Chapter 1748
Chapter 1746: Keep No Prisoners
Among the hundreds of schools of thought, when it comes to yin and yang, people often think of two words: powerful and mysterious.

According to legend, Zhang Jiao, a great virtuous teacher, is the descendant of the Yin-Yang family, and Zhang Jiao started the current troubled times, so the Yin-Yang family is also feared by the princes of the world.

Because of the Yellow Turban Army and Zhang Jiao, Su Dingfang had a very bad feeling towards the Yinyang family. If Xie Siyun hadn't taken the initiative to report the news and saved the lives of the people in Zhangwu City, even if the other party was a woman, Su Dingfang would not have given it to the Yinyang family. People have a good face.

"Miss Xie, why are you being hunted down by Japanese pirate ninjas?"

Su Dingfang's eyes were full of wisdom, and he asked straight to the point: "What is the Yin Yang family planning to do by sending a girl to Japan?"

Under Su Dingfang's pressing step by step, Xie Siyun finally lost his previous composure.

She was still a little naive, thinking that if she played Fuxi's card, Su Dingfang would not make things difficult for her, but she didn't know that Su Dingfang didn't like Fuxi at all.

Brother, your name is not easy to use.

Xie Siyun smiled wryly in her heart, and at the same time remembered what her senior brother Fuxi had said to her before leaving the teacher.

"Junior Sister, after you step into the rivers and lakes, if you encounter difficult problems, you can name me as your senior brother. Most people in the world should give me a favor." Fuxi said confidently.

Xie Siyun didn't like borrowing other people's names, so she never used the name of Fuxi, but she didn't want it to be useless for the first time, and she couldn't help but doubt her senior brother.

Su Dingfang's every question pointed to the point. If Xie Siyun didn't tell the truth, it might be difficult to escape this time.

In fact, Xie Siyun had already guessed that if she reported to the Qin army, she would be interrogated by Su Dingfang, but she really couldn't bear the people being slaughtered by Japanese pirates, so she didn't regret her decision at all.

After a little thought, Xie Siyun replied: "Actually, it's not a big secret, there's nothing we can't say. Does the general know Yun Zhongjun from my Yin Yang family?"

Su Dingfang shook his head: "I don't know."

"What about Xu Fu?"

"In the pre-Qin period, Xu Fu who traveled east to Fusang? I'm afraid no one knows this."

"Actually, Xu Fu in the pre-Qin period was Yun Zhongjun from my Yin Yang family."


Hearing this, Su Dingfang suddenly exclaimed, never expecting to hear such a big secret from the ancient times from Xie Siyun, a descendant of the Yin Yang family.

"My Yin Yang family has been handed down since ancient times, and there are naturally many factions. Among them, Xu Fu, the king of Yunzhong in the pre-Qin period, once led three thousand virgins and virgins, traveled east to Fusang, searched for the immortal medicine for Qin Shihuang, and refined the elixir of immortality. .

In the end, the elixir was naturally not practiced, but the Yunzhongjun lineage took root in Dongying, and gradually evolved into the current Onmyoji in Dongying. "

Hearing what Xie Siyun said, Su Dingfang suddenly had an idea and asked, "That's why Japanese pirates also call you Onmyoji?"

"That's right, after all, they belong to the same line. Onmyojis come from the Onmyoji family, and many methods are similar to my Onmyoji family."

After finishing speaking, Xie Siyun returned to the topic again, and continued: "The reason why the little girl was sent to Dongying by the leader is to contact Yun Zhongjun's lineage, but she didn't want to accidentally find out that Dongying sent troops disguised as pirates to come to the coast of the Central Plains to rob her." looted military secrets.

The Dongying Kingdom was afraid that the little girl would pass this matter back to the Central Plains, so they wanted to forcibly detain the little girl, but the little girl refused, so the ninjas of the Dongying Kingdom chased her all the way back to the Central Plains from Dongying, and even almost died in the Great Wall. maritime. "

In Xie Siyun's words, the part about her and the Japanese pirates is true, and the part about the Yin Yang family is actually true, but the most important point is concealed.

Of course, she went to Dongpu not only to contact Yun Zhongjun's lineage, but also to recruit this lineage to return to the Yinyang family, but in the end, she took advantage of her happiness and went back disappointed.

Just like the Onmyoji sect separated from Taoism, Yun Zhongjun's lineage separated from the Onmyoji sect for hundreds of years, and developed an onmyoji with its own characteristics, so naturally he was unwilling to be merged into the Onmyoji sect.

Generally speaking, Xie Siyun did not lie, but just missed the most confidential things.

Su Dingfang carefully observed Xie Siyun, and saw that there were no major fluctuations in her expression, tone, or even heartbeat. He also believed what she said, and his face softened, and he was no longer as cold as before.

Su Dingfang bowed his hands to Xie Siyun and said: "The girl is suffering, it is Su's rudeness."

"General Su, can the little girl go now?" Xie Siyun asked.

"What is the girl talking about, you are my benefactor of Qin Jun, you never meant to detain the girl.

Girl, you can leave anytime you want. If you have any problems in the future, you can come to Su at any time, and Su will try his best to repay. "

Hearing Su Dingfang's words, Xie Siyun breathed a sigh of relief, but sneered in her heart: "I believe you are a ghost."

Seeing the back of Xie Siyun leaving, Su Dingfang's eyes were full of appreciation.

It's amazing that a woman is single and weak, and was hunted down by a country's forces, but she was able to escape back to the Central Plains safely.

At this time Ding Yanping came over and said in a low voice: "General, just let this girl go like this? She must have something to hide."

Su Dingfang shook his head and explained: "Perhaps, but she certainly didn't lie about the Japanese pirates. That's enough. After all, this woman has helped a lot this time, so there is no need to persecute the benefactor too much."

Hearing what Su Dingfang said, Ding Yanping immediately stopped talking.

"Report... General Qi, the casualty statistics are out. The casualties of the people in Zhangwu County reached [-], and more than [-] women were insulted. Afterwards, many women chose to commit suicide because of the humiliation."


Su Dingfang's face suddenly turned livid, and he cursed angrily, "This group of beasts."

Su Dingfang didn't come too late, but he didn't expect that there would be such a large number of casualties. His heart was full of anger and killing intent, and he wished to kill the leader of the pirates immediately.

"Has the leader of the pirates been caught?" Su Dingfang asked coldly.

"No, according to the captives, their leader Mao Li Yuanjiu left the army and fled before our cavalry arrived."


Su Dingfang snorted coldly, and said with an unhappy face: "Coward."

At this moment, Su Xian ran over anxiously and reported: "General, it's not good. The people of Zhangwu gathered the corpses of their relatives and gathered at the government office, demanding that the relatives killed by the Japanese pirates be given money." An explanation."

As soon as Su Xian finished speaking, Su Dingfang immediately said because he heard the shouts of the people, "Go, go and have a look."

Just after he walked out of the gate of the mansion, Su Dingfang saw a scene that made him angry and heartbroken.

Numerous corpses were displayed in front of the government office, including men and women, old and young. The female corpses were basically naked, and almost none of the male corpses were complete. The death conditions were extremely miserable.

Old men, young children, young people, women... all knelt beside the corpses of their relatives, crying in grief, hoping that the government could avenge their relatives.

Not only Su Dingfang, but also the soldiers who needed to maintain it couldn't stand it anymore, and they all stared at Su Dingfang expectantly.

After seeing this scene, Su Dingfang's heart trembled, he suppressed the anger in his heart, and shouted: "Folks, please rest assured, I, Su Dingfang, swear that I will definitely seek justice for all the dead.

Pass down the order to escort all the Japanese pirates captives to the market, and these beasts will pay the price for what they have done. "

As soon as this remark came out, all the people present cheered. None of these captives were innocent, and they all had blood from their own relatives on their hands, and they all deserved to die.

After hesitating for a while, Ding Yanping still said in a low voice: "General Su, this is against military regulations, you should report it to the lord."

"No need, just wait for the implementation. If something happens, I, Su Lie, will bear it all."

Su Dingfang's eyes were full of killing intent, and he said coldly, "My Qin army has never been soft on these beasts who slaughtered the common people. This time, we will not keep any prisoners."

 The second is even more updated, all the chapters owed have been paid off, it feels so good not to be in debt.

  Of course, everyone, please rest assured that even if you don’t owe any debts, Liu Xiang will still add changes!
(End of this chapter)

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