Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1759 Dumbfounded Brother 8

Chapter 1759 The Dumbfounded Eighth Brother
Chapter 1757: Dumbfounded Eighth Brother
Seeing that the envoy was actually a member of the Aixinjueluo family, Liu Che's face turned cold instantly, very cold, and asked bluntly, "Why did Nurhachi ask you to come?"

As the saying goes: Reach out and never hit a smiling face.

Yinhu was confident that his smile was absolutely friendly, and he ended up laughing like this, but Liu Che's unwelcoming attitude also made Yinhu's face stiffen.


After pretending to cough, Yinhu adjusted immediately, with a smile like a spring breeze on his face, and said with a light smile: "Your Majesty, my emperor saw that the big man suffered repeated setbacks in Hebei, and Jizhou and Qingbei have been forcibly occupied by Qin Hao." , fearing that the Qin army would get bigger and get out of hand, so I sent my subordinates to ask His Majesty if he needed support.

The Qin army is the common enemy of our two families. If the big man is not strong enough, my Qing Dynasty is willing to send troops to support, and there is no need for any price, as long as the big man provides food, grass and medicine. "

As soon as this remark came out, all civil and military officials in the Northern Han Dynasty were in an uproar.

Although what Yinhu said was only to come to ask Beihan if he needed help, the implication was that Manqing was willing to take the initiative to help Beihan.

In the past, the officials of the Northern Han Dynasty thought that if they wanted the Manchus to send troops, they would have to pay an incalculable price, and the compensation for land cession could only be regarded as light. Chinese.

This is simply a pie from the sky!
Except for a few people such as Huo Guang who frowned slightly, most of the officials present looked excited, as if with the assistance of the Qing Dynasty, the Northern Han Dynasty could really survive this calamity.

Although Liu Che was also surprised by Yinhu's intention to come, not only was he not the slightest excited, but asked with a sneer: "He, Nurhachi, would be so kind, and would take the initiative to help my big man, and he would not want any benefits?
Wouldn't it be that you want to join hands with my big man first, and then annex my big man after defeating the powerful enemy of the Qin army? "

Hearing this, Yinhu was startled, and at the same time couldn't help admiring: "As expected of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, it's really amazing, you've got it all right."

Although Liu Che had fallen for the Man Qing's intentions, Yinhu would not admit it, and instead said righteously: "The Qing and the Han have fought against each other for many years, and it is normal for Your Majesty not to trust me, the Qing.

My emperor also guessed that His Majesty would have concerns, so he specially wrote the letter of credence in his own hand. "

As he said that, Yinhu took out the certificate of credence from his entourage and asked the eunuch to submit it to Liu Che for viewing, and continued: "My emperor promises that if the Han and Qing countries form an alliance, after the Qin army is defeated, our Qing Dynasty will never occupy it." For every inch of land in Youzhou, the army will completely return it to the outside of the customs, and set up this document and the seal of the national seal as evidence."

As soon as this remark came out, the Northern Han Dynasty was once again in an uproar. After all, Nurhachi had written the letter of credence himself. It can be seen that the other party's sincerity is still great, and he must really want to join forces with the Northern Han Dynasty to fight against Qin.

Thinking of this, the courtiers of the Northern Han Dynasty all looked at the superior Liu Che with scorching eyes, wishing to help Liu Che make a decision to form an alliance with the Manchu Qing immediately.

With the arrival of the eighth elder brother Yinhu, and the news that Manqing was willing to help, and that he did not want the Northern Han to pay the price, the morale of the Northern Han high-level officials who were about to break the boat was demoralized.

Liu Che was also aware of this, but he had no time to take care of it, because even he was a little moved, let alone those ministers.

On the surface, it seems that Nurhachi wrote the national letter and printed the national seal in his own hand, which shows that Manqing is really sincere, but Liu Che obviously does not believe this.

Liu Che knew Nurhachi, he was a master who didn't get up early, how could it be possible that he really didn't want any benefits, and helped the Northern Han Dynasty deal with the Qin army for free?If this is the case, it can only show that Nurhachi has a bigger goal.

Although Liu Che didn't believe in what Nurhachi was up to, since he played so many tricks to confuse himself, or put himself under pressure, he obviously really wanted to join forces with the Northern Han Dynasty to fight against Qin.

Therefore, at least until the Qin army is completely defeated, the Manchu Qing will never turn against the Northern Han Dynasty.

Naturally, it was not that easy to defeat the Qin army. It would take a year or two longer, but it would take a year or so at least. With this period of time as a buffer, there are many things that Liu Che can operate during this period.

Therefore, what moved Liu Che's heart was not the unconditional support of the Manchu Qing, but that after joining hands with the Manchu Qing, the Northern Han Dynasty would usher in a long and relatively safe buffer period.

Thinking of this, Liu Che was immediately moved, but then he thought about it again, even if he got this buffer period, even if he really defeated the Qin army with the cooperation of the Qing Dynasty, the Northern Han Dynasty's strength might have been consumed by then. It was no longer difficult to resist the Manchu Qing's embezzlement of Youzhou.

Thinking of this moment, Liu Che's heart suddenly became colder. Compared to the foreign Manchus occupying Youzhou, he would rather occupy Youzhou as a Han Qin Hao, even if Qin Hao is a Han thief who usurped the Han.


Liu Che let out a long breath and got up, glanced at all the officials in the hall, and saw that most of the officials looked at him expectantly, and couldn't help laughing at himself in his heart, and said lightly: "This time the Emperor Qing is really You are so considerate, I feel a little embarrassed for being so thoughtful."

Hearing this, Yinhu hurriedly said: "This is what it should be. The Qin army is the common enemy of our two families. At this time, we should join forces to fight together..."

Before Yinhu could finish speaking, Liu Che revealed an expression of impatience, and interrupted directly: "The emperor of Qing is kind, I appreciate it, but..."

I saw Liu Che walking slowly towards a candlestick holding the Manchu Qing Guoshu, and then, amidst the exclamation of Manchu civil and military officials, he actually burned the Guoguo written by Nurhachi himself and stamped with the seal of the Manchu Qing Dynasty.


Seeing this, Yinhu was completely dumbfounded, even his whole brain was in a mess, apparently he did not expect Liu Che to do such a thing.

It stands to reason that they are already very sincere, the steps have already been given, and the face has been given enough. What reason do you Liu Che have to refuse?
Shouldn't you be happy and directly agree to the alliance?Why did they burn the credentials instead?
This is totally out of the way!

After Liu Che finished burning the national documents, he turned to look at Yinhu, and said with a faint smile: "The dispute between Qin and Han is an internal struggle between the Han people. I don't need help from outsiders, even if it's good intentions. What's more, your country may not be all Kindness, so I have no choice but to live up to the kindness of Emperor Qing."

After hearing Liu Che's remarks, Yinhu opened his mouth, wanting to explain something, but he couldn't say anything, instead a trace of reverence flashed in his eyes.

As expected of Han Wu, he is so open-minded and courageous!

Yinhu admired in his heart, and at the same time secretly complained in his heart, because his mission this trip was a complete failure
 Guaranteed one more...

  Thanks to the bridge of the bridge for the 100 starting coins rewarded;
  Thanks to Xie Hongchen for the reward of 500 starting coins;
(End of this chapter)

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