Chapter 1763
Chapter 1761: Full house of traitors
In the end, Fuxi reconciled with Xie Siyun and left, and of course Shennong did the same.

The two chose to leave at the same time, mainly because they wanted to help Xuanyuan, the third brother. After all, the situation Xuanyuan was facing at this time, even they were powerless, and the only way to help Xuanyuan was to inherit the position of leader.

Regarding the departure of the two righteous brothers, although Gongsun Xuanyuan was extremely reluctant, he did not stop him. After all, the two righteous brothers had helped him enough, and he did not want the two righteous brothers to stay with him adventure.

Not long after Fuxi and Shennong left, Li Hongzhang got the news from the intelligence network of the Qin army that the Manchu and Qing armies were gathering in Liaodong and might enter Youzhou at any time.

The intelligence network established by Gongsun Zan before was completely destroyed by the Qing Dynasty because of Wu Sangui's betrayal. In addition, the Liao Kingdom had been usurped by Chen Baxian, so Gongsun Xuanyuan had no information to help him. The only thing he could rely on was the Qin army. intelligence network.

After learning about the movement of the Manchus from Li Hongzhang, Gongsun Xuanyuan was not surprised at all. With his wisdom, he could easily analyze that as the Qin army completely occupied Jizhou and Qingbei, it was planned to sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight. Man Qing, obviously couldn't sit still at this time, that's why he was so eager to transfer troops to Liaodong.

In the beginning, Gongsun Xuanyuan had [-] elite troops and could fight against Wanyan Aguda relying on geographical advantages, but now Gongsun Xuanyuan only has an army of more than [-] left in his hands, which is enough to deal with Wanyan Aguda, let alone leading the army himself Nurhachi is gone.

"Duke Liao, according to the information obtained by our army's spies, the Manchu Qing army that has entered Liaodong has exceeded 15. If you add the troops in Wanyan Aguda's hands, the total strength of the Manchu Qing will exceed 20."

Li Hongzhang's eyes were full of solemnity, and he said in a deep voice: "Currently, the Liao army only has more than 20 troops left, and they are extremely exhausted. Confronting the [-] Manchu and Qing troops is tantamount to being a mantis.

There is also news from General Huo Qubing, I hope you, Lord Liao, can lead the army to avoid the sharp edge. "

"But even if you want to avoid the sharp edge temporarily, where can you avoid it?"

Gongsun Xuanyuan frowned and asked, after all, he is not stupid, so naturally he would not be so determined to lead an army of 20 to fight head-on with an army of [-], that would not be brave but stupid.

It's not that Gongsun Xuanyuan never thought of escaping into Chen State, but behind him is Chen Baxian's army, staring at the Liao Army's camp day and night.

Obviously, Chen Baxian would never let Gongsun Xuanyuan enter the Chen Kingdom until all the troops in his hands were wiped out and all use values ​​were completely lost.

Hearing Gongsun Xuanyuan's question, Li Hongzhang couldn't help frowning.

In Huo Qubing's biography of Feige, it only said that the Liao army should temporarily avoid the edge, but it didn't say how to temporarily avoid the edge?
Li Hongzhang stared at the map, thought for a long time, suddenly had a flash of inspiration, and said excitedly: "There are many mountains in the western Liaoning area, you can escape into the mountainous areas in western Liaoning to avoid the pincer attack of the Qing army and Chen army."

"Hiding in the mountains?"

Gongsun Xuanyuan revealed a look of disappointment, and said: "The mountainous area in the west of Liao is hundreds of miles away, and it is indeed possible to hide people, but what about supplies?
It is difficult to get supplies in the mountains. Once the way out is blocked, only [-] troops are needed to consume our entire army.

Fleeing into the mountains to avoid war is really the way to death. "

"No and no."

Li Hongzhang's face was full of confidence, pointing to a mountain range on the map, and said: "The mountains in western Liaoning are connected to each other, and this mountain is next to the grassland, and the grain and grass of our Qin army can be transported from here to ensure that the hiding place is safe." The army that enters the mountains has no food."

Hearing this, Gongsun Xuanyuan also looked at the map and pondered for a while before saying: "It is indeed possible, but this can only guarantee continuous food supply.

This time, the 20 troops of the Manchu Qing came here, and there was no shortage of troops at all. Even if our army hid in the mountains, the Manchu Qing would definitely send troops into the mountains to encircle and suppress them until our army was completely wiped out.

With the current strength of our army, even if we rely on the favorable location, we won't be able to last long. "

"Haha, Duke Liao's words are wrong. The Manchu Qing has dispatched a total of 20 troops. The plan must be huge. How can we delay too much time because of us?"

A gleam flashed in Li Hongzhang's eyes, and he said confidently: "If what I expected is not bad, as long as we can escape the first wave of encirclement and suppression by the Manchus, the Manchus will only block the exits and let us fend for ourselves. Instead, the army can become a surprise army."

Gongsun Xuanyuan's eyes lit up immediately, and he made a final decision and said: "It's a good plan, let's do it like this."

Following Gongsun Xuanyuan's order, [-] Liao troops took their supplies and weapons and fled into the stretch of Liaoxi Mountains overnight. It was too late when Chen Jun's spies found out.

In King Chen's palace, Chen Baxian sat on the throne.

Below, Zhao Ji, Zhao Huan, Zhao Kai, Gao Qiu, Cai Jing, Tong Guan, Wang Fu, Liang Shicheng, Zhu Yan, Li Yan, Zhang Bangchang and other ministers of civil and military affairs lined up on the left and right, which can be described as full of traitors.

To say that these people are traitors does not wrong them at all.

You must know that Gongsun Xuanyuan has the "Holy King", which can invisibly increase the loyalty of his subordinates, but even if the loyalty is improved by the "Holy King", they still betray Gongsun Xuanyuan without hesitation. It can be seen that these people are simply There is no cure.

"Report... the king Qi, Gongsun Xuanyuan led the army to escape into the mountains, and the Liao army fled."


When Chen Ba first learned about it, he was shocked at first, but then he looked surprised, and said to himself in doubt: "Even if Gongsun Xuanyuan wants to avoid the edge for a while, how could he make this move? Without our food supplies, the Liao army fled What to eat after entering the mountains? This is a dead move."

Gao Qiu stood up at this time and said: "My lord, Gongsun Xuanyuan is greedy for life and afraid of death. He is at ease by running away. There is no buffer between me, Chen Guo, and Man Qing, and I have to face Man Qing directly." The soldiers are at the forefront."

Chen Baxian frowned slightly, sighed and said: "Although I don't want to fight the Manchus, if the Manchus really come to invade my territory, they can only cover it with soldiers.

His Gongsun Xuanyuan was able to stand against Wanyan Aguda for several months with only [-] lone troops. This king sits on the entire Chen country, can't he still not be able to defend Chen country? "

Chen Baxian didn't say anything like asking for help from Beihan, because he knew that Beihan was too busy to take care of himself and couldn't afford to send troops to support his Chen country.

As soon as Chen Baxian said this, the expressions of Gao Qiu and other ministers present all changed subtly.

Cai Jing, Zhang Bangchang and the others look at each other. After a while, Li Yan stood up and said with a faint smile, "My lord, I don't think it's a good idea to fight the Manchus. In fact, there is a better way. The Qing Dynasty turned wars into treasures."


Hearing this, Chen Baxian was shocked immediately, and quickly asked: "Please come quickly."

 From the third watch to... a total of thirteen chapters are still owed
(End of this chapter)

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