Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1744 Do you call this a pirate?

Chapter 1744 Do you call this a pirate?
Chapter 1742: You fucking call this a pirate?

Jingzhou, Xiling County, where Jiangxia ruled, was the base camp of Sun Huang's coalition forces at this time.

Under Liu Xiu's pressing step by step, Huang Zu, who only had one county, was in danger.

At this time, Huang Zu could hardly resist Liu Xiu on his own, and only by asking for reinforcements from outside could he survive the calamity.

But the eldest brother Jingbei Qin Jun is now too busy to take care of himself. In desperation, Huang Zu can only ask Jiangdong Sun Jian for help.

Sun Jian also had the opportunity to wipe out Huang Zu, thus completely occupying Jiangxia, but considering the greater threat of Liu Xiu's attack, he took the second best and joined hands with Huang Zu to fight against Liu Xiu.

Liu Xiu's army had already captured the six counties of Jiangxia with successive victories, but with the joining forces of the Sun and Huang families, the Chu army became more and more difficult in Jiangxia, and even forced Liu Xiu to increase troops from Jingnan in order to keep it. previous achievements.

Liu Xiu increased his troops, and Sun Jian had to increase his troops, otherwise the situation in Jiangxia would be difficult to maintain.

Soon, Wu and Chu's troops in Jiangxia reached nearly [-] troops, and the rear naturally became empty, but now both sides are unable to sneak attack the enemy's rear.

"My lord, Jiaozhou has only been attached to Liu Xiu not long ago, and the Taiping Army has not completely returned, so it is impossible for Liu Xiu to send troops from Jiaozhou to attack Jiangdong in the short term." Sun Wu said confidently.


Sun Jian nodded and said with a smile, "That's it, don't worry about the rear of our army, we can also concentrate our forces to fight Liu Xiu."

As soon as the words fell, soldiers rushed in and reported anxiously: "My lord, something is wrong. A large number of pirates appeared in Wu County and Kuaiji County. After these pirates came ashore, they slaughtered villages and destroyed villages, killing and injuring countless people."


Sun Jian and Sun Wu screamed at the same time, and Sun Jian hurriedly asked, "About how many pirates are there?"

"Nearly [-] people. At present, Qu'a County in Wu County and Yongning County in Kuaiji have been breached by pirates.

After these pirates entered the city, they burned, killed, looted, raped women, and committed all kinds of crimes. Tens of thousands of people were killed and injured, and the two counties have been reduced to empty cities. "


Sun Jian and Sun Wu's exclamation became louder, and then both of them were gnashing their teeth in anger.

At first they thought that these pirates were disguised by Liu Xiu's troops, and they wanted to force the frontline Wu army to withdraw their troops back, but now it seems that they have little to do with Liu Xiu, after all, Liu Xiu would definitely not do such a thing as massacre dry.

Liu Xiu's behavior style is quite benevolent. When attacking Jiaozhou, no matter how difficult the situation was, he never used a sword against the people. Now that his reputation is at its peak, it is even more impossible for him to do something like massacre the city to destroy his reputation. thing.

"Most of the pirates around Jiangdong have been wiped out by me, so where did so many pirates come from?" Sun Jian asked with a puzzled expression.

Sun Wu's eyes were full of sternness, and he said in a deep voice: "Master, other forces must have intervened."

"Could it be Liu Xiu?" Sun Jian asked.

Sun Wu shook his head: "It should have nothing to do with Liu Xiu, but we can also take this opportunity to tarnish Liu Xiu's reputation."

"good idea."

A bright light flashed in Sun Jian's eyes, and Sun Wu's implication was that regardless of whether Liu Xiu did it or not, even if Liu Xiu can prove his innocence in the end, this basin of dirty water will be poured on Liu Xiu's head to distract him attention.

"The top priority is to wipe out these pirates as soon as possible. If they are allowed to massacre the city in Wu County and Kuaiji, our country of Wu may really be hurt." Sun Wu said solemnly.

"Where do the soldiers come from?" Sun Jian asked.

"The army on the front line cannot move lightly, and can only rely on the county soldiers in the rear."

"There are nearly [-] pirates this time. Can you fight back with the county soldiers alone?"

"In fact, the combat power of the county soldiers is not weak. As long as they are supplemented by good generals, they will definitely be able to repel the pirates."

After speaking, Sun Wu took the initiative to ask for orders: "Wu is willing to lead the army to destroy the pirates."

"No, no, no."

When Sun Jian heard this, he quickly shook his head and said, "Liu Xiu is a bigger threat, Brother Wu must not leave the front line."

As soon as Sun Jian finished speaking, Sun Ce and Sun Quan below stood up at the same time and said in unison, "Father, my son is willing to lead the army and drive out the pirates."

Seeing this, Sun Wu pondered for a while, and said: "The eldest son is brave and decisive, and the second son is both wise and courageous. He will definitely be able to repel the pirates and show our military prestige."

"Okay, since that's the case, Ce'er, you will be responsible for exterminating the Kuaiji pirates."

After saying that, Sun Jian looked at Sun Quan again, and said, "Quan'er, you are in charge of exterminating the pirates in Wu County. Since you are young, I will send General Zhou Tai to assist you."

Sun Quan was immediately overjoyed, and hurriedly said: "I will definitely live up to my father's expectations."

Sun Ce and Sun Quan immediately took office and rushed to Wu Jun and Kuaiji to preside over the matter, but this time they were not ordinary pirates, and their cunning was far beyond the expectations of the two brothers.

Sun Ce's opponent this time is Akechi Mitsuhide, and Sun Quan's opponent is Tokugawa Ieyasu, both of whom are top famous generals in the history of the Japanese Warring States Period.

After Sun Ce learned that Shan County was besieged by pirates, he immediately led [-] soldiers from the county to support them, but the pirates had already fled when they arrived, and they could only stare at the sea and say nothing.

Sun Quan blocked Tokugawa Ieyasu in time, and launched a fierce battle in Fuchun County with [-] soldiers from the county and [-] Japanese pirates.

In the end, if Zhou Tai hadn't tried his best to rescue him, Sun Quan might have died in battle, and more than half of the eight thousand soldiers were killed or injured.

After the defeat, Sun Quan was no longer able to encircle and suppress Tokugawa Ieyasu, so he could only stick to Wu County, the seat of government, and watched Tokugawa Ieyasu, scheming and reckless in Wu County.

"Second son, forgive me, please forgive me, I really don't know how powerful these pirates are." Fuchun county magistrate cried.

Sun Quan raised Fuchun county magistrate angrily, and roared, "You fucking call this a pirate? This is obviously the elite of the Japanese army."

Sun Quan really thought that his opponent was a pirate, and underestimated the enemy, so he rushed to fight. As a result, the opponent showed superb qualities, which were not owned by pirates at all.

Through clothing, weapons, and language, Sun Quan easily analyzed the origin of the other party. After all, Dongying and Sun Wu have not had little exchanges over the years.

If he had known that the enemy was the main force of the Japanese army, Sun Quan would have made sufficient preparations, and he would never have started a decisive battle so foolishly.

"Tell the news that the pirates are Japanese pirates to my elder brother and father immediately."

After saying that, Sun Quan slumped down on the ground, thinking about showing off his skills this time, but ended up feeling ashamed instead.


In Xuzhou, after Zhu Di learned that the rear was attacked by pirates, two counties were massacred, and tens of thousands of people died, he was shocked and furious.

"Di'er, the main force of our army needs to resist the coalition forces of Song and Wei. We should not mobilize it lightly. We can only use the county soldiers to deal with the pirates." Fan Zeng said with a serious face.

"It's nothing more than a mere pirate. It's nothing more than a mob. The county soldiers are enough." Zhu Di said with a cold face.

"The commander of the army, who are you going to send?"

"My king will go in person." Zhu Di said forcefully.

 Guaranteed one update to...

(End of this chapter)

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