Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1760 I Can Change King Chen Anytime

Chapter 1760 I Can Change King Chen Anytime

Chapter 1758: I can change King Chen at any time

This is what Liu Che said, obviously he just didn't want to join forces with Man Qing, and his determination was still firm, so even if Yinhu continued to persuade him, it was impossible for him to make a move.

At this point, Yinhu raised his head, the reverence in his eyes had disappeared, he clasped his fists and said solemnly: "Your Majesty, the foreign minister will pass on the letter through the flying pigeons, and tell my emperor exactly what you said and done just now. I believe it will be soon." got a response."

"Your envoy, please help yourself."

Liu Che said indifferently, not caring about the threat in Yinhu's words at all.

Seeing this, Yinhu felt extremely helpless, this Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty was really difficult to deal with.

"For the next few days, the foreign minister will still stay in Ji County. If His Majesty repents, he can contact the foreign minister at any time."

"I have made a decision and I will never regret it."

After hearing Liu Che's words, Yinhu left without looking back. If he stayed any longer, he would be humiliating himself.

As soon as Yinhu left, the officials of the Northern Han Dynasty exploded in an instant, complaining about Liu Che's coming, thinking that Manqing's kindness should not be rejected on the spot.

"Your Majesty, even if Man Qing has ulterior motives, we can still take advantage of it and use our strength to fight against the Qin army."

"Yes, but now not only has Qin Jun been offended, but even Man Qing has been completely offended."



After Liu Che yelled angrily, the scene was suddenly silent.

"Do you really think that Manqing is here to help us? Do you really think that seeking the tiger's skin will end well? Hmph, naive."

After Liu Che snorted coldly, his eyes were overwhelming all the officials, and he said coldly, "Don't think about borrowing external force, the only thing we can rely on now is ourselves."

As soon as these words came out, everyone's illusions were shattered immediately, and bitterness flashed across the faces of all the officials in the court.

On the other hand, just after Yinhu left the Northern Han Dynasty's temporary palace, he immediately conveyed the news of Liu Che's refusal to form an alliance with the Manchu Qing back to Shengjing via Feige.

After receiving the news of Liu Che's refusal, not only Nurhachi, but also the upper echelons of the Manchu and Qing Dynasties were all stunned, unable to understand Liu Che's actions.

After all, sincerity has been gained, steps have been given, and face has also been given. The Manchus have done this, and they still don't want to offer assistance to the door.

I'm afraid this Liu Che is out of his mind, so he expects the Northern Han Dynasty to be destroyed by Qin, right?

He didn't think about it, with the strength of the Northern Han Dynasty, even if it expanded the army, would it be able to stop the Qin army?

The upper echelons of the Manchu and Qing Dynasties were really powerless to complain, while Nurhachi was even more frightened and angry.

"I don't know how to flatter, this Liu Che really doesn't know how to flatter me."

Nurhachi's eyes were full of anger, and he didn't blame Yinhu for the failure of the envoy. After all, when he met Liu Che, a master with a problematic mind, no matter who he sent as an envoy, the end result would be the same.

Huang Taiji stood up and said, "Ama, my Qing Dynasty has shown the greatest sincerity, but Liu Che still doesn't want to join forces with my Qing Dynasty, and Liu Che blocked the first step of his plan to help Liu fight against Qin.

That being the case, it is not easy for me, the Qing Dynasty, to force it. It is better to send troops first to unify the three Koreas. "

Nurhachi glanced at his son, and reprimanded him: "As a prince, heir of a country, you have to take a long-term view and look at problems from the perspective of the whole world.

If we sit back and watch the Qin army occupy Youzhou, even if we can unify the three Koreas, our Qing Dynasty will be blocked in the northeast, and it will be difficult to go south to the Central Plains in the future.

Therefore, even if Liu Che is unwilling to join forces with my Qing Dynasty, my Qing Dynasty can't just sit back and watch Qin Hao occupy Youzhou. "


Huang Taiji wanted to persuade him again, but when he saw Yongzheng winking at him, and Ama had a faint tendency to get angry, he immediately suppressed what he wanted to say.

After Huang Taiji retreated with a displeased face, Yongzheng came out with a straight face and said: "Your Majesty, Liu Che has too much prejudice against us, the Qing Dynasty, and would rather fight alone and be destroyed by Qin than fight with us." I joined hands with the Qing Dynasty to help Liu Kangqin, but it became self-indulgent.

Liu Che has this 10,000+ army in his hands, which is an indispensable force to resist the Qin army. Since Liu Che does not want to make a good alliance with my Qing Dynasty, he can only force Liu Che and my Qing Dynasty to join forces. "

Yongzheng also looked away, since he couldn't stop the ancestor from going south, he might as well help the ancestor to occupy Youzhou.

After hearing Yongzheng's words, Nurhachi's eyes lit up immediately, and he quickly asked, "What kind of coercion?"

"Your Majesty can send spies from the Nianlan Office to Hebei to spread rumors that Liu Che has joined hands with us to fight against Qin. It doesn't matter whether other people believe it or not, as long as someone in the Qin army believes."

Yongzheng's eyes were full of wisdom, and he said confidently: "Once the Qin army believes that Liu Che and my Qing Dynasty have joined forces, even if Liu Che did not join forces with my Qing Dynasty, in the eyes of the world, he will also join hands with my Qing Dynasty." teamed up.

At the same time, our army will also march towards Youzhou to cooperate with the rumors. By that time, Liu Che will not be able to tell even if he has [-] mouths. "

After hearing these words, Nurhachi showed joy at first, but after pondering for a while, he frowned again and said: "I know Liu Che, and if our army enters Youzhou forcefully, he will fall if he doesn't agree to form an alliance. Come over and fight our army."

Yongzheng smiled mysteriously, and said: "Your Majesty, Youzhou is not just a Northern Han power, besides the Northern Han, there is Chen Baxian's Chen Guo.

So this time, my cavalry of the Qing Dynasty entered Youzhou not because of Liu Che, but at the invitation of King Chen Baxian to help Chen fight against Qin and protect Youzhou.

It's fine that Liu Che himself doesn't want to form an alliance with my Qing Dynasty, but can Chen Baxian not form an alliance with my Qing Dynasty? "


Nurhachi slapped his thigh violently, and said with a smile: "Chen Baxian is also one of the princes of Youzhou. If he enters Youzhou under his banner, even Liu Che will not be able to find fault with him."

"But Ama, as far as I know, Chen Baxian also has a big prejudice against me, Daqing, and I'm afraid he won't take the initiative to invite me to Youzhou." Huang Taiji said.

"Ha ha……"

Hearing this, Nurhachi immediately sneered: "Chen Ba is a smart person first, he will agree, even if he disagrees, it doesn't matter.

The Kingdom of Chen has only been established for a few months, and although Chen Baxian is the king of Chen, the Kingdom of Chen is not his final decision, but a family.

As early as Gongsun Zan's period, my Qing Dynasty was buying the family in Youzhou. Most of the families in Liao Kingdom were bought by my Qing Dynasty, and it is naturally the same now.

Chen Baxian thought he controlled Chen Guo, but he didn't know that he was surrounded by my people, and Chen Guo had always been under the control of my Qing Dynasty. "

Speaking of this, Nurhachi's eyes flashed a cold light, and he said with a gloomy face: "If Chen Baxian doesn't know how to praise, I can change Chen Wang at any time, and continue to implement the strategy of aiding Chen against Qin."

 The second update, this chapter is a reward and an update, thank you for the 10000 starting point coins rewarded by the book friend Nether Ghost Lamp, and add an update to show your gratitude!

  In addition, thanks to the book friend Ba Tritium Pig for the 20000 starting point coins, plus 2 more chapters.

  Thanks for the 30000 starting point coins rewarded by book friends who don't understand natural dreams, and add 3 more chapters.

  In addition, the monthly pass has accumulated to 1400, and 2 more chapters will be added.

  At present, there are 14 chapters owed for rewards and monthly ticket plus updates.

  I owed 14 chapters in just three days, and I seemed to be playing a bit too much, so I had to pay off the debts during the May Day holiday.

(End of this chapter)

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