Chapter 1743

Chapter 1741: Coastal War Begins

"Everyone, there is no such thing as coastal defense in the Han Dynasty now, but after we finish this vote, the princes of the Han Dynasty will definitely pay attention to coastal defense, so this is the only chance."

Tokugawa Ieyasu's eyes were full of wisdom, and he said solemnly to everyone: "This time, my Tokugawa family will send [-] troops."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone present showed shock. After all, under the oppression of Oda Nobunaga, the casualties of each family were very heavy.

To this day, while guarding against Oda Nobunaga, the Tokugawa family can still send out [-] troops, disguised as pirates, and went to the Central Plains to plunder, which shows how rich the Tokugawa family's heritage is!
After Takeda Shingen pondered for a while, a flash of determination flashed in his eyes, and he said in thought: "This opportunity is really rare, so my Takeda family decided to send eight thousand troops."

Hearing this, everyone couldn't help but secretly nodded, this was almost the limit of the Takeda family.

"In this case, my wise family sent seven thousand troops." Akechi Mitsuhide said.

"The Maoli family sent seven thousand troops." Mao Liyuan said.

"The Date family sent six thousand troops," Date Masamune said.

"The Sanada family sent five thousand troops." Nobushige Sanada said.

"The Hojo family dispatched five thousand troops," Hojo Tsunasari said.

After everyone finished speaking one after another, when there was only one shirt and letter left, everyone's eyes naturally focused on him.

Seeing this, Shangshan Jianxin said calmly, "The Shangshan family sent seven thousand troops."

Everyone was stunned for a moment. Obviously, they didn't expect that the Shan family, which is not very strong, would dare to dispatch so many troops. They were about to die.

"it is good."

Tokugawa Ieyasu let out a loud roar, attracting everyone's attention again, and said: "We will surely anger the princes of the Central Plains this time when we plunder the Central Plains. At that time, the Lord of the Central Plains will only find Oda Nobunaga."

"and many more."

Tokugawa Ieyasu hadn't finished speaking, but was interrupted by Takeda Shingen.

"Retaliation? The princes of the Central Plains are too busy to take care of themselves, can they still divide their forces and cross the sea to attack us? Haha."

Takeda Shingen laughed disdainfully.

"Yeah yeah……"

Some princes also laughed in agreement.

Seeing this, Tokugawa Ieyasu was a little annoyed and said, "Just in case, there is nothing wrong with being cautious."

"Hehe, do you think that the Central Plains has no ability to attack Japan?"

Shangshan Jianxin sneered, and said lightly: "Don't forget, our shipbuilding skills all come from the Central Plains.

You know, whether the princes of the Central Plains will retaliate is one thing, but whether they can retaliate is another matter. "

As soon as this remark came out, all the people present were silent. Kami Kanesobu said that there was nothing wrong with it. It was a matter of wealth and life. You must not be careless. Therefore, they no longer objected to Tokugawa Ieyasu's proposal to fight Oda Nobunaga's banner. .

At this point, the alliance of Dongying princes has completely finalized the strategy of dispatching troops. A total of [-] troops were dispatched, divided into eight groups, and plundered respectively: Yangbei, Yangnan, Xuhuai, Qingnan, Qingbei, Jizhou, Youzhou, and Sanhan. .

The Great Han has no concept of coastal defense yet. Although Zhu Tianpeng led the naval forces to attack the North Sea by surprise and the battle with Zhou Yu at the mouth of the Yellow River was regarded as the first naval battle of the Great Han. The importance of coastal defense.

Not to mention other princes, even Qin Hao didn't pay much attention to coastal defense. After all, few forces in the world dared to provoke him. He didn't expect Japanese pirates to cross the sea to invade.

Therefore, this time the Japanese pirates attacked, not only caught Qin Hao by the rubbing of his hands, but also caught all the princes near the sea by surprise.

The current situation in the world:
Most of Sun Jian's troops in Yangzhou Wu State were concentrated in Jingzhou, competing with Liu Xiu for Jiangxia.

Most of Zhu Di's troops in Xuhuai Ming Dynasty were also concentrated in Xiaopei and Huaibei areas, confronting Cao Wei and Zhao Song respectively.

Most of Liu Che's troops in the Northern Han Dynasty in Youzhou were also concentrated in Daijun to confront the Qin army.

On the side of Three Koreas, Wang Mang wiped out several small countries in succession before unifying the southern part of the Korean peninsula, which caused a joint attack from the central and northern countries, and most of the troops were sent to the north.

Therefore, except for the Qin army for the time being, the rears of all countries are extremely empty.

It is conceivable that once the Japanese pirates suddenly kill from behind, what kind of damage will be caused to all countries.


Dongying, Tokyo City.

"Report... Your Majesty, Tokugawa Ieyasu, Takeda Shingen, Shangshan Kanshin... and other princes have frequently mobilized their troops, and their intentions are unknown."

Oda Nobunaga, who was dealing with official duties, raised his head suddenly after hearing this, frowned and said: "The last war ended only a few months ago, and the casualties on both sides were very heavy. The alliance of princes should not have recovered yet. Do you want to start a war?"

"Reporting to Your Majesty, the troops mobilized by these princes did not come to Honshu Island, but to Kyushu Island."

"Kyushu Island?"

Oda Nobunaga frowned even tighter, and said with a puzzled face: "It seems that this time it is not against my Oda family, but is the power of Kyushu worth so many princes joining forces?"

How could Oda Nobunaga have imagined that it was under his gradual persecution that the alliance of princes who had been forced to look anxiously decided to use his banner and decided to go to the Central Plains to plunder with the intention of recovering.

If he knew, Oda Nobunaga would definitely be so angry and scold his mother, after all, he didn't carry such a shit pot.

"Where is Miyamoto Musashi?" Oda Nobunaga shouted.

"Subordinates are here."

A swordsman appeared from the shadows and knelt down on one knee to respond, and he was Miyamoto Musashi whose right hand was cut off by Wei Zhuang.

Because his friend Sasaki Kojiro died at the hands of Gai Nie, Miyamoto Musashi went to the Central Plains to challenge Gai Nie, but Gai Nie's younger brother Wei Zhuang cut off his right arm and vowed not to set foot in the Central Plains to save his life.

Miyamoto Musashi lost his right hand holding the sword, and logically speaking, he has been reduced to a useless person, but he is a half-step master after all. He practiced swordsmanship with his left hand without his right hand. After several years of hard training, he has already recovered. Eighty percent of the combat power.

"The major families have dispatched troops to Kyushu Island, with unknown intentions. I hope you will find out their real intentions." Oda Nobunaga said.


Miyamoto Musashi obviously hesitated, and said: "But Your Majesty, once your subordinates leave, if the queen is unfavorable to Your Majesty, other people may not be able to stop it."

The queen Miyamoto Musashi spoke of was naturally the original Yamatai queen, Himiko, who was also the prototype of Amaterasu in Japanese mythology.

After Oda Nobunaga was born, the implanted identity was Himiko's husband, but after taking power and laying a bigger foundation, Oda Nobunaga usurped the throne and established the Toying Kingdom, so now the relationship between him and Himiko is also somewhat nervous.

Himiko is a very mysterious ancient female ruler, and the originator of the ancient religion of Japan, Ghost and Taoism. She herself has the strength of the peak master level, and she is only a little bit close to stepping into the half-step grand master realm.

If it hadn't been for Himiko's decentralization of power and concentration on breakthroughs in retreat, Oda Nobunaga would not have been able to successfully usurp the throne.

After Himiko left the customs, he found that Yamatai had been replaced by Dongying Kingdom, and even killing Oda Nobunaga would not change it.

After hearing Miyamoto Musashi's words, Oda Nobunaga smiled indifferently, and said, "Don't worry, you go to inquire first, the queen will not be against me."


Seeing that Oda Nobunaga was so confident, Miyamoto Musashi no longer insisted, and directly took the order to leave for Kyushu Island.

When Miyamoto Musashi arrived on Kyushu Island, the princes and armies had already left by boat and went to various parts of the Central Plains to plunder.

 Guaranteed one update to...

(End of this chapter)

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