Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1758 Xue Gang VS Sanada Nobumura

Chapter 1758 Xue Gang VS Sanada Nobumura
Chapter 1756: Xue Gang VS Sanada Nobumura
The Northern Han Dynasty's suppression of the Japanese was different from the past. It had to be completed as quickly as possible without any delay. Otherwise, the Qin army might take advantage of it. Therefore, the selection of the leading general must be cautious.

In Liu Che's view, Li Ling and other four generals who took the initiative to ask for a fight are actually not suitable to be the leading generals.

Although Li Ling and Tian Yu are both civil and military, they are too young and lack experience. Naturally, military training is fine, but the words of commanding the army may not be convincing to the masses.

As for Su Jian and Xian Yufu, they were brave but not resourceful, and the Japanese pirates this time were extremely cunning, so it was difficult for them to take on major responsibilities.

In fact, there were quite a few generals suitable to lead the army in the Northern Han Dynasty, such as Wei Qing, Li Guang, Xue Gang, Zhou Yafu, oh yes, Zhou Yafu had already been captured by the Qin army.

With the exception of Zhou Yafu, any one of the above three people would be able to wipe out the Japanese pirates in the shortest possible time without giving the Qin army a chance to react, but they were all confronting the Qin army on the front line, and they could not lead the army to encircle and suppress the Japanese pirates.

Liu Che looked around at the generals of the Manchu Dynasty, and found that he couldn't find any generals to send. Even though he knew that this was because the generals were all on the front line, he still felt a little disappointed in his heart.

"It seems that we can only choose between Li Ling and Tian Yu." Liu Che thought to himself.

But at this moment, another spy came to report.
"Report... Your Majesty, General Xue Gang has returned from the front line to collect food."

Hearing this, Liu Che's eyes lit up immediately, the general who encircled and suppressed the Japanese pirates has returned.

"The order was sent to Xue Gang to lead [-] recruits and [-] elite cavalry to Yuyang.

In addition, all the three thousand soldiers in Yuyang County were dispatched by him. "

Liu Che's eyes were full of murderous intent, and he said with a murderous look: "I only have one request, and that is to kill these Japanese pirates in the shortest possible time."

[Ding dong, Liu Che assigned Xue Gang to lead the army, and the skill 'Wuxiong' effect 3 is activated. If a general is assigned to lead the army, the general's commander will be +1, which will partially improve the overall quality of the entire army.

Xue Gang's basic commander is 97, the current commander is +1, and the commander rises to 98. 】

[Ding dong, effect 5 of Liu Che's skill 'Wuxiong' is activated. When the whole country is united, all generals and commanders will be +2, and the force of the whole army will be +2 (Note: the effect can be superimposed with other effects).

The Northern Han Dynasty is facing national subjugation, and the whole country is united. All generals command +2, and force +2, so Xue Gang's commander rises to 100.

Xue Gang's basic force is 102, Zhangba point steel spear +1, You Yun's bloody horse +1, and his current force has risen to 106. 】

It has to be said that Liu Che's skill 'Takeo' is definitely the strongest among the auxiliary skills so far.

Before Liu Che personally conscripted and effect 4 hadn't been activated, just relying on the two effects of 3 and 5, Xue Gang was boosted by 3 points of commander and 2 points of force, which made Xue Gang reach the level of commander Pobai and God of War. degree.

Of course, although the boosting effect of 'Takeo' is strong, the triggering conditions are not easy. The triggering condition of effect 5 is that the whole country is united. I am afraid that it can only be triggered when the country is subjugated, which also limits the overall strength of this skill.

After appointing Xue Gang as the chief general, Liu Che looked at Li Ling and the other generals. After all, these four generals took the initiative to ask for a fight. If they were not allowed to fight, it would be a little bit of a blow to their enthusiasm.

After thinking about it for a while, Liu Che ordered again: "Li Ling, Su Jian, Tian Yu, and Xian Yufu, the four of you also join the army, and together with General Xue Gang, wipe out the Japanese pirates as soon as possible."

At first, Li Ling and the other four generals were a little bit disappointed. After all, the lord did not choose any of them, but when they heard about the subsequent appointment, they were overjoyed and said in unison: "No."

Seeing this, Liu Che also nodded. With Xue Gang as a general, Li Ling and other four young generals as assistants, plus [-] elites and [-] recruits, it is not easy to deal with nearly [-] Japanese pirates, and you can also exercise Take a look at the combat effectiveness of the recruits.

"By the way, immediately issue an edict to condemn Qin Hao."

A gleam of light flashed in Liu Che's eyes, and he sneered, "It's just that Qin Hao used unscrupulous tactics to fight against our army, and even used insidious tricks such as hiring foreigners and slaughtering the people of Yuyang."

As soon as this remark came out, all the officials of the Northern Han Dynasty looked at each other in blank dismay, obviously not understanding His Majesty's intention of doing so.

Zhang Tang stood up and said, "But Your Majesty, we don't have conclusive evidence to prove that these pirates were hired by Qin Hao."

Zhang Tang was a famous minister and cruel official in the Western Han Dynasty. He and Zhao Yu compiled legal works such as "Yuegonglu" and "Chaolu".

Zhang Tang, who was born in the Legalist family, has a sense of righteousness, so he also hopes that his master can be upright and upright, and don't always use some low-level tricks.

Liu Che knew what Zhang Tang meant, but he didn't take it seriously at all, and said lightly: "Although there is no way to prove that the Japanese pirates were hired by Qin Hao, Qin Hao also has no way to prove that he was not hired by him. As long as he can't prove his innocence, then he will be washed." The suspicion of employment cannot be escaped, and as long as there is this suspicion, it is enough for us to condemn him."

Zhang Tang couldn't help being taken aback, and then said: "But as far as I know, Jizhou and Qingbei were also attacked by Japanese pirates, and the losses were not small.

Qin Hao can't let the pirates rob himself just to deal with us, can he? "

"Even if Qin Hao's subordinates also encountered Japanese pirates, it doesn't prove that Qin Hao didn't hire Japanese pirates to rob. Perhaps Qin Hao's enemies, such as Li Shimin and Liu Ji, also used the trick of hiring Japanese pirates to deal with Qin Hao?"

Hearing this, Zhang Tang opened his mouth wide, and then backed away with a wry smile. He was ashamed of his master's ability to open his eyes and talk nonsense.

nb, we are convinced!

In this way, after Liu Che sent troops to suppress the Japanese, he made the same decision as Zhu Di and Sun Jian, that is, to shift the blame for hiring Japanese pirates to his enemy Qin Hao.

Although Liu Che himself knew that slandering Qin Hao at this time would not have any effect on the overall battle situation except to disgust Qin Hao, but what he wanted was to disgust Qin Hao.

The situation facing the Northern Han Dynasty was too harsh, and there was not much room for Liu Che to manipulate. Although framing Qin Hao was destined to be of little use, it was still better than doing nothing.

And from Liu Che's point of view, being able to disgust Qin Hao is a great effect in itself, and how could he let it go if he finally encountered it.

a few days later.

"Report... Your Majesty, the envoys of the Qing Dynasty are asking to see you."

Liu Che frowned slightly, obviously not understanding why Man Qing sent envoys here at this time, so he said, "Let's declare."

Soon, a tall, elegant-looking young man walked in. It was hard to believe that he was a Manchu just by looking at his appearance. Even Liu Che almost thought he was a Han, and he was the eighth elder brother Yinhu.

"Aixinjueluo Yinhu, see Your Majesty." Yinhu greeted with a light smile.

 The second update, this chapter is a reward and an update, thank you for the 10000 starting coins that book friends don’t understand Natural Dreams, thank you for your support, and add a new chapter to show your gratitude.

  The monthly ticket has risen to 1200 tickets, and two chapters have been added again. Currently, the monthly ticket has been added to 7 chapters.

  The little friends are too fierce, the monthly tickets cast in two days are almost as much as the sum of this month, which is beyond Liu Xiang's expectation.

  At present, there is only one day left in April, even if Liuxiang is exhausted, it must not be finished, so he can only save it until next month to continue paying it back.

(End of this chapter)

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