Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1752 The Bad Handsome Yuan Tiangang

Chapter 1752 The Bad Handsome Yuan Tiangang
Chapter 1750: Bad Handsome Yuan Tiangang
In addition to schools, sects, and sects having their own exclusive exercises, each big family also has its own exclusive exercises.

For example: Qin Hao Qin Family "Ancestral Dragon Jue"

Zhu Di Zhu Jia's "Nine Nether Xuantian Divine Skills"

Zhao Kuangyin Zhao Family's "Huang Ji Gong"

Li Shimin Li Jia's "The Most Holy Qiankun Kung Fu"

Zhang Luzhang's "Five Thunders and Hearts"


The exclusive exercise of Yuan Shao's Yuan family is "Tian Gang Jue", and only the most core members of the Yuan family can practice it.

Therefore, once you see someone who can use "Tiangang Jue", it must be that the disciples of the Yuan family have not escaped.

Yuan Tiangang is naturally the core disciple of the Yuan family, and has the opportunity to practice Tiangang Jue, but only relying on "Tiangang Jue" cannot break through the Grand Master, and Yuan Shoucheng can break through the Grand Master because of other opportunities.

Yuan Tiangang has been stuck in the half-step grand master for nearly ten years. If it weren't for the collapse of the Zhao Kingdom, the Yuan family was almost wiped out, which gave him too much stimulation, so that he was forced to break through forcefully. Been stuck for ten years.

Although Yuan Tiangang was blessed by misfortune and broke through to the realm of a great master, it was not without cost.

"Uncle, why, why did your face become like this?"

Wei County, a certain county, in a certain inn.

Yuan Tan looked in shock and horror at the familiar yet unfamiliar Yuan Tiangang in front of him.

At this time, Yuan Tiangang was no longer handsome and unrestrained as before. Because of forcibly breaking through the grand master, his face was not only completely disfigured, but also became ferocious and terrifying, looking like a half-human, half-ghost.

"Forcibly breaking through the grand master paid a small price."

Yuan Tiangang said calmly, and then put on the iron mask in his hand.

It can also be seen from this that Yuan Tiangang is not indifferent. After all, no one wants to see people with a mask on, but he can only accept it now.


Yuan Tan's eyes widened, and he said with surprise, "Uncle, have you broken through to the Grand Master?"

Yuan Tiangang waved his hand and shot out a burst of stellar energy, smashing the boulder beside him, and muttered to himself, "If it wasn't for this force, I wouldn't be in the inhuman state I am now."

After seeing this scene, Yuan Tan no longer had any doubts, and then his eyes were full of murderous intent and resentment, he gritted his teeth and said, "Since my uncle has become a great master, can you help my nephew to kill someone?"

"Qin Hao?" Yuan Tiangang asked.

"No no no..."

Yuan Tan shook his head hastily: "Although my nephew hates Qin Hao deeply, he also knows that Qin Hao has a lot of masters around him, and it's definitely not something that one or two great masters can kill."

Yuan Tiangang also breathed a sigh of relief. After all, although he was already a grand master, he was still nothing in front of Qin Hao. In addition, Qin Jun had more than one grand master. His uncle Yuan Shoucheng died in battle even if he burned his internal energy.

"Then who do you want to kill?" Yuan Tiangang asked.

"Han Xin."

As soon as Han Xin was mentioned, Yuan Tan's eyes were full of hatred, and he gritted his teeth and said, "My nephew trusts this man very much, and even entrusted Zhao Guo's hope to him, but he has been coaxing my nephew from the beginning to the end. .

Because of Han Xin's incompetence, the entire Han-Zhao coalition army was annihilated, but he patted his ass as if nothing happened, turned around and directly surrendered to Qin Hao, but turned around to persuade his nephew to surrender, which is simply too deceitful. "

It has to be said that Han Xin still underestimated Yuan Tan. He thought he could continue to fool Yuan Tan, but he didn't know that Yuan Tan had a clear heart, and his resentment towards him had long since turned into hatred.

"If it wasn't for Han Xin, my country of Zhao wouldn't perish, so I asked my uncle to kill Han Xin." Yuan Tan said bitterly.

Looking at Yuan Tan who looked expectant, Yuan Tiangang slowly shook his head and said, "Tan Er, the Zhao Kingdom is destroyed, and there is no place for us in Hebei.

Forcibly rescuing you from the dungeon this time has taken a great risk. If you don't leave, once the black ice platform masters find you, we won't be able to leave even if we want to. "

Hearing this, although Yuan Tan looked unwilling, he also knew that there was nothing to do at this time, so he could only escape first and then find another opportunity.

"But where can we go? The Yuan family's influence in the Central Plains has also been annexed by Zhao Kuangyin's traitor.

Although Cao Cao has a close personal relationship with his father, he still respects the Luoyang court as orthodox. Once he goes to join him, he will dedicate us to Qin Hao.

Although this world is big, which power is willing to protect this king? "Yuan Tan said with a miserable face.

Hearing this, Yuan Tiangang gave the person behind him a wink, and then the person stood up and saluted, "I'm Li Chunfeng, I've seen King Zhao."

"Li Chunfeng? Are you from Li Shimin?"

Yuan Tan showed a look of scrutiny, then looked at Yuan Tiangang, and asked bitterly: "Uncle, have you already taken refuge in Li Tang?"

Yuan Tiangang did not deny it, and said after a moment of silence: "Uncle, I have no choice at all. Now only Li Tang is willing to protect the Yuan family, and my Yuan family can only rely on Li Shimin to make a comeback."

Hearing this, Yuan Tan was also silent. He knew that Yuan Tiangang was not lying. After all, they were all from the Yuan family. If it was not a last resort, how could he seek refuge with other families?

"What conditions did Li Shimin offer you to work for Li Tang, uncle?" Yuan Tan asked.

"Bad handsome position." Yuan Tiangang said indifferently.


Yuan Tan opened his mouth wide with shock on his face.

The bad guys are Li Tang's eyes, and the bad guy is the leader of the bad guys, but conferring such a high position on the new recruits shows that Li Shimin attaches great importance to Yuan Tiangang and the Yuan family.

"The King of Tang attaches great importance to Mr. Yuan and the Yuan family, and the banquet has been set up, and we are waiting for King Zhao to come and invite King Zhao." Li Chunfeng said sincerely.


Yuan Tan breathed out a long breath, and said in a deep voice: "Since Li Shimin is so sincere, it's okay for my Yuan family to be attached to him."

After saying that, Yuan Tan looked back at Yuan Tiangang, and said in a deep voice, "Uncle, let's go to Li Tang."

Hearing this, Yuan Tiangang also breathed a sigh of relief. After all, Yuan Tan is the head of the Yuan family. If he is unwilling, it is really hard for him to force him by virtue of his seniority.

After all, the Yuan family was once the number one family of the great Han family. Even though Zhao Guo had been destroyed, and the Yuan family was almost wiped out, there was still a strong strength hidden in the dark. This was the main reason why Qin Hao and Li Shimin worked so hard to win Yuan Tan over. .

"Uncle, my father had already anticipated today, so I arranged for a counter-attack in advance. I wonder how much power is left?" Yuan Tan asked.

Yuan Tiangang revealed an angry look, and replied truthfully: "Tantaiyu failed Benchu's trust, he betrayed the Yuan family, and took the power that Benchu ​​entrusted to him, and went south to join Cao Wei."


Yuan Tan also had a look of anger, after all, the Yuan family is already in a very difficult situation, and Tantai Yu's betrayal made it even worse.

 Thank you for the reward of 10000 starting coins from book friend Nether Ghost Lantern, thank you for your support.

(End of this chapter)

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