Chapter 1742

Chapter 1740: Japanese pirates disrupt the coast

Japanese pirates, the thieves of the Japanese country, so they are called Japanese pirates.

The country of Wa, that is, Dongying.

Originally, the common people of Han Dynasty didn't like or dislike Dongying, this island country in the East China Sea. They just regarded it as one of the small countries around them, so not many people cared at all.

But it wasn't until three years ago that the Dongying mission came to Luoyang for a pilgrimage and challenged the heroes of the Han Dynasty in more than [-] aspects, such as piano, chess, calligraphy, painting, poetry, and Fu. Only then did the people of the Han Dynasty realize the ambition of this island country in the East China Sea.

Of course, this challenge to the Japanese Mission was a disastrous defeat. They only won three out of thirty challenges, and lost the other 27 games.

This incident boosted the national pride of the people, and because most of the Dongying people were short, the common people often called Dongying the country of Japan, in order to satirize the Dongying people for their self-importance and mantising.

During the pilgrimage three years ago, the real purpose of the Dongying mission was to obtain technology from the Luoyang court, but in the end they failed, and could only shift their targets to obtain it from the princes.

But the major princes are not stupid, it is impossible to give it to a small country for nothing, and in the end the Japanese mission can only spend money to buy it.

The blockade of technology by other princes is not as strict as the Qin army. Each prince has a technology that he is good at, and it is naturally impossible to sell the technology that belongs to him alone, but the public ones can be sold.

Under the huge sum of money from the Dongying mission, the princes still could not resist the temptation and sold a lot of skills to the Dongying mission.

In the end, the Dongying Mission bought papermaking from Cao Wei, steel forging from Zhao Song, and shipbuilding from Sun Wu... and also asked for a large amount of new grain from the Ming Army.

Although the Japanese missions spent a lot of gold and silver, they returned to Japan with a lot of technology.

These technologies are not top-notch in Dahan, they can only be regarded as second-level, but they are the most advanced technologies in Japan.

Soon, the Yamatai country to which the mission belongs, that is, the power to which Oda Nobunaga belongs, has skyrocketed in strength due to these technologies, even surpassing the sum of the other vassal states.

Yamatai is not the only country in Japan, but Yamatai is the largest country in Japan, so it is qualified to represent Japan.

In addition to Yamatai, there are more than ten forces in Dongying: Tokugawa Ieyasu, Akechi Mitsuhide, Takeda Shingen, Uesugi Kenshin, Mori Motojo, Sanada Yukishige, Date Masamune, etc.

Generally speaking, the situation in the four islands of Japan is actually more chaotic than that of Dahan.

Under the governance of Oda Nobunaga, Yamatai's national power grew rapidly, and Oda Nobunaga also took advantage of the great increase in national power and began to annex the surrounding countries, step by step embarking on a journey to unify the four islands of Japan.

With the support of advanced war technology and strong national power, Oda Nobunaga captured nearly half of the territory of Japan in just one year, forcing other princes to join forces against his family.

At the same time, Oda Nobunaga, who was in power, changed Yamatai to the Dongying Empire, and replaced his wife Yamatai Queen Himiko as the first emperor of the Dongying Empire.

The major princes of Dongying also realized that Yamatai would become so powerful because of the advanced technology obtained from China, so they also sent envoys to the Central Plains to buy technology, and this is also the most frequent exchange between Dongying and China. year.

The princes of the Central Plains are naturally willing to use backward technology in exchange for gold and silver in the hands of the princes of Japan to seek development.

But even if the princes of the Central Plains are willing to sell, under the iron hooves of Oda Nobunaga's army, the princes of Dongying do not have much time to develop.

In addition, after a big battle, the alliance of Dongying lords and Oda Nobunaga were both defeated, and the recovery speed of the Dongying Empire was faster than that of the alliance of Dongying princes. Once the Dongying Kingdom fully recovered, it would be difficult for other princes to survive.

Therefore, in order to protect themselves, the Japanese princes who had no other choice came up with the bad idea of ​​plundering the Central Plains' money and food to quickly recover from the war wounds.

In the transaction with the princes of the Central Plains, the princes of Dongying also knew clearly that the princes of the Central Plains were also in a warlord melee, and as long as they moved fast enough and ran away after the robbery, the princes of the Central Plains would not care about them at all.

Could it be that the princes of the Central Plains can still send a large army to cross Fusang eastward and fight to Dongying Island?

Although the princes of the Central Plains are powerful, they cannot directly threaten them, but the threat of Oda Nobunaga is close at hand.

With such a mentality, the Japanese princes headed by Tokugawa Ieyasu and Akechi Mitsuhide decided to send troops disguised as pirates to plunder money and food in Sanhan and the Central Plains.

"Gentlemen, among the thirteen prefectures of the Great Han Dynasty, the coastal prefectures are only Youzhou, Jizhou, Qingzhou, Xuzhou, Yangzhou, and Jiaozhou. Among them, Jiaozhou is too far away, so there are only five prefectures for us to plunder. "

Tokugawa Ieyasu looked at the other alliance members below, and said in a deep voice: "In order to prevent conflicts caused by interests, let's each set up an area and rob each of them. How much we can rob is up to each individual."

"That's a good idea."

Akechi Mitsuhide, Uesugi Kenshin and other big princes joined in one after another, while other small princes naturally did not dare and would not have any objections.

"it is good."

A gleam flashed in Tokugawa Ieyasu's eyes, and he said with a light smile, "In that case, Yangzhou will belong to my Tokugawa family."


Takeda Shingen, who had some grievances with Tokugawa Ieyasu, was the first to stand up to object, saying: "Among the five states of You, Ji, Qing, Xu, and Yang, Yangzhou is the most stable state, and the people must be the richest. You Tokugawa The family wants to occupy Yangzhou as a looting area? It's too greedy."

"Yeah yeah……"

Other princes joined in one after another.

Seeing this, Tokugawa Ieyasu immediately frowned and said, "If that's the case, then my Tokugawa family only plundered the area north of Yangzhou, right?"

"It's almost there."

Takeda Shingen nodded in satisfaction, then pointed to Xuzhou and the Jianghuai area, and said, "This place belongs to my Takeda family."

"My Mingzhi's family wants the area south of Yangzhou." Mingzhi Mitsuhide said hastily.

"Then my Mao Li family will be in charge of Jizhou." Mao Liyuan also rushed to speak.

"The Date family is in charge of Qingnan," Date Masamune said.

Soon, except for the Youzhou and Qingbei regions, the other regions were divided up.

The reason why no one chose Youzhou was because compared to other regions, Youzhou was too poor and there was not much money to be made.

The reason why no one chose Qingbei was because Qin Hao and Yuan Shao, the first and second princes of the Han Dynasty, had territories in Qingbei, so they didn't dare to provoke them easily.

It was too late for Uesugi Kenshin to choose. All he wanted to choose was taken by other people. The only ones left were Youzhou and Qingbei. After hesitating for a long time, he finally chose Qingbei, which is more affluent. After all, he was too hungry to die. The daring ones.

Mao Liyuan dared to rob Jizhou, so why didn't he dare to rob Qingbei?
After Uesugi Kenshin made his choice, Sanada Koshige chose Youzhou, while Hojo Tsunasari could only choose the poorest Sanhan.

 At the fourth update, a total of two chapters are still owed, and it is finally time to pay it off.

(End of this chapter)

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