Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1750 Qi Jiguang Suppresses Japanese

Chapter 1750 Qi Jiguang Suppresses Japanese
Chapter 1748: Qi Jiguang Suppresses the Japanese
The total strength of Shangshan Kanshin and Mao Liyuan was only nearly [-], while Zhou Yu had as many as [-] troops. In terms of strength, the Qin army had an absolute advantage.

But even so, Shangshan Jianxin was still sure of winning, because the purpose of his trip was only to plunder, not to fight the Qin army head-on.

There are advantages to having more people, and there are advantages to having fewer people.

Although the Japanese pirates had few people, they were on the attacking side. They didn’t want to attack the city, they just looted. They ran away when they found a place where the Qin army was empty. Absolute initiative.

Although Zhou Yu has a lot of troops, they are on the defensive side, and Qingbei has a lot to defend against. Naturally, if the troops are divided, there will not be many troops, so they are relatively passive.

On Zhou Yu's side, before receiving Su Dingfang's subpoena, he had already learned of the news of a large number of pirates in Liangshan County, and after learning from Su Dingfang that it was Japanese pirates, he became more vigilant.

The biggest difference between Zhou Yu and Su Dingfang is that what Su Dingfang needs to defend is only one county and eight counties in Bohai. After all, Jizhou only has one county in Bohai near the sea, but he has a full army of [-] in his hands.

A 1 army guards eight counties. Even if the troops are divided equally, each county can be allocated more than [-] troops, so the defense of Bohai Sea can be foolproof.

Although Zhou Yu had 18 troops in his hands, far more troops than Shangshan Jianxin, but Qingbei's coastal defense line was too long. There were 36 counties in Beihai County alone, and the three counties had a full [-] counties.

If the troops are evenly distributed among the 36 counties, even an additional [-] troops will still not be enough.

It is impossible for Zhou Yu to do this without so many troops. He can only allocate [-] troops to guard more than ten counties closer to the sea to ensure the safety of coastal counties as much as possible.

In this case, it would be more dangerous to go further inland, but once the pirates went deep into the interior, the time to retreat would be greatly increased, and this also gave Zhou Yu the opportunity to dispatch a large army to encircle and wipe out.

Zhou Yu obviously underestimated Shangshan Jianxin, the god of the Japanese army. His arrangement seems to be perfect, but it is a method for the mediocre. In front of Shangshan Jianxin, the master of war, this arrangement still has many loopholes of.

Therefore, after Shangshan Kanshin and Mao Liyuan joined forces, the first target chosen was Xiami County, Beihai County. There are three reasons:

1. Xiami County has a lot of people and is rich. Even if they don’t enter the city to plunder, they can still grab a lot of money and food;
2. Xiami County is close to the sea, making it easy to retreat, and the Qin army was unable to react in time.

3. Xiami County's garrison strength is not too large, and it is a county with relatively few garrison troops among the three counties near the sea in Qingbei.

The purpose of Zhou Yu's arrangement was to lure Japanese pirates to the inland area where there was no defense, but Shangshan Jianxin was not fooled at all, and still chose a county near the sea.

Knowing that Xiami County was attacked and suffered heavy casualties, Zhou Yu hurriedly mobilized troops to support Xiami County, but when they arrived, the Japanese pirates had already run away, and although the county seat had not been breached, the surrounding villages and towns were Devastated.

Just when Zhou Yu was angry, he received news of what happened to Gaomi in Beihai, but when the reinforcements arrived, the Japanese pirates ran away again.

Two consecutive failures made Zhou Yu realize that this was not going to work, so he ordered the relocation of people outside the city into the city, and at the same time set up beacon towers along the coast to warn against Japanese pirates' attacks. The combination of these two tactics finally worked.

The target of the Japanese pirates' third landing was Zouliang County of the Liangshan Army, but they were discovered not long after they landed. Zhou Yu quickly mobilized troops from three surrounding counties to encircle and suppress, but the ending completely surprised Zhou Yu.

Six thousand troops from three counties fought against four thousand Japanese pirates, beheaded eight hundred Japanese pirates, but paid nearly two thousand casualties.

Such a ratio of casualties also made Zhou Yu realize that the Japanese pirates who came across the sea were not weak in combat power, and it was really not easy to defeat the Japanese pirates head-on with the army assembled from prisoners of war in his hands.

The [-] troops in Zhou Yu's hands were extremely mixed, either from Liangshan's troops, or from Northern Han captives, so the combat power was naturally impossible to be much stronger.

Zhou Yu originally thought that even if the Qingbei army's combat power was not strong, his intelligence and ability could make up for this deficiency, but he didn't expect that the leader of the Japanese pirates was also a famous general. it's impossible.

In desperation, Zhou Yu had no choice but to ask Qin Hao in northern Hebei for help, hoping to send some elite soldiers to Qingbei to help him suppress the bandits. The number does not need to be too many, [-] will do.


North Hebei, Hejian Army, Lecheng County, inside the prefect's mansion.

"My lord, this time the Japanese pirates attacked, not just my family, Eastern Wu, Zhu Ming, Zhu Qi, Northern Han, and even Sanhan and other coastal areas were all attacked by Japanese pirates.

Wu Gongsun Jian issued an edict, accusing Chu Wang Liu Xiu of colluding with foreigners, hiring Japanese pirates, and attacking Jiangdong.

Zhu Di, king of the Ming Dynasty, also issued an edict angrily scolding Cao Cao, the Duke of Wei, and Zhao Kuangyin, the Duke of Song, for colluding with foreigners, hiring Japanese pirates, and slaughtering Jianghuai.

As for Liu Che, the false emperor of the Northern Han Dynasty..."

Speaking of this, Zhang Liang stopped, while Qin Hao sneered, "Liu Che must have slandered the king and hired Japanese pirates to attack Youzhou, right?"


"Hehe, it's really a tacit understanding."

Qin Hao sneered and mocked.

This time the Japanese pirates attacked the coast on a large scale, not only did the affected princes not find the culprit, but they pushed the blame on the opponent's head. There is nothing more dark than this.

"How about the casualties of our people?" Qin Hao asked.

Without thinking about it, Zhang Liang replied directly: "Compared with other princes, the casualties of our people are not too great.

According to statistics, in Bohai County, Jizhou, a total of 570 people died under the butcher's knife of Japanese pirates.

Because the Japanese pirates in Jizhou fled to Qingbei, and the two pirates have joined forces, the casualties of the people in Qingbei were even greater.

At present, the number of people killed and injured in Qingbei has exceeded [-], and it is still rising. "


Qin Hao slammed the table and said angrily, "What on earth is he eating, Zhou Yu? Even a 1 army can't defend Qingbei, and can't wipe out more than [-] Japanese pirates?"

Qin Hao had great hopes for Zhou Yu, and even turned a blind eye to the matter between him and his younger sister, but this time Zhou Yu let him down.

Qin Hao didn't know the actual situation in Qingbei, so he said that, but Li Jing knew the actual situation, and immediately stood up to defend Zhou Yu: "Master, in fact, Zhou Yu has tried his best, but most of the troops under his command were reorganized from captives. The power is not strong, that's why the Japanese pirates broke through the siege many times..."

 Guaranteed one update to...

(End of this chapter)

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