Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1764 Chen Baxian who was emptied

Chapter 1764 Chen Baxian who was emptied

Chapter 1762: Chen Baxian who was emptied


Li Yan pretended to cough, and after clearing his throat, he held his head up and his chest up, and said with a smile on his face, "My lord has served as a vassal to the Northern Han Dynasty before, and now I can follow suit, and then to the Manchu Qing."

"Good plan!"

Zhu Xi stood up, and with an air of admiration, he said flatteringly, "In this case, the two families will become one family, and naturally we can turn hostility into friendship. It's a good plan."

Hearing what Zhu Xi said, Li Yan immediately looked proud and complacent, as if he really thought that what he just said was an incredible good strategy.

Chen Baxian was quite looking forward to it, but when he heard this, his nose was almost twisted. Seeing that the two wanted to continue talking, he immediately cursed: "You bastard, shut up."

Li Yan and Zhu Xi, who were originally complacent, turned a little ugly after being yelled at by Chen Baxian.

Both of them looked at Chen Baxian with some doubts. They didn't understand that Chen Baxian was fine just now, but why did he turn into such a big anger? The speed of changing his face is too fast, isn't it?
Chen Ba saw this first, and immediately reprimanded him with a cold face: "Is this king professing a vassal to the Northern Han Dynasty, and following the Man Qing, can this be the same concept?

Liu Che is a clan member of the Han family, but the Man Qing is a barbarian of a foreign race. To seek refuge with Liu Che is to maintain the orthodoxy of the Han Dynasty, but to seek refuge with the Man Qing is to forget one's ancestors and become a traitor to the country.

Li Yan and Zhu Qian, do you want to trap this king in a situation of disloyalty, filial piety, benevolence and righteousness? "

After hearing this, Li Yan and Zhu Man's expressions changed immediately, and they quickly knelt down together and shouted in unison: "I dare not, I know my mistake."


Although Chen Baxian was still furious in his heart, he was no longer ready to pursue it any further. After all, although these two men had no talent and their aptitudes were extremely mediocre, they had put a lot of effort into being able to sit on the throne of King Chen. of.

Chen Baxian kindly let Li Yan and Zhu Qian go, but he didn't know that the two people who were bowing their heads were angry and resentful in their eyes at this time, and cursed in their hearts: You Chen Baxian, how dare you yell at me? King, you are just a dispensable puppet.

At this time Cai Jing also stood up and said, "My lord, my subordinates think that Li Zhu's strategies are not without merit."

Chen Baxian looked at Cai Jing with a look of astonishment. In his heart, Cai Jing was a talented person, far from being comparable to idiots like Li Yan and Zhu Xi. How could he not understand such an obvious truth?
Although Cai Jing, Tong Guan, Wang Fu, Liang Shicheng, Zhu Yan, and Li Yan were listed as the six thieves of the Northern Song Dynasty, they were treacherous officials who could not be wiped clean, but not all treacherous officials were incompetent.

Traitors like Cai Jing, Qin Hui, and He Shen are traitors, but they are also capable ministers, and their abilities are not bad at all.

The focus is on Cai Jing, who has served as prime minister four times, with a term of 17 years, with ups and downs and ups and downs several times.

Cai Jing has also done a lot of practical things, but with the improvement of his status and power, he became more and more greedy, and gradually changed from a competent minister to a treacherous minister.

And treacherous ministers like Zhu Xi and Li Yan are idiots who don't have much ability, only know how to flatter and flatter.

Therefore, Cai Jing, Tong Guan, Wang Fu, Liang Shicheng, Zhu Yu, and Li Yan are all six thieves in the Northern Song Dynasty, but the first four have real skills, while the latter two are pure idiots, completely different from each other. And language.

Chen Baxian didn't understand Cai Jing's thoughts, so he asked, "What do you think if you don't know Yuan Chang (Cai Jing's name)?"

"I don't dare to take it as an opinion, it's just some personal opinions.

Although the strength of my country Chen has recovered a lot, compared with the Manchu Qing, it is still far behind. If there is a war, it will be defeated sooner or later, so avoiding the war is the best policy.

Being a minister may not sound good in name, but if it is to protect the country and the people, and to protect the people of Chen from the devastation of war, what does it matter if one's reputation is tarnished? "

As soon as Cai Jing finished speaking, most of the officials, including Zhang Bangchang and Gao Qiu, followed suit.

"Yes, Brother Cai is right. Compared with the entire Chen country, what is your personal reputation worth?"

Seeing that almost all the officials in the hall agreed with Cai Jing's point of view, Chen Baxian's face suddenly became extremely ugly.

Chen Ba first stared at Cai Jing. He thought he had seen through Cai Jing, but found that he had never really understood this person. At this moment, Cai Jing gave him an unprecedented sense of strangeness.

Cai Jing smiled indifferently, not caring about Chen Baxian's glaring eyes, but at this moment Zhang Bangchang stood up again and said, "My lord's words just now were a little too aggressive.

Even if I profess my vassal to the Man Qing, I, Chen Guo, was forced to profess my vassal to the Man Qing only for the sake of self-protection.

The big deal is to wait until the strength becomes stronger in the future, and then Xiang Manqing will wash away the shame. "

Although the words of Cai Jing and Zhang Bangchang were righteous, they could not conceal the fact that they were also surrenderists and supported Zhu Xi and Li Yan's point of view of surrendering to the Qing Dynasty.

Chen Baxian was obviously not so good at fooling around. After taking a deep breath, he called him by his first name and said, "Cai Jing Zhang Bangchang, do you know what you are talking about? You are really talented when you talk about being a traitor so grandly."

After hearing Chen Baxian's ridicule, the faces of Cai Jing and Zhang Bangchang turned cold instantly. Cai Jing said coldly: "My lord, you are very irrational now, and you are not suitable for dealing with military affairs anymore. You should go back to the palace and have a good rest."


Chen Baxian laughed back in anger, and said: "This king is Chen Wang, this king is not suitable, so are you suitable?
Come, take down Cai Jing, Zhang Bangchang, Zhu Yu, and Li Yan, dismiss them from office and put them in prison, so as to make an example of others.

In the future, if someone dares to profess to be a vassal to the Manchu Qing Dynasty, they will end up with them... someone?What about people? "

Chen Ba yelled for a long time, but the soldiers below did not move.

Looking at the ministers again, he found that they were all looking at him jokingly, as if they were watching a monkey. This made Chen Baxian's heart go cold instantly.

"You, you..."

Chen Baxian pointed at the crowd tremblingly, his eyes were full of anger and disbelief, he asked himself that the balance of the court was still in place, why was it inexplicably rejected by the civil and military forces of the Manchu Dynasty?

Why is this happening?

And when was his personal guard replaced?
Chen Baxian had too many doubts, but no one answered him.

Cai Jing looked at Chen Baxian indifferently, and said indifferently: "The lord is tired, come here, take the lord back to the palace to rest."


As soon as Cai Jing finished speaking, a large group of soldiers immediately obeyed and stepped forward to forcibly arrest Chen Baxian.

Seeing this first, Chen Ba clenched his fists. He is not weak and has the ability to resist, but after weighing the pros and cons, he let go of his fists.

"The king will go by himself."

After coldly putting down these harsh words, Chen Baxian strode towards the palace without looking back, while the soldiers followed behind him every step of the way.

 At the fourth update, 12 chapters are still owed...

  I stayed up all night and wrote four chapters. I posted two last night and two this morning. I owe too much.

(End of this chapter)

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