Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1749 Qi Jiguang Suppresses Japanese

Chapter 1749 Qi Jiguang Suppresses Japanese
Chapter 1747: Qi Jiguang Suppresses the Japanese
Zhangwu County City Slot.

A large number of Japanese pirate prisoners were detained by the Qin army. Along the way, there were constant civilians who beat the Japanese pirates with rotten eggs, rotten vegetable leaves, and stones.

These pirate prisoners also seemed to have guessed their future. After all, they committed heinous crimes in Zhangwu. Now that they are captured, it is absolutely impossible for the Han people to let them go.

Therefore, all of them looked sad, terrified, and desperate, and they no longer had the previous arrogance and ferocity.

Su Dingfang looked at the hundreds of prisoners of war on the execution platform, and heard the angry shouts of the people around him, his eyes were full of coldness, and he said indifferently: "The time has come for the execution."



The shouts of killing kept ringing, the knives raised their knives and fell, and the heads of Japanese pirates fell to the ground, and the whole city was bloody in an instant.

The vengeance was avenged, and there were voices of relief from the common people, but more of them were crying in sorrow. After all, even if the vengeance was avenged, the dead relatives would never come back.

Su Dingfang watched this scene silently, and sighed: "Immediately write the situation on Zhangwu's side as a military report and submit it to the lord. I will also apply to the lord to exempt Zhangwu County from taxes for half a year."


"Report... to the general and find out the whereabouts of the leader of the Japanese pirates who escaped."

Hearing this, Su Dingfang's eyes were filled with murderous intent, and he shouted: "Immediately set up five thousand cavalry, and I was going to slaughter these Japanese pirates."


Not long after Su Dingfang's military order was issued, the five thousand cavalry had assembled outside the city, and then headed eastward under the leadership of Su Dingfang.

After Mao Liyuan escaped by chance, he led dozens of men and ran all the way to the beach, fearing that he would be overtaken by the cavalry of the Qin army.

"You guys, go to Yangzhuang, Lizhuang, and Wuzhuang respectively, and pass on my military order to let everyone retreat to the coast. We are leaving Jizhou." Mao Liyuan ordered with a gloomy face.

He just ran out of Zhangwu County, and he witnessed the siege of the Qin army's iron cavalry. Even if he didn't need to watch what happened afterwards, he knew what happened. His three thousand Japanese soldiers must have been wiped out.

At this moment, Mao Liyuan had only one thought in his mind, and that was bad luck.

Mao Liyuan's heart was bleeding. He hadn't even finished robbing a county, but he hit the Qin army's gun and directly lost [-] elites. It was a big loss.

"Master, leave Jizhou, where can we go?"

After hearing what his subordinates said, Mao Liyuan thought for a while, and sighed: "Go to Qingbei, find Shangshan Jianxin, and hope that he can see that for the sake of the alliance, he can give up an area for the family to plunder to recover. Be happy."

In fact, when he learned that the Qin army had [-] troops in Bohai County, Mao Liyuan planned to leave Jizhou.

The states and counties of Jizhou near the sea are only one county in Bohai Sea, and even if the [-] Qin army is divided among the counties, they can still hold the entire Bohai Sea.

Mao Liyuan in Jizhou had no chance at all. If he had to stay, the whole army would be wiped out sooner or later, so he could only leave Jizhou and go to other areas to plunder.

When Su Dingfang led the cavalry to catch up to the coast, Mao Liyuanjiu's [-] Japanese soldiers had all boarded the ship, but they had not set sail yet.

Seeing the cavalry of the Qin Army chasing after him, Mao Liyuan yelled: "Let's go, let's go."

After all, Su Dingfang was one step too late. Although he intercepted several ships and killed three hundred Japanese pirates, the rest of the pirates had already set sail.


Looking at the Japanese pirates not far from the sea, Su Dingfang's eyes were full of unwillingness.

"General, these pirates seem to be heading towards Qingbei." Su Xian said.


Su Dingfang was shocked immediately. After all, there are three prefectures and counties in Qingbei that are close to the sea. The strength is not strong, and it is obviously more difficult to resist the Japanese pirates.

"This group of Japanese pirates is really cunning. Knowing that our army has plenty of troops in the Bohai Sea, they went to attack Qingbei, which is short of troops."

An anxious look flashed across Su Dingfang's eyes, and he said in a deep voice, "Immediately fly a pigeon to send a letter to Zhou Yu, reminding him that the Japanese pirates in Bohai have gone to Qingzhou."




After inquiring about Qingbei's information, Shangshan and his confidence were greatly shaken. He never thought that so many major events would happen to Qingbei in such a short period of time.

Li Jing, who was obviously at a disadvantage, defeated the Northern Han coalition forces forcefully, and finally Zhou Yu unified the Qingbei counties.

After learning about this, Shangshan Jianxin faintly had the idea of ​​retreating, but he was not willing to retreat like this, and was extremely entangled in his heart.

The strength of the Qin army is too strong, and the king of Qin Qin Hao is a master who only takes advantage but cannot suffer. Once he robs Qingbei, he will offend Qin Hao, and there is no guarantee that he will not retaliate against himself in the future.

But even if King Qin Hao wants to take revenge, can he still send troops to attack Dongpu before he unifies the Central Plains?And when he unified the Central Plains, it will be decades later, and the hatred at this time may be almost forgotten by then.

But what if King Qin holds his grudge...

Just when the upper shirt and the letter were swaying from side to side, and he couldn't make up his mind for a long time, news came from his subordinates that Mao Liyuan had led nearly [-] Japanese soldiers to join him.

Originally, he hesitated in Shangshan and Xinxin, not only because he was afraid of the strength of the Qin army, but also because of his own lack of strength.

Even if Zhou Yu didn't have enough troops, he still had [-] troops in Qingbei, and even if most of them were captives, the threat to Shangshan Jianxin was still not small.

Shangshan Kanshin had only [-] troops in his hands, and if he plundered Qingbei, which was guarded by more than [-] troops, if he accidentally started a war, he would inevitably suffer heavy casualties, and the gains outweighed the losses.

However, with the support of the four thousand troops of the Maori family, and the number of troops that can be used has reached [-], they are sure to wrestle with Zhou Yu again.

Mao Liyuan was worried that Shangshan and Xin could live alone, and he was unwilling to allocate an area to him, but he didn't know that Qingbei was also a tough bone.

Mao Liyuan took the initiative to vote, which made Shangshan Jianxin overjoyed, but before the two armies met, he received the news that Mao Liyuan was assassinated.

"My lord has received important news. Last night, three onmyoji sneaked in, assassinated Mr. Mao Liyuan, and then left."

"What? Mao Liyuan died?"

Shangshan Kanshin was shocked, just about to take advantage of the other party, but he didn't expect Mao Liyuan to die in the assassination.

"That's not true. Mao Liyuan is also in the lineage of Onmyoji. It is not so easy to die from an assassination. The one who was assassinated last night was only the substitute of Lord Mao Li."


Shangshan Jianxin heaved a sigh of relief, and said, "That's good, it's good that I'm not dead."

If Mao Liyuan were to die, the four thousand elites of the Mao Li Department would be in chaos, and Shangshan Jianxin would not be able to use them to deal with Zhou Yu.

 Make up for yesterday's guarantee...

(End of this chapter)

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