, who can do such a thing as escorting prisoners?

Of course, Zhang Liao just complained verbally, after all, the king's order cannot be violated, and there are many important people among the captives this time.

Zhang Liao brought [-] this time, brought back [-], and kept [-].

After Bai Qi and Li Jing joined forces, the Qin army had a total of 13 troops. The ambush on all sides caused 15 casualties in World War I, plus the [-] left by Zhang Liao, which is [-].

Now the last remaining enemy army in northern Hebei is only Zhang Yun's [-] Korean army.

Even if Zhang Yun is unwilling to surrender, relying on the 15 Qin army alone is enough to flatten northern Hebei and forcibly unify Jizhou.

 From the second update, there are still four chapters in total...

(End of this chapter)

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