Chapter 1756
Chapter 1754: The Great Wind of the Han Dynasty
After finalizing the policy of aiding Liu against Qin, Nurhachi immediately dispatched troops from various places. While preparing to send troops, he also sent Yinhu as an envoy to the Northern Han Dynasty to lobby Liu Che.

From Nurhachi's point of view, it was enough to give Liu Che face by doing this, so Liu Che absolutely could not refuse his kindness, but he still underestimated Liu Che, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty's dislike of alien races.

Youzhou, Jixian, at this time Liu Che is suffering in his heart.

When the news of Beihai's defeat came, Liu Che had vaguely guessed the outcome of the Northern Han coalition forces. After all, the battle in Hebei was too tight, and the battles of the wars were closely related. The outcome of a collapse would be to lose everything. .

The final result was not as expected by Liu Che. Not long after Beihai was defeated, news of the defeat also came from Julu. Immediately afterwards, Bohai fell, Yecheng fell, and the entire Jizhou was quickly occupied by the Qin army.

The only thing that Liu Che didn't expect was that Han Xin's army was completely wiped out, and he couldn't even escape from northern Hebei, and this made Liu Che even more desperate.

The Three Kingdoms of Han, Zhao, and Liang were destroyed one after another, and all Jizhou and Qingbei fell. The Northern Han Dynasty only had Youzhou in Hebei, with only 15 troops, while the Qin army had as many as 50. The difference in strength is too great.

How can I fight this?It must be defeated.

Such a difference in strength almost made Liu Che lose the courage to resist, but when he thought that he was now the emperor, even if he surrendered, he would definitely not end well.

Rather than living in humiliation, it is better to die heroically!

Besides, as a clan member of the Han family and already proclaimed himself emperor, if they all surrendered to Qin Hao, how would the people of the world think of the big man?
Wouldn't it speed up Qin Hao's pace of usurping Han and becoming self-reliant?

Then don't you become a big man's sinner?
With this in mind, Liu Che no longer dared to think of surrendering, and made up his mind, determined that even if he died in battle, he would definitely not let Qin Hao, a traitor, feel better.

With the fall of Jizhou and Qingbei, the situation in Hebei gradually became clearer, which also led to the emergence of a group of surrender factions in the Northern Han Dynasty, led by ministers such as Wei You, Tian Chou, and Lu Yu.

These people were not disloyal to Liu Che, but felt that it was impossible for the 15 Han army to defeat the 50 Qin army. If they continued to fight, it would only increase casualties, so it was better to surrender as soon as possible.

In order to firmly resist the Qin Dynasty, Liu Che dismissed all the courtiers who surrendered lightly and sent them to prison at once.

The reason why he didn't kill them was not that Liu Che didn't dare to kill them, but that these people were not light.

For example: Lu Yu is the youngest son of Lu Zhi, and Lu Zhi was not only the pillar of the great man, but also the tycoon of the farm family.

With such a background, how could Liu Che kill him?Once killed, the hearts of the Northern Han Dynasty will be scattered before the Qin army comes over.

Even if Liu Che didn't kill the killer, under the threat of the Qin army, it would be quite a bold move to depose a quarter of the officials at once and send them all to jail.

Under Liu Che's iron-blooded wrist, the court atmosphere of the Northern Han Dynasty changed suddenly. No one dared to mention surrender anymore, and they all pretended to fight Qin to the death.

Liu Che also has a not-so-weak group of advisers, Huo Guang, Zhang Tang, Han Zeng, Tian Yu, Yan Rou and other resourceful people are all under his command.

Food for the king, loyalty to the king.

Now that the lord has determined the policy of resisting Qin to the death, the adviser group headed by Huo Guang naturally wants to come up with a strategy to fight against the Qin army, but the situation facing the Northern Han Dynasty is too dangerous.

The 18 Qin army is in Hejian, the [-] Qin army is in Bohai, and the [-] Qin cavalry is in Daijun. The Qin army has completely trapped the Northern Han from three directions, making it impossible for the Northern Han to look after each other.

With a total force of 15 in the Northern Han Dynasty, facing such a situation of narrow escapes, even if Huo Guang and others wanted to break their heads, they really couldn't think of a way to break the situation.

Unless there is a strong enough foreign aid to intervene, there is no way to reverse it. However, the Northern Han Dynasty has been completely isolated. Looking around, except for the Manchu Qing in the northeast, there is no way to find any help.

No one dared to ask for help from the Manchus, because they all knew that Liu Che hated or even hated any foreign race. If they raised it, they would definitely be severely reprimanded by Liu Che.

In the end, Huo Guang gritted his teeth and said the strategy of Lian Qing against Qin, but what he got was not Liu Che's reprimand.

Liu Che seemed to be mentally prepared, so after hearing Huo Guang's words, his reaction was very calm, without the slightest anger. After a long silence, he said: "I will think about it again."

And this consideration is three days.

During these three days, Liu Che's heart was in torment all the time.

He knew that he was at the end of his rope, and now only Manqing could save Beihan, but Manqing never concealed his ambition for Youzhou, so how could it be so easy to ask Manqing to help?

With the level of greed of the Qing Dynasty, it is impossible to send troops without ceding a large area of ​​land.

But even if the land is ceded, it may not be able to satisfy Man Qing's appetite.

The essence of the method of driving tigers and devouring wolves is to have a way to control the tiger, otherwise the tiger will also swallow itself after swallowing the wolf, and that would be meaningless.

Liu Che is undoubtedly an extreme nationalist. In his opinion, although Qin Hao is a Han traitor, he is also a Han. The struggle between him and Qin Hao is an internal struggle between Han people. The fight will undoubtedly change its flavor.

If Youzhou is destined to fall, then Liu Che would rather Qin Hao get Youzhou than Nurhachi, because Qin Hao is at least a Han Chinese, while Nurhachi is a foreigner.

Thinking of this, Liu Che suddenly became enlightened, and announced at the court that he would never ask for help from foreigners, and if he wanted to fight, he would only rely on his own strength to decide the ownership of the world with Qin Hao.

Liu Che thought that his decision would be opposed by many people, but he didn't expect that most people would look relieved, and even Huo Guang who proposed it had a look of reverence and relief.

Liu Che's refusal to ask for help from other races completely changed the atmosphere of the Northern Han court.

Before the Northern Han Dynasty, the court believed that it would lose the battle with Qin, so it looked lifeless.

But now, even though the odds of winning the same are not great, the whole Northern Han Dynasty has become united and united, as if they have a posture of breaking the boat.

[Ding dong, Liu Che's skill 'Wu Xiong' is activated.

Wu Xiong: Han Wu Xiongfeng, this is the unique skill of Liu Che, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty.

Effect 1, after proclaiming the emperor, own five-dimensional permanent +1.

Effect 2, when faced with situations such as fighting generals, government affairs, and strategy, the corresponding five dimensions can be temporarily increased by 1~3 points.

Effect 3, if a general is appointed to lead the army, the general will command +1, which partially improves the overall quality of the entire army.

Effect 4, if you come to the battlefield in person, all generals and commanders will be +1, the force of the whole army will be +1, and the overall quality of the whole army will be greatly improved;

Effect 5, when the whole country is united, all generals and commanders will be +2, and the military force of the whole army will be +2 (Note: the effect can be superimposed with other effects). 】

 The second update, this chapter is a reward and an update, thanks to the book friend Moro Motuo for the [-] starting point coins, and a new chapter is added to express his gratitude.

  The monthly ticket has been increased by [-], and one chapter is being added. Currently, five chapters are still owed for monthly ticket addition.

(End of this chapter)

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