Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1757 Such a big man should die early

Chapter 1757 Such a big man should die early
Chapter 1755: Such a big man should die early
"Military division, how is the recruitment of the new army going?"

Liu Che looked at Huo Guang, and asked in a deep voice, "Is it full?"

Without even thinking about it, Huo Guang replied directly: "Your Majesty, the [-] new troops have already been recruited. General Tian Yu has been training for more than a month, and he has already begun to take shape."

Although Liu Che decided to rely on his own strength to fight against Qin Hao's 50 army, but relying on the 15 army of the Northern Han Dynasty alone, the chances of winning are still too small, so naturally he tried every means to increase his strength, and the expansion of the army was only Liu Che's choice. Just the first step.

The current Youzhou is not considered barren, but it is not considered rich either. However, if Liu Che sells everything, he can barely afford an army of 18 in a short period of time.

Among the thirteen prefectures of the Han Dynasty before the Yellow Turban Uprising, the four prefectures of Youbingliangjiao were the four prefectures with the smallest population and the poorest.

Three of these four states have a population of less than one million, and the only one with a population of one million is Youzhou, but compared to other states, it is still a state with few people and poor people.

During the Yellow Turban Uprising, a large number of refugees from the Central Plains fled to Youzhou, coupled with the coalition forces of Hebei princes, defeated Xianbei, and killed Xianbei Shanyu, and also made some grassland tribes take the initiative to attach themselves, which greatly increased the population of Youzhou.

After that, Youzhou experienced the governance of Liu Yu Gongsun Zan and Liu Che Gongsun Xuanyuan successively. Although the wars were still frequent, the weather was smooth, the government was well-organized and the people were harmonious, and it naturally ushered in great governance. The overall population was still on the rise, and the total population also reached 300 for the first time. Wan early.

If Liu Che can unify Youzhou, he can easily afford an army of 18. It is a pity that he has no chance to unify Youzhou, but he still occupies most of the most elite areas in Youzhou.

At present, Liu Che's Northern Han Kingdom only has: Daijun, Shanggu, Zhuojun, Guangyang, Yuyang, and half of Youbeiping, a total of five counties and a half, with a total population of about 180 million.

The remaining half of Youbeiping, as well as Liaoxi, Liaodong, Liaodong Dependents, Xuantu, Lelang, and the six counties of Daifang, were all owned by the Gongsun family of the Liao State, with a total population of nearly 120 million.

However, under the gradual encroachment of the Manchu Qing, most of Liaodong County, as well as the land of the Liaodong Dependent Kingdom, Xuantu, Lelang, and Daifang, were successively occupied by the Manchu Qing.

The current state of Liao, oh no, is the state of Chen, with only one county in the west of Liaoning, half of Youbeiping, and part of Liaodong county, a total of more than ten counties, with a total population of less than 30.

The total population of the Northern Han Dynasty was only 180 million. After fighting the Qin army for so long, it naturally suffered a lot of casualties, but it still maintained the size of an army of 18. It can be seen that the recruitment of the Northern Han Dynasty has reached its limit.

Liu Che also knew that the Northern Han Dynasty's conscription had reached its limit. If it continued to force the army to be recruited, it would only stir up civil uprisings. Even if the Qin army did not take the initiative to fight over, the Northern Han Dynasty might be suppressed because it could not afford the army. collapse.

Liu Che knew how to measure, so he kept his troops at 18, and did not continue to forcefully conscript the army.

Compared with the 50 Qin army, the 18 Northern Han army is indeed a little less, but depending on the geographical location of Youzhou, it may not be without the power to fight.

Liu Che had already made up his mind that even if Qin Hao eventually destroyed the country, he would try his best to hold back the main force of the Qin army in Youzhou, so as to fight for and create opportunities for Shu Han and Chu Han.

Since I am doomed to be unable to revive the great man, then give this opportunity to Liu Ji and Liu Xiu of the same clan!Liu Che thought to himself.

After Liu Che made enough preparations, when he thought that the Qin army was about to attack, he never thought that it was not the Qin army that came first, but the Japanese pirates.

There are many states and counties in Youzhou that are close to the sea. The five counties of Yuyang, Beiping, Liaoxi, Liaodong, Lelang, and Daifang are all close to the sea. Among them, parts of Yuyang and Youbeiping belong to Liu Che.

Seventy percent of the Northern Han Army's troops were concentrated on the front lines, and the remaining twenty percent were responsible for guarding the capital Jixian County. All other counties accounted for only one percent of the troops. It is conceivable how weak the troops in each county are.

There was no such thing as coastal defense in the Northern Han Dynasty, and Quanzhou County in Yuyang County had only [-] defenders. Naturally, it was impossible to stop Sanada Koshige's [-] elite Japanese soldiers.

Sanada Yukishige, in fact, is Sanada Nobumura known as "Japan's first soldier", and is listed as the "Three Last Tragic Heroes" in Japanese history along with Minamoto Yoshitsune and Kusuki Masanari.

If you compare it with the characters of the Three Kingdoms, the Sanada Yukimura in the hearts of the Dongying people is equivalent to the combination of Zhou Yu and Zhao Yun.

Commanding soldiers is not weaker than Zhou Yu, and Wu Yong is not weaker than Zhao Yun. Isn't this the weakened version of Qin Hao?
Of course, this is just Sanada Yukimura in the hearts of Japanese people. In fact, although it is not so exaggerated, it is certainly not too bad.

After the five thousand Japanese troops from Sanada Xincun landed in Yuyang County, they quickly set their sights on the wealthy Quanzhou County, and launched a massacre-like robbery after capturing the county.

Sanada Yukimura's army robbed Quanzhou County for three days and three nights, and finally slaughtered nearly [-] people, committed countless crimes, and left after looting a lot.

When the news came back to Ji County, Liu Che was furious. After all, the entire Northern Han Dynasty had only 180 million people, and one of the sixtieth was massacred by Japanese pirates at once.
In a rage, Liu Che completely disregarded the dissuasion of his servants, and insisted on sending a large army to encircle and suppress.

"Your Majesty, you must not be arrogant. If you divide your troops to suppress the Japanese at this time, what will happen if the Qin army attacks?"

"Yes, yes, the Japanese pirates are just a small problem of addiction. Even if they succeed for a while, they can't hurt the root of my man. Qin Jun is the enemy..."


Liu Che slapped the copy suddenly, and shouted loudly, everyone immediately shut up.

Seeing that no one spoke, Liu Che glanced at the officials with anger, and said coldly: "The purpose of raising the army is to protect the country and protect the people. If you don't even care about the people and let these beasts rob and humiliate you, what do you want the army to do?" Use? What is the use of my monarch?

Such a big man should die sooner rather than later. "

Even the dead man said such words, which shows how angry Liu Che is at this time.

As soon as this remark came out, the courtiers who had just persuaded not to send troops quickly knelt down and pleaded guilty to Liu Che, crying.

If you don't plead guilty, Liu Che's words are too serious. If you don't plead guilty, the capitulators who are imprisoned will be their fate in the near future, and it may be even worse.

After Liu Che glanced at these people coldly, he said lightly: "Which general is willing to lead the army to wipe out the Japanese pirates?"

As soon as the words were finished, the four generals Li Ling, Su Jian, Tian Yu, and Xian Yufu stood up together and said in unison: "The last general is willing to go."

Liu Che frowned slightly. Obviously, he was not very satisfied with these four candidates.

 One update to...

  Thanks to the book friend Hac for being bored and looking at the 1500 starting coins rewarded;
  Thanks to the book friend 20200417212228089 for the reward of 2600 starting coins;
  Thank you for your support!

(End of this chapter)

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