Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1751 Qi Jiguang Suppresses Japanese

Chapter 1751 Qi Jiguang Suppresses Japanese
Chapter 1749: Qi Jiguang Suppresses the Japanese
After defending Zhou Yu for a while, Li Jing knelt down on one knee again, clasped his fists and pleaded guilty: "My lord, it's all because the general brought out the main force of Qingbei, which is why this situation happened."

Qin Hao quickly helped Li Jing up, and said softly: "He Zhou Yu didn't keep Qingbei well, so what's the matter with you, Li Jing?

But looking at it this way, in the absence of the main force, Zhou Yu, with only a group of reorganized troops, not only had to guard the long coastline, but also resisted the attacks of the Japanese pirates who were not weak. up. "

Hearing this, Li Jing stood up and heaved a sigh of relief, while Qin Hao continued: "It seems that the stalemate in suppressing bandits in Qingbei is mainly because the army is not strong enough and lacks elite soldiers. The king will give Zhou Yu enough elites."

Speaking of this, Qin Hao's heart couldn't help but move. He still has Qi Jiguang, a famous anti-Japanese general under his command.

Qin Hao has too many talents under his command, and even more commanders, so that after Qi Jiguang joined his command, he has never had the opportunity to display his talents, so how can he be missing in this anti-Japanese war.

Of course, the most important thing is that Qi Jiguang is famous for fighting Japanese pirates, and may have exclusive skills to deal with Japanese pirates, so it is natural to give him a chance to show off.

By the way, where is Qi Jiguang now?

Qin Hao, who really couldn't remember, immediately asked, "Where is Qi Jiguang now?"

The people present did not expect Qin Hao's thoughts to be so out of bounds. The last sentence was still talking about Japanese pirates and Zhou Yu, but the next sentence jumped to Qi Jiguang who had nothing to do with it.

"My lord, before the war started, you personally appointed Qi Jiguang as the supervisor of grain and transportation in the rear, in charge of the transportation of grain and grass between the two places, and Qi Jiguang also lived up to my lord's expectations.

During the Battle of Jizhou, the Northern Han Dynasty sent small troops to harass our army's grain roads many times, but they were all wiped out by Qi Jiguang. Not a single stone of grain and grass in our army was burned by the enemy. "

Bai Qi, who was in charge of the battle in Jizhou, first reported the whereabouts of Qi Jiguang, and then described his achievements in this battle.

"Oh, this king remembered."

Hearing Bai Qi's words, a trace of embarrassment flashed across Qin Hao's face, and then he ordered in a deep voice: "Change Cheng Yaojin to be the rear grain road supervisor, and send Qi Jiguang to the north of Hebei quickly."

Cheng Yaojin made a great contribution in capturing Jushou alive, and in the process of capturing Han Xin, he also made a lot of contributions, so he is naturally qualified to be the grain supervisor.

After hearing the appointment, all the generals present were surprised. After all, Qi Jiguang was transferred to Hejian at this time, obviously because he wanted him to lead the army to support Zhou Yu, but they didn't understand why the lord chose Qi Jiguang who was not well-known.

Not only them, but Qi Jiguang, who was escorting food and grass in the rear, was shocked when he was suddenly appointed, and he didn't understand why the lord chose him.

Logically speaking, it would be impossible for him to be a food supervisor when leading the army to support Qingbei. After all, there are many front-line generals, and he is not conspicuous among them, but this pie just happened to hit him.

Although Qi Jiguang was puzzled, he would not let go of this rare opportunity. After handing over the general affairs to the adjutant, he immediately rode to Hejian on a fast horse alone.

Since the territory along the way is the territory of the Qin army, the road was unimpeded, Qi Jiguang arrived in Lecheng County, Hejian Prefecture, in less than two days, and met Qin Hao immediately.

"The last general, Qi Jiguang, pays homage to the lord."

Looking at the dusty Qi Jiguang below, Qin Hao nodded in satisfaction, but a system prompt box appeared in his eyes, and then he showed a slight surprise.

[Qi Jiguang: Commander 97, Force 98 (+2), Intelligence 89, Politics 85, Charm 96.Equipment: Shenwei Lie water gun, curly-haired man blood horse. 】

This curly-haired blood horse was naturally brought by Qin Hao to Qi Jiguang as a reward, otherwise how could he have arrived in Hejian from Bingzhou in just two days.

What really surprised Qin Hao was that Qi Jiguang was guarding the rear Liangdao. Logically speaking, there was no battle, but his force was still increased by 1 point. It can be seen that he still has a lot of potential that has not been discovered.

"Yuan Jing (Qi Jiguang's name), there is no need to be too polite. You guarded our army's grain road and repelled dozens of enemy attacks. You did a very good job. Therefore, this king decided to hand over the task of leading the army to support Qingbei and encircle and suppress Japanese pirates. I will lead the army for you." Qin Hao said with a faint smile.

Surprise flashed across Qi Jiguang's face, obviously he didn't expect the lord to know his name, but when he heard the words, he immediately said sonorously: "Qi Jiguang will definitely live up to the lord's expectations. The common people are willing to slay themselves in order to thank the world for their revenge."

Qin Hao was very satisfied with Qi Jiguang's self-confidence and determination, so he smiled and ordered: "Qi Jiguang obeys orders, this king ordered you to lead five thousand elite cavalry, twenty-five thousand elite troops, a total of thirty thousand troops, to go to Qingbei to support Zhou Yu in suppressing Japanese pirates , there must be no mistake."

"Promise." Qi Jiguang clasped his fists in reply.

I have to say that Qin Hao is still very powerful. Zhou Yu only needs [-] elite soldiers, but he sent Zhou Yu [-], and Qi Jiguang, a famous anti-Japanese general.

The reason why no other generals were sent there was also because Qingbei not only had Jintai, but also the five tiger generals of Liangshan, who had already crushed the Japanese pirates in the lineup of generals, so this time the support for Zhou Yu was mainly elite soldiers.

Of course, the 18 anti-Japanese elites that Qi Jiguang wanted to take away could not be dispatched from Hejian. After all, Hejian's [-] troops would soon fight against Youzhou, so the [-] troops could only be dispatched from Wei County.

Wei County has [-] defenders, even if [-] are transferred away, there will still be [-] troops guarding it, just as foolproof.

After finalizing the matter of aiding Qingbei, Qin Hao stopped being distracted by the Japanese pirates. In his opinion, this Japanese pirate attack can only be regarded as a minor problem.

With the combination of Zhou Yu and Qi Jiguang, and [-] elites in hand, if they still can't deal with [-] Japanese pirates, then these two people should resign as soon as possible.

The 18 Qin army in Hejian was exhausted after fighting in Jizhou for several months, so it had to be repaired before it could be put into the battle in Youzhou.

Of course Qin Hao also knew this, so he didn't urge the army to move forward, but he didn't want that before that, there would be chaos in Yecheng behind.

"My lord, the sky prison in Yecheng was robbed by a group of mysterious people. The captured Zhao Wang Yuan Tan and Ma Shanwei were all taken away."

Hearing this, Qin Hao frowned slightly. It was nothing wrong with Yuan Tan being taken away, but his plan to reorganize Zhao Guo's troops might be delayed.

"Can you find out who moved the hand?" Qin Hao asked.

"I don't know the identity yet, but the strongest among those who came has the strength of a grand master, and the martial arts used is the Yuan family's "Tiangangjue"."

"Tiangang Jue? Could it be Yuan Tiangang?"

A gleam flashed in Qin Hao's eyes, and then he was shocked: "He has broken through the Grand Master."

 Guaranteed one update to...

  There is no Qi Jiguang in the first two chapters, but the chapter name has the word Qi Jiguang, but the author is too lazy to think of the chapter name, so don't think too much.

(End of this chapter)

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