Chapter 1761
Chapter 1759: Plan to die prematurely
Liu Che's extreme lack of cooperation made Nurhachi angry and helpless. In desperation, he could only find another way, preparing to enter Youzhou under the guise of uniting with Chen Guo.

Although Chen Wang and Chen Baxian had defected to the banner of the Northern Han Dynasty at the beginning of the founding of the country, each vassal state had its own military, political, and diplomatic autonomy, and even the imperial court could not intervene.

For example: Cao Wei, Zhao Song, Sun Wu and the Three Kingdoms all directly respect the Luoyang court as orthodox, but the Luoyang court cannot intervene in the internal affairs of the three countries.

Although King Chen was conferred by Liu Che himself, Chen's diplomacy still has nothing to do with Han.

If Chen Baxian really agreed to the Manchu Qing's request and recruited the Manchu Qing army into Youzhou, then Liu Che really couldn't stop it, after all, it was his country's internal affairs.

Man Qing, who was planning a grand plan, moved quickly, and moved troops from all over the country to Liaodong County, and this also greatly increased the pressure on Gongsun Xuanyuan in the gap between Qing and Chen.

Since Gongsun Shu usurped the throne, Gongsun Xuanyuan, who was expelled from the Liao Kingdom, has been resisting Wanyan Aguda outside the border.

It is precisely because of Gongsun Xuanyuan at the front line that after Wang Mang and Gongsun Shu drove into Qingbei, Chen Baxian, who was guarding the Liao Kingdom in the rear, was not threatened by the Northern Han Dynasty and the Manchu Dynasty, and had almost no worries. In a short period of time, he united the aristocratic family, concentrated the power of the Liao Kingdom in his own hands, and finally succeeded in usurping the throne and changing the Liao Kingdom to the Chen Kingdom.

After the establishment of the Chen Kingdom, Chen Baxian immediately professed himself a vassal to the Northern Han Dynasty, and justifiably won the canonization of the King of Chen, and then made a good relationship with the Manchu Qing Dynasty.

It has to be said that Chen Baxian is still very knowledgeable about current affairs. Facing the two giants of the Northern Han Dynasty and the Manchu Qing Dynasty, his policy is not to offend both sides. In the end, he hid behind Gongsun Xuanyuan and gained precious time for self-cultivation.

Chen Ba first accumulated strength in the back, and Gongsun Xuanyuan in the front was not feeling well.

Under the planning of Fuxi and Shennong, although the Liao army escaped the crisis of annihilation several times, it also gave the Manchu a strong counterattack, causing Wanyan Agu to suffer a lot of casualties.

However, after all, the Manchu Qing had a large number of territory and population, which could quickly recover the losses of the Qing army, while the Liao army, which no longer had any territory, died one by one.

After realizing that the strength of the Liao army was getting weaker and weaker, the Manchu offensives became stronger each time, and the Liao army suffered more and more casualties, and soon more than half of them were killed.

Obviously, the Liao army is almost at the point where it will run out of water, ammunition and food, and even food, grass and military supplies will be exhausted.

If there is no support, even with the presence of the three great gods Fuxi, Shennong, and Xuanyuan, the Liao army still cannot avoid the end of the entire army being wiped out.

When it was extremely critical, Huo Qubing of Daijun sent cavalry to detour through the grassland to send precious supplies to the Liao army. At the same time, Chen Baxian of Chen State also gave Gongsun Xuanyuan some support.

Different from Huo Qubing's pure goodwill, Chen Baxian completely wanted to use the Liao army.

Once the Liao army is destroyed, Chen Guo will directly border the Manchu Qing, and it is obviously difficult for the current Chen Guo to fight against the giant Manchu Qing.

That's why Chen Baxian took the initiative to support the Liao army. He wanted to squeeze out the last bit of value of the Liao army and let Gongsun Xuanyuan buy himself as much time as possible.

Although Gongsun Xuanyuan understood Chen Baxian's sinister intentions, he had no choice but to accept the support of Chen Guo, and continued to fight against the Qing army with the assistance of Chen and Qin.

Qin's support allowed the Liao army to have sufficient supplies, while Chen's support allowed the Liao army to avoid food shortages.

On the surface, the situation of the Liao army seems to be getting better, but in fact it has not reversed.

Even with the assistance of Qin and Chen, the Liao army has no supply of troops after all, and every soldier who dies is one less, so how long can it last?

In the beginning, Gongsun Xuanyuan had [-] elites in his hands, but half of them were killed or killed in the fight, but now there are only a little over ten thousand left, and nearly two-thirds of them have died in battle. If it continues, sooner or later will be lit.

Although Gongsun Xuanyuan was betrayed by his family and siblings, he still had a good reputation among the people. After learning of the plight of the Liao army on the front line, many people in Chen State volunteered to join the army.

Before, due to insufficient food and grass, and the uselessness of recruits, Gongsun Xuanyuan did not dare to accept these civilians into the army.

However, as the casualties of the troops increased and there was no source of troops to replenish them, these civilians who volunteered to join the army became the only source of troops for the Liao army. In addition, Gongsun Xuanyuan would send people to the surrounding villages and towns to recruit troops.

"My lord, the people we sent to recruit soldiers from more than 20 villages and towns, including Li Village and Wang Village, not only failed to recruit a single recruit this time, but they were also detained by Chen Baxian's people."

Gongsun Yu's eyes were full of anger, and he said: "Although Chen Baxian did not give an explicit order, he hinted that his subordinates would prevent our army from recruiting troops, and even set up checkpoints to intercept those people who came to join the army on their own initiative. It is too much."


Gongsun Xuanyuan's eyes were full of anger, he hammered down the table angrily, smashing it to pieces.

Gongsun Xuanyuan didn't pay attention to Chen Baxian at first, in his opinion, Chen Baxian was just Wang Mang's pawn, but he didn't expect that this pawn's methods were so clever, far more difficult to deal with than Gongsun Shu, and now it has become stuck in his throat One of them got stabbed.

Gongsun Xuanyuan turned his head to look at Li Hongzhang, and asked coldly: "Mr. Li, one month before the Battle of Beihai, you said that the reinforcements from the Qin army were coming soon, but now that the Qin army has occupied Jizhou and Qingbei, my lord is still there." Did not see a Qin Bing.

Are you kidding yourself? "

Gongsun Xuanyuan's aura was too strong, even though Li Hongzhang knew that he would not kill him and was just venting his anger, he was still drenched in cold sweat from the aura of fright.

While wiping the cold sweat from his forehead, Li Hongzhang said with a wry smile: "Mr. Liao, you also agree with the battle plan that was made before, but there are unexpected events.

Yuan Emperor Tuo Lei died unexpectedly, and the internal situation in Yuan Meng was treacherous. Mao Dun wanted to lead the army south to divert attention, and the battle in Bingzhou was imminent.

It is precisely because of this that General Huo Qubing of Daijun had to shelve the plan in order to cooperate with Wang Meng's governor and prevent the Yuanmeng army from suddenly attacking Bingzhou.

This can't be blamed, can it? "

In fact, Huo Qubing had run into trouble with Wei Qing long before the Battle of Qingbei. After realizing that Wei Qing was not easy to deal with, Huo Qubing called all the civil and military under his command to discuss the battle plan.

After several days of deliberation, Huo Qubing finally formulated the entire plan of Youzhou strategy with the help of one person, and the person who proposed this plan was Gongsun Xuanyuan's younger brother, Wei Yang (Shang Yang).

 Guaranteed update... There are some things today, the update is a bit late, but don't worry, I will definitely stay up late tonight to add updates.

  If the monthly ticket exceeds 100, one chapter will be added. At present, the monthly ticket has been added to 5 chapters.

  Brothers, take it easy, it's too scary, if this trend continues, Liu Xiang will probably be exhausted to death!
(End of this chapter)

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