Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1765 Why did the lord rebel?

Chapter 1765 Why did the lord rebel?

Looking at the back of Chen Baxian leaving, a murderous intent flashed deep in Cai Jing's eyes, but he quickly suppressed it.

These people have been traitors twice. They betrayed Gongsun Xuanyuan and took refuge in Gongsun Shu, and betrayed Gongsun Shu and took refuge in Chen Baxian. Their reputations are already very bad.

Although Cai Jing didn't care about his reputation, he cared about his own life and the survival of his family. If they betrayed the master for the third time, wouldn't they become slaves of the four surnames?
Then which other princes dare to accept them in the future?

In addition to this point, the main reason why Cai Jing let Chen Baxian go is because he needs to resist the infamy of being a vassal of the Manchu Qing.

Since the beginning of the troubled times, although the great Han quickly fell apart and fell into internal strife and frequent wars, they have not suffered any losses in the war against foreign races.

Qin Wen occupied Hetao, Liu Xiu conquered Jingnan Shanyue, Liu Ji and Liu Yu defeated Nanman King Chiyou, Li Shimin, Yang Guang, Ma Teng and Han Sui directly destroyed the Qiang people, and Qin Hao directly killed the grassland overlord Yuan Emperor Temujin .

So far, there has not been a prince who has ever counseled in front of a foreign race, and he has always fought hard until the opponent is convinced.

If Chen Guo were to be the first vassal to profess his vassalship to foreigners, it is conceivable that he would definitely be nailed to the frame of shame, spurned by the people who went to the country, and would be infamous for thousands of years.

In addition to his own rejection of foreign races, Chen Baxian strongly opposed surrendering to the Manchu Qing because he knew this.

Cai Jing and the others also know this, so they need a tool-man protagonist to resist the infamy of professing to the Manchu Qing for them, so it has nothing to do with them.

The reason why Cai Jing, Gao Qiu, Zhang Bangchang and others would rather be traitors than defect to the Qing Dynasty is mainly because of the Qin army's policy towards the aristocratic family.

Although the aristocratic families in other states are also powerful, they are far from controlling the local area, but Chen Guo is different, the whole country is controlled by the aristocratic family.

The land of Chen State has successively experienced the four princes of Gongsun Zan, Gongsun Xuanyuan, Gongsun Shu, and Chen Baxian. The national power is getting weaker and weaker, but the aristocratic family has become stronger.

Today, the nine major families of Cai, Gao, Zhang, Zhao, Tong, Wang, Liang, Zhu, and Li basically control all aspects of the economy, land, and politics of Chen State, and they are completely the local emperors of Chen State.

On the surface, Chen Baxian is the Chen King of the Chen Kingdom, but he has no control over the local counties at all. He, the Chen King, is just a product of multi-party operation and balance, but more like a leader.

Although the harshness of the Qin army's policy towards the aristocratic families is far less than that of Zhu Ming, it is still unacceptable in the eyes of the nine major families.

Therefore, once the Qin army occupied Chen State, the local aristocratic family would not only lose tangible benefits such as land, tenant farmers, servants, etc., but also more intangible power.

In short, what they will lose is far more than that of the Hebei family.

And after losing these, what is the difference between these high-ranking families and those lowly commoners?
The Chen family was afraid that the Qin army would occupy Youzhou and harm their interests, but the Qin army's strength was not something they could shake.

At present, the Qin army is in full swing in Hebei, Jizhou and Qingbei have all been occupied, and it will be the turn of Youzhou.

Relying on the local forces in Youzhou, even if they unite, they can resist the Qin army that covers several states. Anyone with a discerning eye knows that this is impossible.

Realizing that Youzhou would fall sooner or later, and once the Qin army occupied Youzhou, their aristocratic families would also fall from the clouds to the mortal world, which made Chen Guo start to panic all the time.

After enjoying the status of the emperor of the earth, it was naturally difficult for the Chen family to accept the return to the original status, and at this time the Manchu Qing took the initiative to throw an olive branch to them.

From the perspective of the nine aristocratic families of the Chen Kingdom, neither Chen Baxian nor Liu Che could fight against the fierce Qin army, and only the powerful Manchu Qing could keep their existing interests.

In addition, Man Qing was not stingy, in order to win over the nine great families, he promised a lot of benefits, which made the nine great families very excited.

In addition, the Manchu Qing attached great importance to the Han people who took refuge in the past. After the three generals Wu Sangui, Shang Kexi, and Geng Jingzhong took refuge in the past, they have all been enshrined as marquises.

Therefore, the nine aristocratic families of Chen State, without much consideration, unanimously decided to sell Chen Baxian, seek refuge in Manqing, and then borrow the power of Manqing to resist the Qin army in order to protect the interests of their own family. A victim of a family of nations.

"Brother Cai, it looks like Chen Ba won't cooperate with us honestly, or..."

As he said that, a murderous intent flashed in Gao Qiu's eyes, and he made a movement of wiping his neck, which meant nothing more than words.

"If you kill Chen Baxian now, any fool will know that we did it. It's too obvious."

Cai Jing shook his head resolutely, then sneered and said, "Whether Chen Ba first accompanies us or not, what difference does it make to us? We just need him to help us resist the infamy."

Zhang Bangchang came over and said lightly: "Chen Baxian is not a simple person. He entered the west of Liaoxi alone, dealt with various major events, and finally sat on the throne of King Chen. His methods are quite powerful, so let's be more cautious." , don’t capsize the boat in the gutter.”

"Don't worry, I only have a backhand."

Cai Jing smiled and said confidently: "In this land in western Liaoning, even if Chen Ba is a real dragon first, he still can't fly against our aristocratic family."

On the other side, after returning to the palace, Chen Baxian's expression was extremely gloomy, and his eyes seemed to be filled with flames.

"Damn Cai Jing, damn family."

Chen Baxian gritted his teeth and said that he really regrets it now. In order to get the support of the family, he promised the family too much benefits and made the family bigger, so that now it is completely too big to lose.

"Do you think this will make me succumb, dreaming." Chen Baxian said bitterly to himself.

After all, Chen Baxian is not an ordinary person. After realizing that he has become a tool of the family, he immediately planned in his mind how to fight back.

Although Chen Guo's family has teamed up and imprisoned him, it is impossible to completely control the army so quickly.

Chen Baxian is not alone in Chen Guo, he has an elite team that Wang Mang gave to him, and many of Chen Guoxin's army are his confidantes.

Among Chen Guo's [-] troops, at least half of them will still obey Chen Baxian's orders.

"Immediately send an order to General Chen Chao and General Tong Guan, let them come back as quickly as possible, and kill the rebels." Chen Baxian coldly ordered to his confidants.

Chen Chao is Chen Baxian's younger brother, and Tong Guan is the first general Chen Baxian came to Youzhou, and he took the initiative to seek refuge. He has always been loyal to him, so in his opinion, these two people will never betray him.


The man in black fled into the night sky and quickly disappeared.

Chen Baxian waited quietly for Chen Chao and Tong Guan to lead the army back, and Qing Jun sided to save him from the fire and water, but what waited was not the army, but Cai Jing and other major families.

Seeing that Tong Guan was also in the queue of the aristocratic family, Chen Baxian's face turned pale for a short while, and he pointed tremblingly at Tong Guan, so angry that he was speechless.

Tong Guan glanced at Chen Baxian indifferently, and then threw Chao Chen's head directly at Chen Baxian's feet. Obviously, the family won this invisible struggle.

Cai Jing stood among the crowd, looked at Chen Baxian with a miserable face, and asked coldly, "Why did my lord rebel?"

 Guaranteed one update to...

  Thanks for the 20000 starting point coins rewarded by book friends, and two more chapters are added as a token of gratitude.

  The monthly ticket breaks 200 plus one more chapter, and there are currently 15 chapters owed.

  Why is it accumulating more and more?Going to have a blast tonight.

(End of this chapter)

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