Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1755 Aiding Liu against Qin

Chapter 1755 Aiding Liu against Qin
Chapter 1753: Aiding Liu against Qin
Hearing that Nurhachi was going to send troops to Youzhou, Yongzheng was a little anxious, and quickly persuaded him: "Your Majesty, Your Highness the Crown Prince has defeated the Allied Forces of the Three Hans several times, and now the strength of the Three Hans is not as good as before.

Sending troops to Sanhan now will definitely win a big victory and unify the Korean peninsula, but sending troops to Youzhou is unknown.

Ten birds in the forest are not as good as one in the hand, please be careful, Your Majesty. "

As soon as Yongzheng's words fell, Huang Taiji also stood up and persuaded: "Yes, Ama, my Qing Dynasty has wasted too much resources and time in order to occupy Sanhan. Now is the best time to harvest, how can we continue?" Delay?"

The reason why Huang Taiji objected to entering Youzhou at this time was mainly because he was the commander in chief who attacked Sanhan.

Under Huang Taiji's several conquests, the countries of the Three Koreas have been almost weakened by him, and they are only short of the last blow to completely capture the countries of the Three Koreas. With the achievement of occupying the Three Koreas Peninsula, then his crown prince The position is completely stable.

Instead of fighting Sanhan at this time, go south to Youzhou to aid Liu Kangqin?Then when he came back to occupy Sanhan, he didn't know when, and Huang Taiji's previous efforts would be in vain.

Huang Taiji also knew that it was difficult to persuade Ahma to decide, so he changed his mind and persuaded: "Ama, now Wang Mang has also entered Samhan and stirred up the situation in the southern part of the Korean peninsula.

My ministers have carefully investigated Wang Mang. He has neither land nor money, but he moves among the major princes in the Central Plains, and has fought against Qin Hao several times by relying on his strength and momentum.

Although they all ended in failure in the end, they all retreated completely, which shows Wang Mang's intelligence and means. "

Speaking of this, Huang Taiji took a careful look at his father's face, and said meaningfully: "Ama, if you don't occupy Sanhan at this time, I'm afraid that Wang Mang will be taken advantage of, and let him take advantage of the loophole."

Huang Taiji felt that with these two reasons, at least he could make his Ama reflect on it, but he still underestimated Nurhachi's stubbornness after all.

Even with Yongzheng and Huang Taiji's repeated persuasion, Nurhachi had no intention of changing, and said with disdain: "Wang Mang is just a lost dog, let him stir up the Sanhan Peninsula, just to weaken the countries of the Three Koreas once again. After I occupy Youzhou in the Qing Dynasty, it will be easier to go back and capture Sanhan."

Hearing this, Yongzheng couldn't help opening his mouth, he never thought that the ancestor would look down on Wang Mang, the originator of the time traveler, so much.

That's Wang Mang!

Yongzheng smiled wryly in his heart, feeling the urge to reveal Wang Mang's identity, but he held back after all, and asked with a wry smile, "Then what if Wang Mang has already unified the three Koreas by then?"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone present showed disbelief, and the eighth elder brother Yinhu even retorted: "How is this possible, just because of Wang Mang's thousands of defeated soldiers? Even if the countries of the three Koreas have been wiped out by me several times Weakening is definitely not something Wang Mang can swallow."

A trace of anger flashed in Yongzheng's eyes: "I'm talking about what happens."

"There is no such event."

Yinhu said decisively, of course he knew that Wang Mang was also a traverser, but he didn't think that Wang Mang could occupy the crippled Sanhan Peninsula with thousands of people.

The Manchu Qing army dispatched [-] troops and fought for several years, but they also failed to completely occupy Sanhan. If Wang Mang could do it with thousands of people, how incompetent would the Qing Dynasty be?

Seeing Yinhu and Yongzheng, the senior officials of the Manchu and Qing Dynasties, you refuted each other back and forth, and the tone was so fierce that there was even a faint tendency to fight. What about the enemy?

"Okay, stop arguing."

As soon as Nurhachi spoke, the fourth and eighth children naturally didn't dare to speak anymore, they retreated obediently and listened to Nurhachi above.

"Regardless of whether Wang Mang can occupy Sanhan or not, even if he does, I will be able to drive Wang Mang away when I occupy Youzhou in the Qing Dynasty, and my strength will be further improved."

Nurhachi's eyes were full of confidence, and he said calmly: "If Qin Hao can drive Wang Mang out of the Central Plains, then I can do the same."

"My emperor is holy." All the ministers cheered in unison.

After seeing this scene, Yongzheng and Huang Taiji looked at each other, knowing that going south to Youzhou could not be stopped.

Yinhu glanced at Yongzheng triumphantly, as if to indicate that he won this time, but Yongzheng turned his head to the side, as if he was too lazy to look at him.

After a little thought, Yongzheng stood up again and said, "Since Your Majesty is determined to go south first to help Liu fight against Qin, then I suggest that you should not occupy an inch of land in Youzhou before defeating the Qin army. I am afraid that the alliance between them will not last long."

Nurhachi frowned slightly and asked, "Why?"

"The Northern Han Dynasty is on the verge of subjugation, but Liu Che still hasn't taken the initiative to ask for help from the Qing Dynasty. It can be seen that Liu Che hates foreigners very much, and will never join forces with foreigners such as us unless it is absolutely necessary.

With Liu Che's temperament, letting our army enter Youzhou is probably his limit. If he is occupying the land of Youzhou, Liu Che would rather take advantage of Qin Hao than join our army. "Yongzheng said in a serious tone.

Yinhu also stood up, and it was rare that he didn't sing against it, but instead said in agreement: "This subordinate seconded the proposal."

Nurhachi attached great importance to the brothers Yinhu and Yinzhen, and wanted to train them to become the pillars of the Qing Dynasty. Seeing that the two brothers said so, he immediately became alert.

"Since that's the case, after defeating Qin Hao, let's annex Youzhou. I still have some patience." Nurhachi smiled lightly.

Hearing this, Yongzheng and Yinhu breathed a sigh of relief at the same time, after all, Liu Che is the great emperor of Hanwu.

Such a sage who is extremely hostile to foreigners, if he is forced too much, he would definitely prefer to cheapen the Han people rather than the foreigners. In the end, only Qin Hao, the traverser, will benefit.

"Your Majesty, Liu Che did not ask for help from the Qing Dynasty. If our army entered without invitation, Liu Che might think that the Qing Dynasty has ulterior motives."

A gleam flashed in Yinhu's eyes, and he said with a sneer, "Since Liu Che didn't take the initiative to beg us, I, Da Qing, can take the initiative to help Liu Che, he won't refuse again, right?

The subordinates proposed that the envoys enter the Northern Han Dynasty and convey to Liu Che the purpose of our Great Qing and assisting Liu against Qin. At the same time, he issued a letter of credence to assure Liu Che that after Qin Hao was defeated, the army would immediately withdraw from Youzhou and never occupy an inch of Youzhou. Land, in order to dispel Liu Che's wariness towards my Qing Dynasty. "

Hearing this, Nurhachi's eyes lit up immediately, and he said with a smile, "Good plan, good plan."

In Nurhachi's view, the current Liu Che is just trying to save face and suffer. Now if he takes the initiative to give him a step, how can he not accept it?
As for the promise of the letter of credence, Nurhachi has no binding force in his heart. After defeating the Qin army, even if he doesn't keep the promise, what can Liu Che do?
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(End of this chapter)

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