Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1739 1 Unification of Jizhou and the Extermination of Korea

Chapter 1739 Unifying Jizhou and Destroying Korea

Chapter 1737: Unifying Jizhou and Destroying Korea

"My lord, Han Xin has been captured alive by the last general, do you want to meet?" Li Jing asked.

Because of his special status, Han Xin was not escorted back to Yecheng by Zhang Liao along with the other captives, but was left in the army, waiting for Qin Hao's summoning.

Of course, Qin Hao also wanted to see Han Xin, but if he met him so soon, his desire to persuade him to surrender would be too urgent. Qin Hao didn't want to let Han Xin think that he had to recruit him.

"No, let Han Xin hang out first, and then go see him after the army enters Hebei." Qin Hao said playfully.

Han Xin is now in northern Hebei, and he still has Zhang Yun's [-] troops, so he still has a little capital to surrender.

Qin Hao is tired of continuing to negotiate terms. He hopes to strip Han Xin of everything and let him surrender to the Qin army without any conditions. When the 15 troops march into northern Hebei, Han Xin can also be cut off and finally negotiate terms with Qin Hao. Capital.

"Order Li Jing, Xue Rengui, and Long Qi to lead an army of [-] each, divide them into three divisions from the left, middle, and right, and divide them into three groups to attack northern Hebei." Qin Hao ordered.


Following Qin Hao's order, the 15 Qin army quickly and orderly operated like a machine, divided into three armies and marched towards northern Hebei.

North Hebei, Hejian County, and Lecheng County, where the government is located, are the capital of South Korea.

Hejian County was originally Hejian State, but during the Yellow Turban Uprising, King Liu Li of Hejian An, his eldest son Liu Kai, and his family were all killed by the Yellow Turban Army.

Because the Liu family in Hejian was brutally exterminated by the Yellow Turban, there was no candidate to inherit the throne, so Liu Hong changed Hejian to a county and appointed Han Xin's father, Han Fu, as the prefect.

Afterwards, Han Fu was promoted to become a shepherd in Jizhou, and got the most elite Wei County in Jizhou, so he successfully moved the government from Hejian to Yecheng in Wei County.

It's just that Han Fu is not competitive at all, even Han Xin, the number one commander in Hebei who sits in the most elite Wei County in Jizhou, can't compete with Yuan Shao.

There are three counties in northern Hebei: Hejian, Zhongshan, and Changshan.

Among them, Changshan County was strategically abandoned by Han Xin for most of the Han Xin during the war in the west of Hebei, when the South Korean forces shrank, so nearly half of the city was under the control of the Qin army.

In other words, in northern Hebei today, there are still Hejian, Zhongshan, and half of Changshan County, which are still not under the control of the Qin army.

"Report... General Zhang is not well. Long Qie led an army of [-] troops to Changshan, and the magistrates of Zhending, Jiumen, Puwu, Jingxing, and Lingshou surrendered without a fight.

Although the Tang Dynasty in the south did not surrender, it failed to stop the Qin army. The city was captured by the Qin army in just one day, and now the entire Changshan County is in the hands of the Qin army. "

After hearing the report from his subordinates, Zhang Yun's face suddenly became extremely ugly.

The Han army has only [-] troops left in northern Hebei, while the Qin army has hundreds of thousands. The difference in strength is too great.

In order not to be gradually killed and defeated one by one, Zhang Xi could only concentrate all the troops in Hejian, and this also made the defenders in other places extremely weak, unable to resist the advance of the Qin army.

Changshan County had been strategically abandoned by Zhang Yun, and it was expected that it would be captured by the Qin army, but he didn't expect that so many county magistrates would surrender without a fight, and what he didn't expect was still to come.

" the general, Li Jing led an army of [-] to Zhongshan, Lunu, Anxi, Hanchang, Liwu, Anguo, Wuji, Xinshi, Shangquyang, Wangdu, Tangxian, and ten county magistrates did not fight. drop.

Although the three counties of Puyin, Beiping, and Guangchang resisted desperately, they did not last even a day, and Xue Rengui broke through the city gates. Now the entire Zhongshan County has fallen into the hands of the Qin army. "


Zhang He hammered down the table angrily, full of confusion and powerlessness in his heart.

Now that the two kings of Han and Zhao have been captured alive, and the combined army of Han and Zhao has been wiped out, how can he stop the hundreds of thousands of Qin's army with his [-] troops?
In addition, Zhang Yun did not dare to confront the Qin army anymore. He knew that King Han had the intention of surrendering to Qin, and now that King Han and his elder brother were captured, if he still fought against the Qin army, if he completely angered the Qin army What should I do?

Seeing another spies report, Zhang He said weakly, "What bad news?"

"Xue Rengui led an army of [-] to attack Hejian, and the county magistrates of Shuzhou, Dongpingshu, Gaoyang, Wuxian, Wen'an, and Yixian surrendered without a fight."


Zhang He didn't scold these county magistrates for being disloyal, but he sighed helplessly and asked, "What else?"

"Xue Rengui has divided 15 troops to take Gonggao, Chengping, Zhongshui, and Wuyuan, and personally led an army of [-] to Leping. In addition, Long Qie and Li Jing's army are also marching to Leping. Very soon, Leping will be killed. [-] Qin troops were completely besieged."

Hearing this, all the generals in the hall exploded, and Gao Lan stood up and said, "Brother Junyi, this is not the way to go."

After listening to Gao Lan's words, Zhang Xi couldn't help but smiled wryly: "Of course I also know that going on is just drinking poison to quench my thirst, but now there are Qin troops in all directions, and the road to retreat to the north has also been blocked by the Qin army. What else can I do?"

Gao Lan was also silent when he heard this, and said after a while, "It's pointless to continue fighting now, it's time to consider the last step."

Zhang He naturally knew what Gao Lan meant by the last step. He was silent for a while and said, "Wait, wait."

It's not that Zhang He doesn't want to surrender, he actually has the heart to surrender, but he voluntarily surrendered to the Qin army, and surrendered after obeying Han Xin's order, these are two completely different concepts.

Zhang Xi hoped to wait for Han Xin's surrender order, so that he could surrender without infamy, so he said wait.

"My lord, my lord, what are you thinking? It's already a state of ten deaths and no life. If you don't surrender at this time, when you succeed in completely eradicating the lonely city, you will not surrender, but begging to surrender."

Zhang He thought anxiously, how could he know that Han Xin didn't want to surrender early, but Qin Hao didn't see him at all, and he couldn't open his mouth to surrender voluntarily.

In the next few days of waiting, among the only four remaining counties in Hejian, Gonggao, Chengping, Zhongshui, and Wuyuan, two counties surrendered, and two counties were captured by Xue Rengui. Zhang He still couldn't wait for Han Xin's surrender order.

The three armies of Li Jing, Long Qi, and Xue Rengui have joined forces, and the 15 Qin army will surround Lecheng with three floors and three floors outside.

Looking at the Qin army under the city in a sea of ​​people, Zhang He was filled with despair.

Although Lecheng is the capital of Han, most of the defense equipment and supplies have been transferred to Yecheng, and the defense supplies in the city are not sufficient.

How can we fight this battle?There is no way to fight at all.Zhang He's heart was filled with bitterness.

At this moment, Xue Rengui walked out of the army and shouted to Zhang Yun on the tower: "Zhang Yun, I will give you half an hour to think about it. If you don't open the city and surrender, I will personally lead the army to break through the capital of Han." .”

As soon as this remark came out, all the generals of the Han army in the city became anxious, and they all looked at Zhang Yun together.

"General, general..."

Looking into the cowardly eyes, Zhang Yun couldn't help but smiled bitterly and said, "Forget it, let Kaesong surrender."


In this way, under the intimidation of the Qin army, Zhang Yun opened the city gate, led [-] Han troops, and voluntarily surrendered to the Qin army.

At this point, South Korea was completely declared dead, and the Qin army unified Jizhou.

 Guaranteed one update to...

(End of this chapter)

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