Chapter 1753
Chapter 1751: Man Qing goes south
Ever since Tantaiyu was seriously injured in the Julu battle, he has never been seen again.

Even after the fall of Bohai Sea, Yuan Shao's death in battle, Yecheng's battle, and Zhao's fall, Tantaiyu didn't make the slightest movement.

Before the Battle of House of Flying Daggers, Qin Hao made special arrangements for Tantaiyu, but no one else showed up until the end of the battle.

Afterwards, Qin Hao also sent spies to investigate, but there was no trace of Tantaiyu at all, as if this person disappeared directly.

In fact, Tantaiyu did not disappear, but was sent by Yuan Shao to escort his three sons to Yecheng before Bohai was besieged by Su Dingfang.

After Tan Taiyu escorted Yuan Tan and the others, before he could return, Bohai was completely surrounded, and it was impossible for him to forcefully enter the city, so he hid himself and waited for Yuan Shao's order.

Before Bohai City was broken, Yuan Shao had predicted that Zhao State might perish, so he also made arrangements in advance, and handed over part of the power used to restore the country to the hands of his confidant General Tan Taiyu.

To be so trusted by Yuan Shao, Tantaiyu's loyalty is naturally guaranteed, but Yuan Tan has not died yet, but he betrayed Yuan Shao and took refuge in Cao Cao, what is going on?
The reason is actually very simple.

Both Yuan Tan and Yuan Tiangang misunderstood Tantaiyu, he was absolutely loyal to Yuan Shao, the reason why he took refuge in Cao Cao was mainly because of Yuan Yao's foolishness.

Zhao Guo was destroyed and Yuan Tan was captured. Qin Hao and Li Shimin were not the only ones eyeing the remnants of the Yuan family. Cao Cao was also one of them, and he had contact with Yuan Shu's son Yuan Yao very early.

When Yuan Shu was wiped out by Zhu Yuanzhang, Lian Po brought the young master Yuan Yao and some remnants of the Yu army to defect to Zhao Kuangyin. Later, because of the humiliation of the mistress, he turned his back on Zhao Song and defected to Yuan Shao in Hebei, who was also the Yuan family. Therefore, it took root in Zhao State.

Yuan Yao never imagined that under the powerful offensive of the Qin army, the country of Zhao, which can be called the second most powerful Han, would be wiped out so soon.

Once the Zhao Kingdom is destroyed, Yuan Yao will also lose his asylum, but he still can't, and dare not surrender to Qin Hao.

Yuan Yao knew that his father, Yuan Shu, had a feud with Qin Hao before he was alive, and Qin Hao once beat his father in the street. It can be seen that the hatred between the two is not shallow, so every time Qin Hao's own father is mentioned, he always grits his teeth. look.

From Yuan Yao's point of view, there is only a dead end for joining Qin Hao, but this is actually his prejudice against Qin Hao, he underestimated Qin Hao's heart too much.

The conflict between Qin Hao and Yuan Shu can only be regarded as a personal conflict at best. With Qin Hao's heart, it is absolutely impossible that even his family cannot tolerate it.

But at this moment, Cao Cao took the initiative to contact Yuan Yao, and promised a lot of money, hoping that Yuan Yao would come to defect and at the same time win over a group of Zhao remnants.

Yuan Yao was immediately moved. After all, Cao Cao and his father were best friends, and he had hugged him when he was a child. Now that Cao Cao had made a promise, he would definitely protect his safety, so Yuan Yao gave birth to the idea of ​​relying on Cao Cao. idea.

Soon after, Zhao State was destroyed, Yuan Tan was captured alive, and Yuan Yao and other remnants of Zhao State were also hidden. After living a dark life, they wanted to join Cao Cao even more.

Although Yuan Yao's talent was mediocre, he also knew that he couldn't go alone, so he planned to recruit Tan Taiyu, the head of the Yuan family force to which he belonged, and join him with Cao Cao in order to obtain higher treatment. .

Yuan Yao underestimated Tantaiyu's loyalty, and overestimated his own eloquence, let him speak dryly, but Tantaiyu would not waver at all, and if he tried to persuade him, he would also annoy Tantaiyu, but in desperation he also He could only let Yang Hong lobby Tantai Yu for him.

Yang Hong, who was once one of Yuan Shu's think tanks, was naturally much better at eloquence than Yuan Yao. With his gradual persuasion, he finally persuaded Tantaiyu, a stubborn rock.

Yang Hong said that Yuan Tan would never surrender, Qin Cao would surrender to Cao Ke for revenge, and rejuvenate Yuan's family. He persuaded Tan Taiyu and Yuan Yao to defect to Cao Cao.

Tan Taiyu also felt that what Yang Hong said was reasonable. After all, with Yuan Tan's temperament, he would definitely not surrender to Qin Hao, who killed his father and enemy. If he did not surrender, he would only die.

If Yuan Tan dies, only Yuan Yao will be left in the direct bloodline of the Yuan family, and joining Cao Cao with him will also protect the last bloodline of the Yuan family.

Tan Taiyu really thought that Yuan Tan was dead, so before Yuan Tan died, he took the forces that Yuan Shao handed over to him, followed Yuan Yao to defect to Cao Cao, and together with him, Yang Hong, Ji Ling, Yuan Huan, Yuan Zongdi and others.

Tan Taiyu never expected that Yuan Tiangang, who had been stuck in the half-step grand master for nearly ten years, would break through to the grand master realm at this time, and even rescued Yuan Tan from the sky prison in Yecheng, so much so that he would An act of loyalty turned into betrayal.

At this moment, no matter how angry Yuan Tan and Yuan Tiangang were, they could only suppress their anger. After all, they couldn't help Tantai Yu.

"Hey, can you two, uncle and nephew, stop for a moment and talk about how to arrange me first?" Ma Shanwei asked with an unhappy face.

He was ready to surrender to the Qin army, but he was fooled by Li Chunfeng and somehow escaped with them.

Now that I think about it for a while, Ma Shanwei is really regretful, why should he go far away to seek refuge with Li Tang?Wouldn't it be better to surrender to the Qin army?
I don't know if it's too late to go back?

Rescuing Ma Shanwei was not in Yuan Tiangang's plan. After all, Ma Shanwei was not a general of the Zhao army, but Li Chunfeng saw that Ma Shanwei was also in the prison, and wanted to recruit Ma Shanwei, a fierce general, for Li Tang. So Ma Shanwei was rescued by coaxing and deceiving.

After hearing Ma Shanwei's words, everyone looked at Ma Shanwei together, and Li Chunfeng smiled and said: "General Ma, please be safe and don't be impatient. After returning to Datang, he will fulfill the promises he made before he came down. The Tang king is thirsty for talents. A strong general like General Ma will take the initiative to defect, and he will definitely be reused."

"That's good."

Ma Shanwei muttered, still feeling in his heart that he was cheated, but he couldn't think of where he was cheated.

Seeing that Li Chunfeng had comforted Ma Shanwei, Yuan Tiangang said to Yuan Tan: "Tan Er, Li Chunfeng will protect you to go to Li Tang."

"Why, uncle doesn't go with nephew?" Yuan Tan asked.

Yuan Tiangang shook his head: "I still have important matters to go to the Central Plains.

Qin Hao's power is too strong. In order to bring down Qin Hao, all forces that can be united must be united.

Now Li Tang, Shu Han, Chu Han, Sui Liang and other forces have united, and even the anti-Qin forces in the Luoyang Dynasty have joined this alliance.

The anti-Qin forces in Luoyang are still too weak to pose a threat to the Qin army, but if two peerless generals join, the situation will be much better.

Now I'm going to help these two go to Luoyang. "

Hearing this, Yuan Tan suddenly showed shock. The Southern Han Dynasty and the Luoyang Dynasty had colluded with each other. It seems that Qin Hao's rear is not as stable as imagined!

Northern Hebei, Hejian, Lecheng, Prefect's Mansion.

The fact that Yuan Tan was kidnapped already made Qin Hao very angry, but in the end, this matter has not been dealt with properly, but another bad news came.

"Reporting to my lord, Nurhachi personally led an army of more than 20 troops to the south and joined Wanyan Aguda. The [-] Manchu Qing army Chen Bing in Liaodong may enter Youzhou at any time."

As soon as this statement came out, everyone in the hall was shocked.

 From the third update, this chapter is a chapter with a monthly ticket breaking 500, thank you for your support!

(End of this chapter)

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