Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1740 Han Xin Surrenders

Chapter 1740 Han Xin Surrenders
Chapter 1738: Han Xin Surrenders
"My lord, Zhang Yun has surrendered." Zhang Liang reported with a smile.

"it is good."

Qin Hao immediately smiled when he heard it, but there was no surprise on his face. He had already guessed that Zhang Xi would be unable to withstand the pressure and surrender, and the result was exactly as he thought.

To be honest, under the gradual persecution of the 15 Qin army, Zhang Xi, who only had an army of [-] in his hands, could carry it until only one city was left before surrendering, which is completely worthy of Han Xin.

Can Le Cheng really hold on?In fact, it is not necessarily true. After all, Zhang He still has an army of [-] in his hands. If he really wants to defend to the death, he can definitely hold on for a while, but Zhang He dare not start a war with the Qin army.

The main reason why Zhang He didn't dare to fight was because Han Xin and Zhang Kui were both in Qin Hao's hands. If he fought Qin Jun again, the nature would be completely different.

Qin Hao had precisely calculated this point, so he divided his troops into three groups, gradually intimidating and oppressing Zhang He, until he completely overwhelmed Zhang He's last psychological defense line to force him to surrender.

The surrender of Zhang Xi and Gao Lan fully revealed their five-dimensional attributes in front of Qin Hao's eyes.



It has to be said that Han Xin is still very good at training his subordinates. Whether it is Zhang Xi or Gao Lan, the five dimensions of his subordinates have been greatly improved.

If there is only one person, it may be attributed to personal talent, but if both are like this, it can only show that Han Xin is a commander who is good at cultivating the ability of his subordinates.

With Zhang Ying's surrender, Qin Hao won another 18 troops, and his total strength in northern Hebei also reached [-].

Today, the distribution of the Qin army's troops in Jizhou: 18 in northern Hebei, 36 in Weijun, and [-] in Bohai, with a total strength of [-] in Jizhou.

Now Jizhou has been unified, Qingbei has also been unified, and the next thing is to send troops to the north to completely wipe out the Northern Han puppet dynasty, occupy Youzhou, and unify Hebei.

[Ding Dong, forced to surrender Zhang He's 300 troops, and rewarded 5575 summoning points. The current host currently has a total of [-] summoning points. 】

[Ding dong, the host dominates Jizhou, the reward for the main mission 5 emperors: 1 golden summoning card, any one of the five-dimensional attributes will be permanently increased by one point. 】

[The current host owns: 3 Gold Summoning Cards, 2 Bronze Random Summoning Cards, 3 Million Population Summoning Cards. 】

[Please use any attribute points as soon as possible. 】

Without even thinking about it, Qin Hao said directly: "Add this arbitrary attribute point to intelligence."

Under Qin Hao's deliberate inclination, even politics has reached 101 now, while intelligence, which has always been his strong point, has stopped at 98 points, without moving a muscle.

It can be seen from this that it is not easy to improve any item in the five dimensions after reaching a certain height.

At present, Qin Hao’s five-dimension except intelligence, the other four dimensions have broken a hundred, and every time an attribute breaks a hundred, he can no longer use any attribute points to increase, so he can only add it to intelligence. .


Just a little bit, Qin Hao's intelligence can also break through [-], and after breaking [-], he will get a golden intelligence summoning card again, and this is also the last reward in his five-dimensional [-]-breaking rewards.

"It's a pity that Qingzhou has not yet been unified, only Qingbei has been taken down, and Qingnan is still in the hands of Qi State. If Qingzhou can be unified, the attribute points of over [-] intelligence will be obtained.

However, if you want to destroy the Qi State, it is not the time yet. You can only unify Youzhou first, and when you go to the Central Plains, you will come back and unify Qingzhou. "Qin Hao thought to himself.

"My lord, Zhang Xi has surrendered, and Han Xin's last capital is gone, should I see Han Xin?" Bai Qi said.

After Qin Hao heard the words, after a little thought, he said with a smile: "No hurry, let's go to Handu to have a look. I will meet Han Xin in Handu again. I think I will definitely give Han Xin an unforgettable meeting."

Zhang Liang and Bai Qi looked at each other, thinking that their master is too cruel, this is to completely dispel Han Xin's pride.

It's not that Qin Hao is deliberately targeting Han Xin, but that Han Xin is really too proud.

Before completely forcing Zhang He to surrender, although Qin Hao deliberately did not go to see Han Xin, but as long as he let go of his arrogance and asked to see Qin Hao, would Qin Hao still avoid seeing him?

Of course not.

Obviously, as long as Han Xin is convinced, he can pass the order to surrender to Zhang Xi, so as to preserve his last capital, but Han Xin can't pass the test in his heart. He watched Zhang Yun being forced to surrender, thus losing his last Capital.

Even if he surrendered now, Han Xin could not have the same treatment as before, but became a lone minister completely.

Han Xin will come to this day, it is completely done by himself.

If he had accepted Qin Hao's persuasion to surrender at the beginning, not only would he have kept his title as Duke of the State, but he could even have become the governor of Jizhou and take charge of the military power of a state, but now he has nothing.

Of course, such a situation is what Qin Hao is happy to see, if it is not for the sake of not fighting, he would not be willing to give Han Xin such a high reward.

The reward was so high at the beginning, with Han Xin's ability, it will soon be unsealable, and now Han Xin has at least avoided this embarrassing situation.

Surrounded by Zhang He, Gao Lan and other generals, and cheered by the people of Le Cheng, Qin Hao rode into Han Du Le Cheng.

After entering Lecheng, Qin Hao couldn't help showing surprise, and said with a smile: "When I was young, I visited Lecheng when I was traveling with my tutor, but now Lecheng is much more prosperous than what I have seen. "

"Han Xin puts more emphasis on the military and neglects the government, and the development of Chengle has stagnated for a long time. The reason why it is still more prosperous than before is mainly the foundation left by Han Fu's period." Zhang Liang explained.


Qin Hao showed a look of surprise, and said with a smile: "It seems that although Han Fu is weak, he is not an incompetent person."

Under the guidance of Zhang Ying, Qin Hao entered the crude Korean palace that was changed from the prefect's mansion, and immediately smiled and said, "Let Han Xin come to see the king."


Soon, under the guidance of two guards, Han Xin came to this very familiar hall.

Han Xin, who had been confident enough to compete with Bai Qi, was hit badly by reality, even to the point of being autistic.

It's just that Han Xin at this time has lost the high spirits he had when he was the general of the Northern Han Dynasty, and his whole body reveals frustration and loneliness.

On the way, Han Xin also saw Zhang He and Gao Lan, and after seeing Han Xin, the two also looked ashamed, as if they hesitated to speak, but dared not speak.

Han Xin gave a bitter smile. He didn't blame Zhang Yun for surrendering at all. If Zhang Yun insisted on not surrendering, he would still hurt him.


After sighing, Han Xin knelt down directly to the superior Qin Hao, begged on the ground and said: "The guilty minister Han Xin has seen the King of Qin. I was deceived by the villain, went astray, joined the puppet dynasty, blocked the heavenly soldiers of the court, and opposed the King of Qin. Today I have already repented, and I hope King Qin will be magnanimous and virtuous, and for the sake of Han Xin's past achievements, give Han Xin a chance to reform himself."

Qin Hao prepared a speech for Han Xin, but he didn't expect Han Xin to surrender before he even opened his mouth, and his tone was so sincere that all the drafts he had prepared were useless.

 At the second update, 3 chapters are still owed...

(End of this chapter)

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