Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1741 Japanese pirates attack

Chapter 1741 Japanese pirates attack
Chapter 1739: Attack of Japanese Bandits
Han Xin is a very proud person, but this series of failures has made him lose all his capital. If he still puts on airs and can't let go, he will be a little ignorant, so he just put on such a low profile surrender now.

Zhang He Gaolan was very afraid that Han Xin would not see the situation clearly, and Qin Hao would not like it with his still arrogant appearance, but seeing Han Xin's low profile, they also secretly breathed a sigh of relief, Han Xin still has self-knowledge.

As soon as Han Xin finished speaking, Qin Hao ran down quickly, helped Han Xin up with his own hands, and said, "Brother Han, what are you talking about, people are not sages and sages can do nothing, and knowing your mistakes can make a big difference.

With Brother Han's previous achievements, even if he made a mistake, it is harmless. Now that he is willing to return to the court, this king will naturally agree, but..."

Speaking of this, Qin Hao looked into Han Xin's eyes and said with a faint smile: "Our military principles have always been: meritorious deeds must be rewarded and demerits must be punished.

Since Brother Han made a mistake, he must be punished.

Of course, since Brother Han was also deceived by Liu Che's thieves, this king can give Brother Han a lighter punishment.

How about this, brother Han will be punished and demoted two ranks, what does Brother Han think? "

The two levels of demotion that Qin Hao talked about did not start from the king of Han conferred by the Northern Han Dynasty, but from the Duke of Han conferred by the Luoyang court. After all, the Luoyang court never recognized the title of King Han.

If Han Xin was promoted to two ranks from the Duke Company, he would be demoted from the position of Duke, to Marquis, and then to Marquis. The span in between is not so large.

Han Xinxin was secretly a little surprised. He thought Qin Hao would push him to the end, but he didn't expect to reserve a position of county lord for him, which can be regarded as very generous.

Although Qin Hao took the initiative to show mercy to Han Xin's subordinates, it doesn't mean that Han Xin dared to accept it with peace of mind.

"I made such a big mistake this time. I voluntarily dismissed all titles and official positions. I only hope that King Qin can forgive the sinful minister's crimes. I dare not think about anything else."

After saying that, Han Xin was about to kneel down to salute again, but before he knelt down, he was held back by Qin Hao.

Qin Hao also didn't expect the proud Han Xin to be so aware of current affairs now, but since Han Xin is willing to surrender now, and his attitude is still so low, even if it is to show other people who surrender in the future, he certainly can't really take it. Han Xin rolled to the end.

"Brother Han, the crime you committed is not serious. Demotion to two ranks is considered a heavy punishment. Do you think this king's reward and punishment are unfair?" Qin Hao said pretending to be majestic.


Seeing this, Han Xin was stunned. He thought Qin Hao was just pretending. If he insisted on resigning, Qin Hao would definitely agree, but he didn't expect Qin Hao to refuse.

Qin Hao's words have already reached this point, if Han Xin does not accept this kindness, it will appear a little hypocritical, so he quickly thanked him: "Thank you King Qin for your kindness."

"From now on, everyone is on their own. As long as Brother Han is loyal to the king and the court, with your ability, Brother Han, you will be promoted back to the position of Duke sooner or later."

Qin Hao comforted him with a smile, after all, he just lowered Han Xin's title, and this was a big hit and then a sweet date.

"Han Xin, I swear here that I will be loyal to my lord. If you break this oath, both gods and men will be angry."

Han Xin's oath of allegiance also made Qin Hao feel at ease with him. After all, oaths are still very useful in this era, and generally people would never swear lightly.

"Han Xin listened to the order, and now you will be demoted to two ranks, and you will be named Hejian County Marquis, and then General." Qin Hao canonized.

"Thank you, my lord, for your kindness. Han Xin will definitely be remembered."

Han Xin thanked him, but his heart was full of sadness. You must know the conditions Qin Hao offered when he persuaded him to surrender, but: Jizhou Mu, Hushi General, Hebei Governor...

He has both military power and political power. Compared with Bai Qi, the governor of the Qin Army, both are even worse.

But now Han Xin has not only been demoted from Han Gong to Hejian County Marquis, but also has only one post-general left in his official position, and he doesn't know where his military power is.

After comparing the two phases, it can be said that they are very different.

However, Han Xin also knew that it was his own fault. At the beginning, he had an army of [-] and occupied one-third of Jizhou, so Qin Hao offered such a high condition.

But now he is a prisoner of war all alone, with no soldiers, no rights, no land, nothing but one life left, Qin Hao's reserving the status of a county marquis for him is already an extrajudicial favor.

"In the battle of ambush from ten sides, the Han-Zhao coalition army was wiped out, and our army took a large number of prisoners of war."

As he said that, Qin Hao looked at Han Xin and continued, "I don't know if Brother Han, you are sure to capture these prisoners for our army."

The [-] surrendered troops escorted by Zhang Liao back to Yecheng were not the strong men captured by Su Lie in Bohai Sea, but an army with strong combat power. Once incorporated, it would greatly help the Qin army.

And if it is not subdued, if it is closed like this, it will waste food, and the Qin army will need to allocate a part of its troops to guard it.

Hearing this, Han Xin was overjoyed, he didn't expect Qin Hao to use him so soon.

Han Xin was going to make a promise to Qin Hao, but he felt that something was wrong, so he replied after a little thought: "My lord, the final general can only be sure to subdue the Han army. If Nei is to be completely subdued, I am afraid that Yuan Tan will have to be persuaded to surrender."

Hearing this, Qin Hao couldn't help showing a headache. Although he hadn't seen Han Xin before, he had seen Yuan Tan.

Although Yuan Tan is afraid of death, he has a lot of backbone. He would rather die than surrender to Qin Hao, who killed his father and enemy, so it is not easy to get him to surrender.

Seeing Qin Hao's expression, Han Xin knew that persuading Yuan Tan to surrender would not go well, so he immediately said: "Master, the last general has a good personal relationship with Yuan Tan, and he is willing to persuade Yuan Tan to surrender."

"Really, that's great."

Qin Hao showed joy, and then asked again: "I don't know how sure Brother Han is?"

"Seventy percent."

"Enough is enough. Now that Yuan Tan has been escorted back to Yecheng, please leave immediately, brother Han, to persuade Yuan Tan to surrender as soon as possible, and take all the prisoners of war and form an army."

"Promise." Han Xin clasped his fists full of energy in response, and then left Hejian for Yecheng with the task of recruiting the surrendered army.

After Han Xin arrived in Yecheng, he immediately reorganized the prisoners of war, and the reorganization of the original Han army went very smoothly. After all, even the old master Han Xin had already surrendered, and senior generals such as Zhang Kui, Chen Qi, Zheng Lun, Gao Ming, and Gao Jue also all surrendered. Taking advantage of the trend, the bottom soldiers naturally have nothing to insist on.

However, the reorganization of Zhao Jun's surrender was not smooth. Even if Han Xin personally persuaded Yuan Tan, Yuan Tan still did not surrender, but his tone relaxed a lot.

At the same time, when the Qin army in northern Hebei was preparing to move north again after some simple repairs, it received a shocking bad news:
A large number of Japanese pirates appeared in the coastal areas of Qingbei.

 The monthly ticket has broken through [-] plus changes, and there are still three chapters owed.

(End of this chapter)

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